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Everything posted by Skkipper

  1. Hope this is out before the ofcc open. My GBS wants to play.
  2. Itc is for events where people travel sometimes great distances to play games with rules that makes the event palatable for most gamers. The bigger problem is I currently can't take forgeworld with the demonkin book.
  3. Nothing in FAQ says you cannot summon demons even if they are CTA so if you can get the powers you can summon.
  4. I used to pick up prizes for adepticon when I was there for work.
  5. They have always had a few war hammer world exclusive items. They were just things that leaned more towards collectible.
  6. It is spendy but I am thinking about adding one to my khornekin list since my shooting is next to nill. The giant ap2 blast seems worth it.
  7. Life isn't fair. I play khorne and everybody else has a psi phase and shooting.
  8. Nobody is 100% honest and fair. http://i.imgur.com/sNebp1W.gif
  9. An opinion forged on playing 40k since 92 in 2 dozen states and 6 different countries but I am sorry to flop out my experience. The size tends to impress.
  10. No I bring what is fun for me. Hell I finished last at tsfht in January as I brought khorne walkers. Fluger I am good friends with solid gt players and they never chipmunked scores. These are the guys from Toledo. Some players probably did but not the good players
  11. The facts are player scored comp helps balance a unbalanced game. When was the last event that had no rules on other than points limit on what you can bring? There are no or very few unbound or limitless detachment events. Opponent scored comp is a poll on what you brought
  12. Let's hear how you complain about Vela, Pretre. Master of the rumor worthiness. Player scored comp works!
  13. Is he south of i-90 close enough
  14. We already have sportsmanship and I openly score my opponent so they know what I thought of the game. I know you Portland people are sensitive but a comp score by your opponent is the best. The passive aggressive PNW this may cause hurt feelings but if you take a jerkbutt list. Your opponent should be able to mark you down.
  15. I was scheduled to be a captian the next year but work sent me away on short notice. I am a good game but know how to work a system.
  16. OFCC comp is solid but the two years I played. Our team abused the comp and ended up with best general both years.
  17. Your opponent decides. Even if you take a "soft" list but your opponent doesn't like it you could get a zero.
  18. I think the comp scores worked well back in 2nd 3rd and 4th editions. It really made people not take obvious i am a jerk lists. I still did. I put together a 888 point 8 man khorne chosen on bikes unit in chaos 3.5. It was tough and I got would get dinged on comp points but it was fun to play.
  19. The power levels between books are so huge. It can't be balanced. We just need to punish players who take power lists. That is what old comp scores did. You could win all your games yet not win anything at an event.
  20. 40k has never been balanced. We could just go back to giving an army 0-10 points on comp by the players playing against it. the problem is too many players get all hurt if there opponent gives them a zero then play their friend with a cheese list and gives him a ten.
  21. I don't care I would rather lose to a mixed army than beat a sisters army with 6 units of sisters and 3 missile piano tanks
  22. You are wrong pretre. As soon as you take a third troop choice you are paying the tax on necrons. I haven't looked at new eldar book but it prevents the swarm of 6 units of scatbikes. I feel spamming the same unit over and over is the most painful thing at events. Beat my pants off fine, just don't do it with min/max spam.
  23. Yes because sisters are a silly army and should be punished!!!
  24. Basically spamming is where stuff gets broken. If we just paid a points tax on each duplicate unit. List would become less spammy 1st unit is free 2nd is 25% tax 3rd unit is 50% tax . . . I feel a system like that doesn't prevent people from taking themed lists. It makes the game more diverse.
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