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Everything posted by Skkipper

  1. Spoilers below How about that solo family bonding!!
  2. Until recently Chaos Knights were not a legal choice in ITC events so they stayed home.
  3. Best may be sorted by most money spent on a model. Otherwise the best selling models would be upgrade guns or something.
  4. I play pretty much exclusively at two day events and most have a wysiwyg and painted as standard. I rarely see stuff that aren't either. I think the standards are lowered to encourage new players to come out or to fill small events. I find it annoying when people skirt the rules and have two colored slashes on black primed minis but I don't know what a TO will do about it.
  5. I was saying with my sisters comment that as long as you are consistent and cool, Most things work if you try. If you setup your army and give somebody a list they should be able to point out what is what easily.
  6. I am looking to use my space marines as a sisters army because boob armour is dumb. Convert any helmetless model with female head.
  7. Hot water, rubber bands, nice files, and tamiya model filler My storm eagle went together easily.
  8. Most players will accept if you go down as well but that may be frowned upon at your FLGS
  9. Sadly I can bring 8000 points of khorne for a team.
  10. I can do khorne. Khornekin, demons of khorne, CSM of Khorne and khorne renegades. We can be the KhorneKings!!
  11. Sweet I am a total rookie! I get a 1.
  12. I not fan of doubles I like captains choice on match ups.
  13. There were no bad games reported but the negatives would have been at our discretion. Good/OK =8, Exceptional was 9, each "favorite player" vote was 4 points.
  14. My first opponent had wyverns. He used them to ram my maulerfiends and tried to shoot butt armour on them as well.
  15. That hellforged hunting pack guy is a jerk!!! Oh wait that was me. 2 squads of bikes ran into the wall. I finished 3-2. My last three games were maelstrom based so it was a tough road with 9 models. I love this event and will return every year.
  16. Facing the mobs on my wife's birthday 12/17 7 pm.
  17. Like the plasma obliterator, even though these are plastic I think they are contracted out and will never be seen again.
  18. MechanicuM cerastus Knight-atrapos 8" d weapon 435 point knight
  19. Since my bloodthirsters are taking for ever to paint I am going with the hellforged hunting pack from the blood oath book. So the list is Greater brass scorpion 3 mauler fiends with lasher tentacles 1 blood slaughter 1 blood slaughter with impaler 2 soul grinders 1 Heldrake with bale flamer Very little shooting and no psi so it is a punch in your face list. Since it is khorne kin. I can summon some stuff so I will pack a squad of hounds, letters and crushers. I will also bring a thirster in case I get really lucky.
  20. Forgeworld is awesome and I am hoping to bring my Kytan to Tshft in January.
  21. I am passing since I need to paint up my hellforged hunting pack for harvester.
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