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Everything posted by Skkipper

  1. my in-laws bought me a set for my birthday.
  2. I wonder why the USA GW page hasn't updated yet.
  3. Like!! I haven't been to OFCC for a few years but I could totally pull together orks as well. Though as of late a seem to share all of your cons!!
  4. Yeah I will be getting me a couple of those boxes.
  5. Who cares what Fluger cares about!!! I need to see my new khorne cultists!!! I mean the genestealer cultists.
  6. The Bluetooth speakers will use the Bluetooth to connect to phone. I would use the 3.5mm connector to connect to pc
  7. On my short list currently is the JBL charge+ but I don't know if I want to spend $130 on a speaker.
  8. my pc speakers died this week and looking to get a portable bluetooth. so I can use it on my pc and when I go to the beach and stuff. does anybody have any reviews of awesome speakers?
  9. I don't think they would let me back in!!!
  10. I don't think they separated those out.
  11. Chaos marines did better than orks and nids at Las Vegas open.
  12. Skkipper

    Abyss Beer

    Founders KBS is decent but it is way over rated.
  13. I have ia 13 and it has a renegade guard list
  14. since the khornekin book has been out i have played 11 times (5 at harvester and 6 at tshft) and i played hellforged hunting pack in both. i am of no use.
  15. The winner was a Renegade guard army with thudd guns and raipers, chaos knight and enough magikz for summoning.
  16. I got stories about this!!! We need Sgt smokey bacon.
  17. I hope to finish higher than last year!!
  18. You don't lose a weapon to take sword. You get an extra attack. It is how it is modeled and their is really nothing to replace it except a strength 10 ap1 gun at bs 3 24" range. With 25 free points there are not many options For grinder Warp gaze for 25 Warp sword for 25 Torrent flamer for 20 For one wound toughness 4 and lower and none 2+ save the warpsword is better.
  19. Lacking objective secured and no d weapons will hurt versus certain armies and missions. Plus I will do something stupid.
  20. Greater brass scorpion Maulerfiend with lasher Maulerfiend with lasher Maulerfiend with lasher Heldrake with flamer Soul grinder Soul grinder with sword Bloodslaughterer Bloodslaughterer with impaler Same list I played at the harvester. Have letters and hounds and crushers and a skullkannon for summoning. Hope to go 4-2 and drink heavily!!
  21. Either list I have no idea how to play this. Depending how I feel I would with charge forward or I would hang in cover until I saw juicy targets. So much to consider. I should have played more games with my hellforged hunting pack.
  22. The best thing I saw summing up Bowie was: Bowie's Impact to music and culture will outlive you. Bowie is immortal.
  23. Sadly my bloodthirsters and knight list will not be painted enough to bring so bringing the hellforged hunting pack instead
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