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Everything posted by Skkipper

  1. With the whole STC construction, power armour would look like power armour. Boob army doesn't fit in so many levels except the sexist gamer realm!!
  2. The rounded front of armour deflects blows away from the chest. Boob armour would guide blows to the chest. Boob armour kills!!!!
  3. No D in melee isn't bad with stomp but v's other supers in cc it suffers
  4. For the last question for example If I take a slaughtercult it has 1-8 auxiliary groups you can take. How many warmachines can I take? So is slaughter cult with 8 hellbrutes legal?
  5. The list AP posted was something I was looking at. Is it legal?
  6. That greatly increases my chances of killing 888 points in one shot has greatly increased
  7. Renegade knights are their own army and can be taken as allies. Since there are no allies there will be no knights. https://img.fireden.net/tg/image/1461/61/1461618273711.pdf
  8. I have to pick out my best painted stuff so if I go with the slaughter cult I can pick only three parts of it correct? So like the main part and two sub areas?g
  9. yeah it is the greater brass scorpion in the hunting pack.
  10. Will there be any knights at the elven sword? because that is the biggest weakness for the Khornedozer.
  11. On a look into my miniatures cabinet I have 3 maulerfiends and 2 soulgrinders. Zero rhinos because I hate rhinos.
  12. So I am chewing through Khorne kin list ideas and am at a loss. Khorne items I have Lord of skulls 24 crushers 50 some letters 100 cultists 100 berzerkers 2 mauler fiends 6 dreads 8 fleshhounds Demon princes and bloodthirsters Lords galore 20 termis Land raiders Hell drake 20Raptors 10 possessed Skull cannon Firestorm redoubt Plasma obliterator I was thinking about fast stuff to cover the board quickly to smash face or load up on shooting from the plasma oblit and lord of skulls and make people come to me. Torn. I haven't played since ofcc. So probably will put both lists together and go have some rest games.
  13. Signed up for the demon or khornekin slot. I wouldn't have my army ready for Tshft so picked the better option.
  14. tempted to take the demonkin spot. I just need to see what list to put together without forgeworld that I would be happy to take.
  15. the brazen rune burns out and you lose that adamantium will but you get it from the loci instead. just as two power fists doesn't give you 4 X the strength but if you lose one you can still use the other for double strength.
  16. Sadly my Xmas gift was the talisman expansions. Bloodbowl will have to wait until my birthday.
  17. Agreed the plasma obliterator is fun to play.
  18. Did the unused gamer deodorant leak out? ????
  19. Plastic sister with beautiful codex in March only to be totally flushed when they invalidate all codex's in September for eighth. So sisters have to wait another 5 years for a new codex. That would be a GW move. Seriously if we get plastic sisters the last rally cry will be for squats and zoats!!!
  20. I love the gargantuan and super heavies. I am sure some are overpowered but they are about as balanced as anything else released by GW ever.
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