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Everything posted by Skkipper

  1. I hate those ghosts have a 10 and 13 year old boys must summon them because we have a lot at my house.
  2. I got mordhiem off of steam and my painting has been suffering!!
  3. Sadly. Neither of us will play Fluger because we only play winners!!!! We should challenge emperor neckbeards 2 or what ever they name is so I can kick Keltners bum!!! I will bring an anggrath he painted to summon as a regular thirster!!
  4. Fluger i am on team D. I will totally kick your ass round two!!!
  5. I am looking forward to doing ban worthy puking yet Ben to pussy to say anything!!!
  6. I didn't get great but it was at 1.40 per pound.
  7. I can look because last year I ordered a similar amount
  8. One fire raptor and one kharydbis pod coming my way.
  9. If the pound crashes next week if the uk decides to leave the UK. I will be making a sizable order.
  10. What is the estimated start date to seeing the ratings come out?
  11. Does anybody have experience taking uber/left from downtown Portland to Vancouver. I am looking for the cost. I am staying downtown Portland during ofcc and was thinking of taking uber on Saturday so I can beverage up that day.
  12. I feel it was a more of that 40k players are dorks and are not allowing super heavies or forge world. Mainly because 40k players are the worst and think 40k has ever been or will be balanced.
  13. almost bought the dice yesterday but they have the "one" issue on the ork dice.
  14. Plus on the missions where you need to drink when the cans are killed could use a hurry up.
  15. 15 minutes per player turn is what is needed to finish in 2.5 hours
  16. Yes I can supply the giant timer.
  17. A round timer would be awesome for this event Everyone gets 15 minutes a turn. At 15 minutes a timer goes off and your turn is over. It guarantees that 5 rounds get played in 2.5 hours. If you play faster no problem clock is not a problem.
  18. The 4 destroyer shots, 22 oz bottle of imperial stout and the can of IPA during the 1st turn of game three made me black out after destroying window.
  19. IPAs are the best beer ever. I shall beat your armies with the dank smell of IPA hovering around the table!!
  20. The tractor only gets fixed by beer infused mechanics
  21. Picked up 2 24 packs of diamond knot IPA. $20 per case hard to beat that
  22. So the first review says it is almost a 3. I wonder where it will stand.
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