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Everything posted by Skkipper

  1. When I see a beautiful marine, I just kiss him!! I grab the cod piece and nobody says anything because I'm the emperor!!
  2. They have to make something out of all that finecrap resin!!!
  3. The good news is the d is an upgrade so with out the d it gets palatable.
  4. If the cult can take the Taurox, it can be used to counts as for the limo
  5. I have a be'lakor. He is painted but being metal he could be stripped. Since I have two I would like to trade for prince or greater daemon
  6. 2+/5++ rerollable Ap2 triggers Inv which saves over half the time. Termis worth it
  7. why can't you take kytan trinity and then a naked lord and 2 units of cultists. I only need to order 2 more
  8. My next event I will take the fist of khorne from the warhammer world book and the kharne formation. Because Berserkers are loverly
  9. The old chaos dreads looked like the imperial dreads but with spikes.
  10. 125 naked sure but once you start putting on guns such as the redeemer it is worth more. Land raider at 125 then able to add options 60 points for redeemer sponsons 15 for machine spirit . . .
  11. The original void sheild and plasma obliterator was a trial on farming out resin casting to china. they order a batch of kits for a test run. the casting on the void shield and plasma obliterator was not up to GW quality so i doubt that we will see many more of those kind of pieces
  12. By chaos I mean rules so I can take it to an event.
  13. I was there on Friday to drop off my crap!! We want that the bigger trophy!!
  14. I had a good time playing on team diversity, hoping they ask me back.
  15. When the game goes pear shaped: flip the freaking table!!!!
  16. What? My codex is on my phone. that is what I am bringing.
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