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Everything posted by spagunk

  1. Only if they field BA battle company which is ~1330pts with Zero upgrades. We do not get transports for free but we get both ObSec and Red Thirst. There may be some other things in the expansion stuff but I don't have them so I don't really know if there is.
  2. Painted up a sanguinor recently. The camera on my phone does some funky things with color depth. I messed up quite a bit with the wings so they will continue to disappoint me. Looks better from afar when you won't notice the mistakes.
  3. I guess the intertubes are saying the sheets are gigantic; about the size of a White Dwarf page. If true, that makes it almost worth the 25 for em. Too bad they will be sold out before I can order it.
  4. Oh man, not paying 30 bucks for a blood chalice makes me pretty happy.
  5. They also stated that there will be rules that benefit ground armies for having the ships in the air. Probably things like a small bonus to hit/defense/command and possibly bombardment options.
  6. July 2015 releases are up, we are getting the FSA - Planetfall tie in models. http://www.spartangames.co.uk/june-2015-release According to one of the Spartan employees, there will be included rules for using the ships for non-planetfall campaign games as well as Fleet Commander information. Speculation is that this may have some effect on your fleet.
  7. spagunk

    Pax's Aquans

    That's a pretty nice fleet list you have! Can't wait to see what you do with them. I don't think I quite have 1200 points yet. I also don't have any of mine painted either. Probably going to be on my list for an Autumn project.
  8. Or I could not drink and eat while gaming: potential to dirty your surroundings/table/models etc. Besides, food and drink is going to be consumed regardless of gaming so it never counts as an expense as part of the hobby. Anything I pay for in my hobby isn't a throw away item. Paint is used for a purpose, so is glue and anything else. The outcome is something I can keep for a lot longer than 2 years. For me, I can justify a book such as a codex as allowed to have a shelf life. But not 2 years; 2 years is too soon. The problem is that like the rulebook, the codex is a requirement. I am not required to have more than x number of models to play a game. One can play a 500pt game on up if they want. But you can't play if you use an old codex. Thus it is a barrier that I can't logically justify having to pay every 2 years.
  9. I get it free from work so no, I don't. I fail to see how an opinion is wrong and must be corrected/perspective'd. I don't agree with your replies. I also don't agree with paying for a codex every two years. That's just like my opinion, dude.
  10. I take the bus to dice age. I also don't pay event fees because I don't go to events. But go ahead be that way. It's fine, I don't mind.
  11. Didn't say anything about 25 a year towards my army. I spend a good amount per year on my army so that's not my problem. Anything I buy for my army stays and can be used without problem. None of it is disposable. Having to essentially throw away 50 bucks isn't an expense I want to endure.
  12. 'Cause I can't justify spending 50 bucks on a new codex every 2 years. 4 years is fine, 2 is just not enough time.
  13. So are they giving us 2 years per codex? That's kind of depressing.
  14. It's a good start and I believe it gives you a legal army to play. The rules are pretty loose with the point costs as a patrol fleet (smallest "army" you can field) is up to 800points. So anything between 0 and 800 as long as it fits the tier requirement is considered a legal army (Min 1 tier one squadron, 1 tier two squadron and 1 tier three squadron). Now whether it is an effective army is another question entirely. I don't play Aquans so I am not certain. Aquans are generally considered pretty strong for all of their ships so any additional units would be to taste. I happen to think that the ships in the overseers box are the better looking of the aquan ships so take that for what you will.
  15. Shhhh, it's okay. GW can't hurt you here! All kidding aside, anything they publish is legal for normal play. My understanding is that the box gives you everything you need to play as well as rules on how to use the station and scenarios involving the station.
  16. Though I am not certain where battlescribe get's its information, I wouldn't go so far as saying Spartan Games is being highly misleading with their free data. Considering you can't buy the Valhalla station outside the box set, they likely won't have specific rules available online for them. Their main focus is to provide free rules for models you can purchase separately or don't come with rules normally. They also wait a significant amount of time after releasing special units or unique items to give people value for purchasing the items before they are sold separately. Case in point: Battlestations. They were given free to pre-ordered 2.0 rule books. However they didn't provide the rules until they actually announced that they are selling them as box sets. It took 2 years before they released rules for them.
  17. I want them more now. I wanted them for their fancy cool decorations and now I want them for the rules.
  18. I want these. Probably won't use them but I still want them.
  19. I am not 100% happy with this because it seemed that towards the end I kept making mistakes. Pretty much just stopped as it was just a downward spiral of things I wasn't happy with. Anywho, without further ado:
  20. I'll take those Sang Guards off your hands. PM me yer deets. Can meet at Guardian or Dice Age(if you are feeling extra cheeky) but can do a Pioneer Square handoff if you have time in the morning. P.S. Love your painting videos.
  21. Were I to buy them robits, I'd have to take off their heads and replace them with something that looks like the head on castellax/thanatar.
  22. So there used to be an option in 6th ed for ordnance weapons where instead of firing it in barrage, you can just fire it directly which removes the minimum range option. Without my rulebook handy, is this no longer possible?
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