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Everything posted by spagunk

  1. Making the rounds it appears. Copy made from a post in BA forum of B&C: Those markers look promising.
  2. The now old one is a goodie. VERY 40k and fierce.
  3. Though not as bitter as CSM, i remain cautiously optimistic.
  4. The hub bub on the netters is that the new boxes/deals just add the BA sprue to it. So you get the normal box + the sprue to kit them out. The sprue is pretty nice as it has different pads from either the BA Tac squad or the DC box so it's not a bad deal. Though people are saying grav+amps may get added in the suppliment, I am not 100% confident since there is no corresponding BA dev box this release. Just my opinion on the matter. What would be fantastic is that in lieu of Grav+amp devs, we get updated Frag cannon stats and possibly a sternguard option (???). Frag cannon Devs are just too much to be a real thing this cycle. Maybe when we get a new codex but not at this time.
  5. Still interested in the DeathWatch half of a box. If you are interested in the Eldar side, I can buy the box for us and work with you on getting a hold of them. If you want the individual Eldar units, I am can sell them to you for 50% retail. Assuming that Eldrad may be $30 if/when GW sells him on his own.
  6. I buy mine at NorthWest Magnets here in PDX. They tend to be really cheap and will offer discounts for bulk orders: http://www.northwestmagnet.com/ Can usually pick up 100 magnets for 15 bucks if needed. Edit: It's also a "mom and pop" type of store so for those buy local peeps, I highly recommend the place.
  7. Trying to see if anyone wants to split a Death Masque box. Looking for Deathwatch figures but not the 40k rulebook so if you already have a box I will pay cash for the figures. If you don't have a box, please let me know as I can buy one for us and sell you the Eldar figures in bulk. Additionally, if I can't find buyers, I am willing to part out each individual Eldar units (and rulebook) at a significant* discount. PMs work well. We can exchange numbers and email. We can also discuss how to deal with the data slates/formation rules in an amicable manner (I'm fine using google-slates ) Thanks for taking a look. *I have a specific percent in mind but can negotiate on this number
  8. Anyone got their orders yet that want to part with the DW side?
  9. At this point, anyone wanting to start a nice Harliquin army has some very cheap options available. I on the other hand wouldn't touch xenos scum with a ten foot bolter/hablerd ;)
  10. http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/1110/698444.page#8828539 is what I am referring to. Not sure if real or fake. Pic seems odd considering that the chart above lists a terminator captain. So probably someone's quick photoshop job? Edit: I agree, the captain box was really really good. Also explains why it dropped off the store as they repackaged it for this release. No clue if they intend to bring it back but since it is a marine, no one really cares since you can just ebay the deathwatch sprue if you don't use it. I sincerely hope the box doesn't run out by the time I get the cash to buy it. DW makes a perfect replacement for sternguard and gives me a good allied force to use.
  11. Rumors indicate that the captain is just the old multi-kit captain with the DW sprue. Were that the case, the old captain was 22 USD previously, 3 bucks for a DW upgrade sprue? Just seems odd but makes sense I guess.
  12. Yeah, as I already have a BA themed 7th ed rulebook, all I'd need are the deathwatch stuff.
  13. Anyone wanna split the cost for the box? Edit: Nevermind, screenshot in the facebook pics say full 40k rulebook with custom cover.
  14. Ugh, now I am waffling yet again. First, I thought I wanted to buy B@C so I can officially start a 30k army. THEN I thought "Maybe I should start a Sigmar army so I have another game to play". Now this????
  15. It's probably going to be a "not-quite eldrad" model similar to the sanguinary priest model. You can't tell me that wasn't supposed to be a plastic corbulo figure!
  16. Mind you, the stormsurge can still do a death or glory hit on the tank. However multiple tank shocking vehicles sounds hilarious. Especially fast tanks !
  17. So I wish they would weigh in on Corbulo's all seeing eye. It doesn't say anything about whose roll you can re-roll and would be interesting to see if it was written as intended to affect 1 die roll for either yourself or your opponent. Normally re-roll wording almost always specifies which player is re-rolling which is why it would be helpful to get that question answered.
  18. As the topic states, looking to get my hands on some of those storm shields from the BA terminator kit. Rather than pay eBay sharks, I want to hand over cash to anyone local to the PDX/Vancouver area. 10 bucks for the 5 of them (with or without the arms/hands). PM for details on the when/where. Guardian and Dice Age are places I frequent the most but if there is someplace you'd rather meet, let me know.
  19. As of this writing, its 1.37 USD to a 1 GBP or 1.11 USD per Euro. It is speculated that this will gradually go back up so maybe it is time to make orders now.
  20. Looks like a good sarge model but not quite a captain model for me. 20 bucks is a pretty good pricepoint since it will have unique rules.
  21. This is an interesting idea... I also like the idea of some additional non-hobby related activity to break things up a bit like splinx indicated.
  22. I have a confession to make: Against all red flags and mental objections I actually bought the new SM flyer. Even though my army can't technically fly them without being "red marines" (Or allying red marines) I actually like the ugly thing.
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