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Everything posted by Thatxboxguy

  1. These 2 do you any good? 2 movement trays I do have a large uncut sheet but need to find it, I will post pics when I do. Thanks Tim
  2. 35 metal Bloodletters Bloodletters with Swords Bloodletters with Axes Looking for unpainted or lightly painted Rhinos. Landraider Crusader. Centurians. Attack Bikes. Terminator Cpt from get started Space Marine box. Primaris from Dark Imperium sets, or snap together beginner's kits. Dark Imperium 8th Ed Rules. Will trade ALL for Repulsor Tank NIB or Primaris Dreadought. Message with offers or questions. Thanks. Tim
  3. Thatxboxguy


    I have 2. 7 man squads of Plague Marines and 35 metal Bloodletters. [1 unit of Plague Marines on HOLD] 1 unit is assembled and primed black, the other is primed white with some wash on them [on HOLD] Looking for unpainted Rhinos. Landraider Crusader. Centurians. Attack Bikes. Terminator Cpt from get started Space Marine box. Primaris from Dark Imperium sets. Dark Imperium 8th Ed Rules. Message with offers or questions. Thanks. Tim
  4. I have 2 units of Nurgle Marines from Dark Imperium [5 models each unit], 1 unit is built and primed black, 1 unit is built, primed white and very slightly painted, nothing major. Looking for tactical marines, maybe Centurians, Captain models, Chaplains, tons of Command sprue bits and a rhino.
  5. Don't know how well this will turn out, but if anyone can help. I would appreciate it. Looking for empty starter boxes from various sets, as I piece them together for my collection, my goal is to get all of the pieces to each set, build them, and paint them in my chapter colors [Aurora Chapter] vs the xenos/enemies in each box. I own most of the models, I just need the boxes in the best condition I can find. Need : Battle for MacCragge Assault on Black Reach Betrayal at Calth Burning of Prospero Dark Imperium Space Marine Megaforce box ...the Knights 2 pack box and the Flyers box. I don't know all of the sets out there, so others would be considered. FYI, I am in Gresham, and disabled, without a car, so meeting is difficult. Thanks for your time. Tim
  6. Sorry I am back in the hospital, if messages were read it was my wife, I will go look. Sorry about the delay.
  7. on way home from hospital, I will message tonight. You post on Warhammer US/Canada site and I got no reply ;)
  8. I have 20 prospero marines, bodies and heads are assembled and on bases, but the weapons, packs, arms are still on sprue. I'm in Gresham. Thanks Tim
  9. OMG I replied to your FB post about this ;) Working on a list for you tonight. Tim
  10. I have 1 new also, lemme know. I need a shield of some kind for plastic Lysander, or dollars would work, I will be at the Walgreens next to GW store Wednesday afternoon for a little while. Message me if you want to do this. Thanks Tim
  11. Hi, I have a 7 man unit of Deathguard from Dark Imperium to trade, they are assembled and primed black. Would like to get Primaris marines in trade, just not jump troops or Standard bearer, as I have those. Captains or Lieutenant would be agreeable too, but base troops would be great. I am located in Gresham, and would like it if you could meet me here as I am home-bound for health reasons. Thanks everybody ;) Tim
  12. Hi, I have a 7 man unit of Deathguard from Dark Imperium to trade, they are assembled and primed black. Would like to get Primaris marines in trade, just not jump troops or Standard bearer, as I have those. Captains or Lieutenant would be agreeable too, but base troops would be great. I am located in Gresham, and would like it if you could meet me here as I am home-bound for health reasons. Thanks everybody ;) Tim
  13. Wife is selling Slaanesh army to help pay for school next term. Willing to take offers. 2 Chariots, 1 very nicely painted, 1 primed white. 1 Daemon prince, painted 1 Forgeworld Keeper of Secrets, assembled, missing 4th arm and a lot of tiny spikes, lightly painted, unfinished. 1 Soulgrinder, lightly painted, unfinished. 10 Seekers, very nicely painted. 26 nicely painted Daemonettes of Slaanesh. 1 metal Keeper of Secrets, headless, unpainted. 2 Metal, unpainted Fiends of Slaanesh, 2nd edition [small beats]. 1 Metal Fiend of Slaanesh, unpainted, 4th edition. Small pile of heads, arms and legs to Daemonettes. What is the best way to sell this? We don't want any stray units left over but we need dollars. So should we split or no? Thanks in advance. Tim [where can I post pics, the site limits me to 30k total, all of the pics are 50k each to keep the details]
  14. Yes you did, i was a little confused and thought you were leaving them on purpose as they were in the box with my other sprues.
  15. Have a built and lightly painted landraider and tons of 40k bits/models, plus about 40 metal 3rd edition bloodletters of khorne to trade for Primaris half of Dark Imperium Boxed set and rulebooks, willing to trade in your favor to get these models in my army. Thanks Tim p.s I am located in Gresham and homebound, this will require you to come to me please.
  16. Thanks for the awesome trade and coming out to meet me Seth. :)
  17. I have 2 full trukks with all their bits on sprue so there should be several drivers and gunners available. I also have extra armor plates and bits from multiple trukks as well, everything is new and unpainted. I am in Gresham if you are interested.
  18. Looking to buy Space Marines half of box, what kind of prices am I looking at and who's down for a sale? Thanks
  19. I have an ork army and a mountain of bits to go through if you are interested, I am in Gresham. I am homebound due to health issues and Dialysis. Thanks Tim
  20. Painted Landraider, Las Cannon sponsons, Heavy Bolter on top, was originally painted to be Black Templars. Model is compete. $40 Looking to sell to cover medical expenses my insurance now wont cover under new president. Please be willing to come to me in SW Gresham as I can no longer travel, thank you. Tim
  21. I have a black Landraider with lascannon sponsons and heavy bolters, painted black and white. $40, you need to be willing to come to me in Gresham. Also have brood coven on sprue, missing one of the guys, NOT the magus. $40, you need to be willing to come to me in Gresham.
  22. Landraider 45 Rulebook SOLD DV Hellbrute 20 Willing to take offers on Orcus, see it for 250 on EBay but I think thats crazy. I am in Gresham and you need to be willing to come to me. I am home bound for medical issues. Need these gone asap.
  23. Looking to trade painted Landraider for new Skaven Bloodbowl team and Isle of Blood Rat Ogre. Aware of price difference, willing to give in your favor. Thank you.
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