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Everything posted by pretre

  1. PRODUCT UPDATE 5/16/2019! CHAOS SPACE MARINE! IMPERIAL GUARD! CHAOS FANTASY! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: CHAOS SPACE MARINE -Berserkers (x6) - Nicely Painted, converted from Blood warriors and Berserkers - $19 - -Berserkers (x7) - Nicely Painted, converted from Blood warriors and Berserkers - $22 - -Berserkers (x6) - Partially painted, converted from Blood Warriors and Berserkers - $19 - -Berserkers (x2, Partial) - Bare plastic, partially converted from Blood Warriors and Berserkers - $3 - IMPERIAL GUARD -Cadians (x10) - Painted plastic, 1 sgt, 1 Plasma - $15 - -Cadians (x10) - Painted plastic, 1 sgt, 1 Plasma - $15 - -Cadians (x3, partial) - Primed plastic, partials - $2 - -Catachans (x9) - Primed plastic - $13 - -Catachans (x7) - Painted metal - $14 - CHAOS FANTASY -Battletome: Blades of Chaos - - $20 -
  2. Just a reminder to buy your tickets! I know a lot of folks will probably do this last minute but the advanced purchases help us plan what we're bringing for people to paint. Also, remember that you keep the models you paint, so you get at least 1 model for your entry of $5.
  3. pretre

    GG got sold....

    There's some more to the story as well, but a lot of that is limited to the parties involved. Portland is certainly big enough for more gaming stores. We already have a million as it is.
  4. pretre

    GG got sold....

    GG gets a full bar with the new owners. On the second I'd bet you you're wrong, but I can't prove it so we'll just let it slide. I'm sure they'll do fine.
  5. pretre

    GG got sold....

    That actually is probably a negative for them since store-based magic took a few major hits in the last year. Any brick and mortar that relies on MTG to keep the lights on is crying right now.
  6. pretre

    GG got sold....

    From what I saw in what Angel posted, it's a completely different kind of venue. I'm thinking it's like when you're playing an RPG and start over as a new class to get a different experience. 🙂
  7. PRODUCT UPDATE 5/11/2019! SLAVES TO DARKNESS! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: CHAOS FANTASY -Chaos Champion / Crom - Metal, Painted, magnetized base - $8 - -Chaos Champion of Tzeentch - Metal, Painted, magnetized base with banner and HW/Shield - $8 - -Chaos Chariots (x2) - Converted plastic with 3 painted marauders for drivers/crew - $30 - -Chaos Knights (x5) - Painted plastic with Command, movement tray - $15 - -Chaos Knights (x5) - Painted plastic with Command, movement tray, needs reglue on banner - $15 - -Chaos Lord on Manticore - Unpainted plastic, rider not glued - $27 - -Chaos Marauders (x30) - Painted plastic, magnetized bases and movement tray - $28 - -Chaos Marauders (x30) - Painted plastic, magnetized bases and movement tray - $28 - -Chaos Sorcerer - Plastic, bare - $6 - -Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch - Metal, Painted, magnetized base. Book and mace - $8 - -Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch - Metal, Painted, magnetized base with staff/bird head - $8 - -Chaos Spawn (x2) - Painted plastic - $22 - -Chaos Warriors (x19) - Painted plastic with Command, magnetized base and movement tray. Room for one character. - $25 - -Chaos Warriors (x19) - Painted plastic with Command, magnetized base and movement tray. Room for one character. - $25 - -Chaos Warriors (x20) - Unpainted plastic with command, movement tray - $25 - -Daemon Prince - Unpainted plastic - $20 - -Warhounds (x10) - Unpainted plastic - $13 -
  8. pretre

    GG got sold....

    I am not a Mox expert but, as far as I know, they're a lot smaller (and less heralded) than GG.
  9. PRODUCT UPDATE 5/9/2019! 40K BOOKS! DARK ELDAR! WHITE DWARF! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: 40K BOOKS -Index: Chaos - Used, Name written on book - $10 - -Index: Imperium 2 - Used, Name written on book - $10 - DARK ELDAR -Dark Eldar Wyches (x11) (Bare primed, 3rd edition metals. 1 missing arm, 2 are succubi) - - $18 - -Hellions (x2.5) (Painted and primed metal with extra rider) - - $6 - -Mandrakes (x5) - Metal, mix of conditions - $18 - -Raider 2 - Previous sculpt, plastic - $15 - -Beast Master - Painted metal - $10 - -Beastmaster (NIBish) - Metal - $11 - -Incubi (x4) - Bare resin assembled - $16 - -Kabalite Warriors (x7) - Painted plastic, Assembled Plastic W/Splinter Rifles And 2X Dark Lances - $10 - -Khymerae (x3) - Metal, Only 2 Of 3 Have A Base - $15 - -Ur-Ghul - Resin, assembled - $8 - -Wyches (x9) - 6 Assembled/painted with 3 on sprue (primed) - $13 - DATACARDS -Datacards: Space Marines (current) - - $9 -Datacards: Dark Angels (current) - - $9 -
  10. PRODUCT UPDATE 5/4/2019! CHAOS SPACE MARINE! DEATH GUARD! THOUSAND SONS! DAEMONS! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: 40K BOOKS -Codex: Orks (current) - - $20 - KILL TEAM -Kill Team: Commander (NIB) - - $30 - CHAOS FANTASY -Warhounds (x10) (NIS) - Metal - $20 - -Knights of Chaos (x5) (NIS) - Metal/Plastic - $18 - -Chaos Chariot (NIS) - Metal/plastic - $20 - -Chaos Chariot (NIS) - Metal/plastic - $20 - CHAOS SPACE MARINE / DEATH GUARD / THOUSAND SONS -Rhino - Painted plastic - $19 - -Biologus Putrifier - Painted plastic - $13 - -Blightlord Terminators (x4) - Painted plastic - $24 - -Deathshroud (x3) - Painted plastic - $30 - -Foetid Bloat Drone (x2) - Painted plastic, 1 with flesh mower, 1 ETB - $50 - -Foul Blightspawn - Painted plastic - $13 - -Foul Blightspawn - Primed plastic - $13 - -Lord Felthius - Painted plastic - $13 - -Lord of Contagion - Painted plastic - $5 - -Malignant Plaguecaster - Painted plastic - $5 - -Myphitic Blight-hauler - Painted plastic - $13 - -Myphitic Blight-hauler - Painted plastic - $13 - -Myphitic Blight-hauler - Painted plastic - $13 - -Nauseous Rotbone, The Plague Surgeon - Painted plastic - $13 - -Noxious Plaguebringer - Painted plastic - $5 - -Plague Marine Champion - Painted plastic - $13 - -Plague Marines (x7) - Painted plastic - $25 - -Plague Marines (x7) - Painted plastic - $25 - -Plague Marines (x7) - Painted plastic - $25 - -Plagueburst Crawler - Painted plastic - $35 - -Plagueburst Crawler - Painted plastic - $35 - -Plagueburst Crawler - Painted plastic - $35 - -Poxwalkers (x22) - Painted plastic - $28 - -Rhino - Painted plastic with conversion for nurgle/deathguard - $19 - -Scribbus Wretch, The tallyman - Painted plastic - $13 - -Typhus - Painted Plastic - $20 - -Spartan Assault Tank - Partially painted resin with some conversion - $120 - -Ahriman on Disc - Partially painted plastic - $20 - -Exalted Sorcerors (x3) - Bare plastic - $30 - -Magnus - Partially painted plastic - $70 - -Greater Plaguebringer - Painted resin. Maxmini. Weapon needs repair. Missing one horn. - $38 - -Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle - Painted Plastic - $80 - DAEMONS -Nurglings (x3) - Painted plastic - $13 - -Nurglings (x3) - Painted plastic - $13 - -Plaguebearers (x19) - Painted plastic - $28 - -Plaguebearers (x20) - Painted plastic with Command, 32mm - $29 - -Plaguebearers (x9) - Painted plastic, 25mm bases - $13 - -Poxbringer - Base coated plastic - $13 - -Daemon Pox Riders of Nurgle Conversion (x3) - Painted resin - $12 - -Daemon Pox Riders of Nurgle Conversion (x3) - Painted resin - $12 - -Daemon Pox Riders of Nurgle Conversion (x3) - Painted resin - $12 - -Daemon Prince with Wings - Painted resin, Creature Caster - $30 - SPACE MARINES -Predator Annihilator - Primed - $29 -
  11. PRODUCT UPDATE 5/2/2019! EPIC! RPGS! 40K BOOKS! INQUISITION! SPACE MARINES! DARK ELVES! CHAOS FANTASY! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: EPIC -Mole Mortars (x3) - Painted metal - $9 - -Sabre Platforms (1 broken gun) (x3) - Forgeworld, painted - $15 - -Thudd Guns (x3) - Painted metal - $9 - RPGS -Black Crusade The Tome Of Fate - FFG, Used - $30 - -Rogue Trader: Into The Storm Explorers Handbook - FFG, Used - $90 - 40K BOOKS -Index: Chaos - Used, Name written on book - $10 - -Index: Imperium 2 - Used, Name written on book - $10 - -Epic Space Marine Battles (White Dwarf Presents) - Used, some pages have come out. - $5 - -Codex Eldar (2006, 4th) - Used - $5 - -Codex: Space Marines (current) - Used, Name written on book - $25 - -Codex Blood Angels (Current) - Used, Name written on book - $20 - -Codex: Adeptus Custodes (current) - Used, Name written on book - $20 - INQUISITION -Inquisitor w/Bolter/PS - Painted resin - $8 - SPACE MARINES -Apothecary Consul - Bare Forgeworld - $12 - -Primus Medicae in Cataphractii w/Grenade Launcher - Bare Forgeworld with plastic GL - $30 - DARK ELVES -Doomfire Warlocks (5x) - Assembled, primed, plastic - $18 - -Morathi (NIB) - - $78 - -Witch Aelves (10x) - Fully assembled, partially painted plastic - $30 - -Witch Aelves (10x) (NOS) - - $36 - CHAOS FANTASY -Archaon Everchosen - Plastic partially painted - missing wing claw. Needs regluing/repair, see pics. - $70 - -Mighty Skullcrushers (x4) 1 - Fully assembled and partially painted plastic, magnetized arms, banner, horn, 2 regular - $35 - -Mighty Skullcrushers (x4) 2 - Fully assembled and partially painted plastic, magnetized arms, banner, horn, 2 regular - $35 - -Mighty Skullcrushers (x4) 3 - Fully assembled and partially painted plastic, magnetized arms, banner, horn, 2 regular - $35 -
  12. PRODUCT UPDATE 4/28/2019! GREY KNIGHTS! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: BARGAIN -Grey Knight - Painted metal - $1 - 40K BOOKS -Codex: Grey Knights (current) - - $20 - GREY KNIGHTS -Brother Captain Stern - Partially painted resin - $12 - -Interceptors (x10) - Primed plastic, cork bases, 1 broken halberd - $15 - -Land Raider - Painted with FW Doors - $49 - -Librarian in Terminator Armor - Painted plastic with converted halberd, needs reglue - $15 - -Lord Kaldor Draigo - Partially painted resin, needs reglue - $12 - -Nemesis Dreadknight - Partially built with bits, slight repair - $26 - -Nemesis Dreadknight - Painted plastic, some pieces need gluing - $27 - -Paladins (x5) - Painted plastic - $25 - -Paladins (x5) - Painted plastic with sand bases, 1 reglue/repair - $25 - -Strike Squad (x10) - Painted and partially painted plastic - $30 - -Strike Squad (x10) - Painted and partially painted plastic - $30 - -Strike Squad / Purifiers (x5) - Painted plastic, 1 missing halberd end but has extra bit for repair - $15 - -Strike Squad / Purifiers (x5) - Painted plastic - $15 - -Strike Squad / Purifiers (x5) - Painted plastic, 1 missing halberd end but has extra bit for repair - $15 - -Razorback - Painted with FW Doors - $32 - -Stormraven - Some paint, wing needs reglue - $41 - -Terminators (x5) - Painted plastic with sand bases - $25 - -Terminators (x5) - Painted plastic - $25 -
  13. Mindtaker Madness, Spring Cleaning Sale! https://mindtaker.org/on-sale/ 25% OFF ALREADY LOW PRICES ON SELECT ITEMS LISTED BELOW: RPGS Renegade Legion: Harbingers of Death - $3.75 EPIC Codex Titanicus (Used, spine separated, 3 hole punched) - $15 CHAOS SPACE MARINE Chaos Warlord (Metal, painted) - $7.5 Terminators (3) (primed black plastic, 3 combi meltas) - $11.25 ELDAR Avatar (bare metal, head crest removed) - $13.5 Avatar (Painted metal) - $15 Farseer 3 (Metal painted, missing spear) - $3.75 War Walkers 2 (2) (plastic, base coated, minor repairs, 1 glass) - $16.5 War Walkers (3) (Bare metal, old style with Scatter lasers) - $22.5 War Walkers (3) (Painted metal, 2x BL) - $22.5 War Walkers (3) (Painted metal, 2x SC?) - $22.5 GREY KNIGHTS GK Terminators (2) (Bare unassembled, Rogue Trader with Halberds) - $11.25 ORKS Mechaniak and 4 Grot Riggas (5) (Metal, some prime/paint. Old Versions) - $18 SPACE MARINES Rogue Trader Chaplain with Crozius (Metal painted) - $7.5 Tactical Squad (10) (Painted, Flamer/ML/Sgt, Plastic, Macragge) - $15 Terminator (Bare metal. AC/TH, RT) - $3.75 Terminators (5) (1 painted, 4 bare terminators. AC/PF x2, SB/PW, SB/PF x2, extra AC) - $15 DARK ANGELS DA Marines 6 (8) (Painted/based, 5 bolters, 1 plasma, 1 MM, 1 sgt with PP/ChS) - $7.5 DA Marines 8 (8) (Painted/based, 5 bolters, 1 MM, 1 melta, 1 sgt with bolter) - $7.5 Deathwing Terminator with Chainfist (NIB) - $3.75 DV Captain 1(Painted) - $3 SPACE WOLVES Drop Pod 4 (Painted plastic SW with glued doors) - $11.25 Space Wolf Pack / Grey Hunters 4 (10) (Bare plastic. 2 with Melta, 1 with SB/CCW, 3 CCW/Bolter, 4 Bolters. 11 missing shoulderpads, 1 missing arm) - $11.25 Space Wolf Pack / Grey Hunters 8 (10) (Primed plastic. 2 Plasma, 1 Metal PF/Bolter, 3 bolter, 4 Bolter/CCW) - $9 Wolf Guard Terminators 1 (2) (Metal, paint/bare. 1 with 2xLC, 1 with AC/CF) - $7.5 TYRANIDS Gargoyles (2) (bare, metal) - $2.25 Warrior with Barbed Strangler (NIB, metal OOP) - $9.75 BRETONNIANS Archers (13) (primed black) - $19.5 Battle Standard Bearer (Just the arm/banner, resin bare) - $11.25 CHAOS FANTASY Sorceror (Metal, primed) - $7.5 Chariot (Metal/plastic with resin base, painted) - $11.25 Knights (6) (Metal and plastic painted with resin bases with command and movement tray) - $15 DWARVES Gyrocopter 4 (Metal, partially painted, missing bits) - $7.5 Gyrocopter (Resin, previous kit) - $15 Logan, Dwarf Warlord (Reaper. Partially painted metal) - $3.75 Thunderers 11 (20) (Plastic, some paint AOBR) - $15 Thunderers 7 (11) (Primed plastic BFSP with command, extra champ) - $8.25 Warriors with HW/Shield 8 (17) (Plastic primed/painted BFSP with 2 musicians, champ and banner.) - $12.75 EMPIRE Warrior Priest on Warhorse (metal/plastic painted) - $9 DARK ELVES Witch Elf (Metal, OOP, painted) - $3.75 GOBLINS Goblin Scraplauncher Crew (3) (Metal, bare) - $6.75 HIGH ELVES Mage on Foot 2 (Plastic, bare) - $7.5 Mage on Foot 3 (Plastic, painted) - $7.5 Mage on Foot 4 (Plastic, painted) - $7.5 Silver Helms Musician (NIB) - $7.5 White Lions (15) (Metal, bare, plus command. 1 champ, music and Banner converted to normal dudes. ) - $26.25 LIZARDMEN Lizardmen Battle Magic Cards (Used) - $7.5 SKAVEN Screaming Bell Bits (Metal Warlock and bellringer, plastic bell and half rat ogre not included) - $7.5 UNDEAD Liche Priest 6 (Mounted, bare metal with steed) - $7.5 Vampire Counts BSB (Metal, converted) - $3.75
  14. PRODUCT UPDATE 4/23/2019! PRIMARIS! DARK ANGELS! CHAOS FANTASY! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: CHAOS FANTASY -Doombull - Bare metal - $30 - -GF9 - Warlord Crom (NIB) - Metal - $10 - -GF9 - Warlord Crom (NIB) - Metal - $10 - -Lord of Khorne (NIB) - Metal - $15 - DAEMONS -Flesh Hounds of Khorne (NIB) (x1) - Metal - $6 - DARK ANGELS -Deathwing knights (x5+1) - (Various Builds) And Familiar. Primed Black - $30 - -Ravenwing knights (x3) - Primed Black (Various Builds) - $25 - -Codex: Dark Angels (current) - Good Condition - $20 - -Datacards: Dark Angels (current) - - $9 - -Dark Angels Primaris Lieutenant - Painted Plastic - $13 - DWARVES -White Dwarf XXX 1977-2007 (Partial) - Unassembled bare, missing shield/top dwarf, just the two bearers - $10 - OGRES -Ogre w/Standard (NIB) - Metal - $6 - PRIMARIS -Captain In Gravis Armor - Painted Plastic - $5 - -Company Ancient - Painted Plastic - $5 - -Hellblasters (x5) - Painted Plastic - $15 - -Inceptors (x3) - Primed Black, No Bases - $9 - -Primaris Captain - Painted Plastic - $15 - -Primaris Lieutenant - Painted Plastic - $5 - -Redemptor Dreadnaught - Partially Painted Plastic - $20 - -Reivers (x5) - 3 Primed Black, 2 Partially Painted - $15 - -Repulsor - Painted Plastic - $40 - -Intercessors (x8) - Painted Plastic - $24 - -Primaris Lieutenant - Painted Plastic. Power Sword - $5 - SPACE MARINES -Drop Pod - Partially Painted Plastic - $15 - -Land Speeder Storm - Primed Black - $15 - -StormTalon Gunship - Partially Painted - $27 -
  15. PRODUCT UPDATE 4/22/2019! SPACE MARINES! PRIMARIS! BARGAIN! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: BARGAIN -Captain Cheapo of the Bargain Company - Painted plastic - $1 - -Captain on Gryph - Primed/painted plastic - $8 - -Deathwatch Kill Team (x6) - Painted plastic with Flamer/Melta - $8 - -Dreadnought - Painted plastic. Exploded at some point, apparently - $12 - -Leftover Marines (x10) - Painted/primed plastic. 2 Intecessors, 3 Mark III, 1 Started, 2 normal, 1 Robed with PF. See pics - $18 - -Tacticals / Heavy Weapons (x10) - Painted/primed plastic. 2 SB, 1 Combi-M, 3 ML, 3 Bolters, 1 Melta - $15 - -Tacticals / Special Weapons (x10) - Painted/primed plastic. 2 Combi-M, 1 Plasma, 2 Melta, 1 Combi-Plas, 1 BP/CS, 2 bolters - $15 - -Tactical Marines (x5) - Painted plastic with some 3DP Shoulders - $5 - BITS -Stormraven Turret - Bare plastic, 2xLasc - $8 - -Stormraven Turret - Bare plastic, 2xLasc - $8 - CHAOS SPACE MARINE -Cypher - Painted plastic, missing hilt of sword - $10 - SPACE MARINES -Apothecary - Painted plastic - $3 - -Apothecary - Primed/painted plastic - $2 - -Apothecary - Basecoated plastic with 3dp Ultra Shoulders - $3 - -Assault Marines (x10) - Basecoated plastic, 1 repair - $32 - -Assault Marines (x5) - Painted and bare plastic, no bases - $10 - -Assault Marines / Vanguard Veterans (x10) - Painted/basecoated plastic - $32 - -Assault Terminators (x5) - Primed/painted plastic with TH/SS - $24 - -Assault Terminators (x5) - Primed/painted plastic with 2xLC - $24 - -Attack Bike - Painted plastic with MM/PF - $10 - -Bikes (x4) and Attack Bike - Basecoated Plastic with 3DP Shoulders - $30 - -Captain on Bike - Painted plastic - $6 - -Cataphractii Terminators (x6) - Painted plastic - $35 - -Command Squad (x6) - Bare plastic with mix of weapons and wargear - $12 - -Command Squad / Veterans (x6) - Bare plastic. 2 plasma, 3 BP/CS, 1 CombiM - $12 - -Command Squad / Veterans (x6) - Bare plastic. 1 CompChamp, 1 Plasma, 1 PA/BP, 1 PP/CS, 2 BP/CS. 1 missing backpack. - $12 - -Command Squad / Veterans (x6) - Bare plastic. 1 flamer, 2 PP/CS, 1 PP/PW, 2 BP/CCW. - $12 - -Contemptor Dreadnought - Painted plastic with magnetized right arm - $30 - -Dark Fury Assault Squad (x1.5) - Bare forgeworld. 1 missing wing and shoulder pad - $12 - -Devastator Squad (x5) - Painted plastic. 1 MM, 2 HB, 1 Grav - $20 - -Devastator Squad (x6) - Bare plastic, 3 MM, 2 PC, 1 Cherub - $27 - -Devastator Squad (x5) - Basecoated/painted plastic with 4 Lasc and 3DP Ultra shoulders - $20 - -Dreadnought / Ironclad / Librarian - Painted plastic with 6 arm options - $30 - -Dreadnought - Painted plastic, 3 arm options - $23 - -Land Raider - Primed/some paint plastic - $37 - -Land Speeder - Painted plastic with AC and HB - $13 - -Land Speeder - Painted plastic with Typh ML, no base - $12 - -Land Speeder - Bare plastic with no base. Missing gunner and right arm for driver - $12 - -Land Speeder Storm - Basecoated plastic, no base - $15 - -Librarian - Basecoated plastic - $15 - -Rapier Crew (x4) - Painted resin with Ravenguard Pads, 2 missing bases - $16 - -Ravenguard Space Marine Upgrade Pack - Bare forgeworld, no torsos - $18 - -Ravenguard Mark IV (x10) - Painted plastic with RG Pads - $25 - -Ravenguard Mark IV (x10) - Primed plastic Mark IV with ravenguard shoulders. 2 ML, 1 Bolter/claw. No bases - $25 - -Rhino - Rough painted plastic, some track repair needed - $16 - -Rhino - Rough painted plastic, missing some track - $16 - -Rhino - Rough painted plastic - $16 - -Rhino - Painted/primed plastic - $17 - -Rhino - Painted plastic - $17 - -Rhino - Painted plastic (red and grey) - $18 - -Scout Bike (NOS) - - $8 - -Scout Bikes (x5) - Painted/primed plastic, 1 missing weapon - $34 - -Scouts (x5) - Painted/primed plastic with 4 Bolter, 1 HB - $12 - -Scouts (x5) - Painted/primed plastic with 4 Bolter, 1 HB - $12 - -Sniper Scouts (x4) - Primed/painted plastic - $10 - -Sternguard Veterans (x7) - Primed/painted resin. Missing one right arm and weapon - $28 - -Stormraven - Some paint plastic. Mag'd sponsons, no flying stand - $40 - -StormTalon Gunship - Painted plastic, no base/stand - $25 - -StormTalon Gunship - Painted plastic, no base/stand. One engine needs repair. - $25 - -StormTalon Gunship - Basecoated plastic, no stand - $27 - -Tactical Squad (x10) - Painted plastic with flamer, combi-m and Sgt with PW/PP, 1 missing hand - $15 - -Tactical Squad (x10) - Primed/painted plastic with ML/Plasma and some 3DP pads - $15 - -Tactical Squad (x10) - Primed/painted plastic with PC/Flamer and some 3DP pads - $15 - -Tactical Squad (x10) - Primed/painted plastic with some 3dp shoulders. Melta, Storm Bolter - $15 - -Techmarine - Painted resin, missing one end of servo arm - $8 - - Terminators (x5) - Painted/primed plastic - $20 -Terminators (x5) - Painted plastic with 3DP Shoulders - $24 - -Terminators (x5) - Bare plastic, no bases - $23 - -Terminators (x7) - Primed/painted plastic - $33 - -Venerable Dreadnought - Painted plastic, 6 arm options - $28 - -Venerable Dreadnought - Painted plastic with 4 arm options - $24 - -Venerable Dreadnought - Painted plastic, 3 arm options - $3 - -Venerable Dreadnought / Librarian - Painted plastic and resin with 6 arm options - $30 - PRIMARIS -Inceptors (x3, partial) - Primed plastic, missing one base and a few grav vanes) - $5 - -Intercessors (x10) - Painted/primed plastic with 3DP Ultra pads - $30 - -Intercessors (x5) - Painted plastic with 3DP Cross Shoulders - $15 - -Hellblasters (x5) - Basecoated plastic, 3 with 3DP Ultramarine pads - $15 - -Primaris Librarian - Painted plastic - $15 - -Primaris Lieutenant - Primed plastic with 3DP shoulder pad - $5 - -Reivers (x6) - Primed/some paint plastic - $18 - -Repulsor - Painted plastic. Turret and hull weapons mag'd - $40 - -Repulsor - Base coated plastic. Turret and hull mag'd - $40 - -Repulsor - Bare plastic, turret and hull are magnetized - $40 - CHAOS FANTASY -Chaos Sorceror Lord - Primed plastic - $7 -
  16. PRODUCT UPDATE 4/21/2019! CHAOS SPACE MARINES! DAEMONS! IMPERIAL GUARD! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: BITS -Bottom of the Box Bits Bag - Alliteration is fun. Tons of good bits. Metal and plastic - $12 - CHAOS SPACE MARINE -Chaos Lord - DV, painted plastic - $5 - -Chaos Space Marines (x7) - Painted plastic with 4 plasma - $14 - -Chaos Space Marines (x9) - Mix of painted plastic models - $17 - -Helbrute - Painted plastic, magnetized - $27 - -Possessed (x5) - Painted plastic - $16 - -Possessed (x6) - Painted plastic - $20 - -Raptors (x5) - Bare plastic - $17 - -Raptors (x5) - Basecoated Plastic - $17 - -Terminators (x6) - Painted plastic - $30 - -Chaplain / Kurtha Sedd - Painted plastic - $10 - -Khorne Berserkers (x5.5) - Painted plastic. 1 missing arms and base - $8 - -Thousand Sons (x10) - Painted plastic - $25 - -Chaos Spawn - Primed plastic - $10 - DAEMONS -Bloodletters (x23) - Painted plastic, missing bases - $33 - -Skulltaker (partial) - Painted metal, missing bits - $8 - -Daemonettes (x17) (Partial) - Primed plastic, missing arms and heads - $12 - -Daemonettes (X2, Diaz) - Primed metal Diaz Sculpt - $8 - -Daemonettes (X8, Diaz, partial) - Primed metal, missing arms - $20 - -Keeper of Secrets - Metal, painted - $25 - -Pink Horrors (x20) - Painted plastic, mix of bases, some repairs needed - $35 - IMPERIAL GUARD -Guardsmen / Veterans (x8) - Some paint plastic with GS cloaks and shotguns - $11 - -Loyal 35.5 - Guardsmen (x35.5) - Mix of paint, bare, primed plastic. Includes one scion. Missing some bits and bases - $45 - -Mortar - Metal, primed - $2 - -Tank Commander Pask - Bare metal - $6 - -Valhallan - Primed metal - $3 - -Valkyrie - Bare plastic, missing a fin - $30 - -Vostroyan Heavy Bolter (partial) - Bare metal, missing part of one gunner - $3 -
  17. PRODUCT UPDATE 4/20/2019! CHAOS FANTASY! RANDOM FANTASY! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: BITS -Custodian Shields (x4) - Bare plastic, with arms - $3 - -Horses (x4) - Bare plastic, missing one tail - $5 - -Goblin Bits - 2 Sprues bare - $4 - DARK ELDAR -Wyches (x9) - 6 Assembled/painted with 3 on sprue (primed) - $13 - CHAOS FANTASY -Battle Standard Bearer - Primed metal - $5 - -Battle Standard Bearer, Mounted - Painted metal with paper banner - $7 - -Chaos Chariot - Metal, plastic bare. No crew - $15 - -Chaos Chariot - Bare plastic, as shown - $18 - -Chaos Chariot (NOS) - No base - $23 - -Chaos Chariot (NOS) - No base - $23 - -Chaos Chariot (NOS) - No base - $23 - -Chaos Knights (x5) - Bare plastic, mostly on sprue. Check pics - $15 - -Chaos Knights (x5) - Primed/some paint plastic with command - $15 - -Chaos Warlord - Painted metal, 2xHW - $10 - -Chaos Warriors (x10) - Bare/primed plastic - $12 - -Chaos Warriors (x18) - Bare/primed plastic, 2 missing hands - $23 - -Chaos Warriors (x20) - Painted plastic. 2 double HW, the rest HW/Sh. 2 Music, 2 Champ, 1 banner - $25 - -Chaos Warriors (x25) - Basecoated plastic with HW/Sh and Command - $31 - -Chaos Warriors (x8) - Bare plastic, previous sculpt, bits on sprue. Halb/Sh - $10 - -Marauder Cavalry (x5) - Primed/base coated plastic/metal - $13 - -Marauders (x15) - Painted plastic with command - $15 - -Marauders (x20) - Bare plastic with command. HW/Shield - $19 - LIZARDMEN -Saurus (x5) - Painted/bare/primed plastic - $4 - STORMCAST -Liberators (x5) - Bare plastic with 1 base. Missing one hammer - $8 - TOMB KINGS -Tomb King Chariots (x2) - Painted plastic with converted chariot (wood) - $16 - UNDEAD -Morghast (x1) - Bare plastic - $15 -
  18. PRODUCT UPDATE 4/18/2019! SPACE MARINES! GOBLINS! PRIMARIS! CHAOS! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: CHAOS SPACE MARINE -Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor - Bare plastic - $12 - -Chaos Terminators (NIB) - Bare metal, previous sculpt - $25 - -Helbrute - Bare plastic, DV - $12 - -Helbrute - Bare plastic, DV - $12 - IMPERIAL GUARD -Lord Commissar - Painted resin - $8 - INQUSITION -Inquisitor in Terminator Armor - 3rd Party, bare resin - $8 - SPACE MARINES -Centurion Devastator/Assault Squad (x3) - Primed/bare plastic with many magnetized weapons - $60 - -Dreadnought - Thick painted MM/PF, with resin base - $10 - -Dreadnought - Painted plastic with MM/PF - $20 - -Dreadnought - Painted plastic with Lasc/PF - $20 - -Dreadnought - Painted plastic with PC/Fist - $20 - -Dreadnought - Bare with MM/PF - $20 - -Drop Pod - Painted/basecoated plastic - $15 - -Drop Pod - Painted/basecoated plastic - $15 - -Ironclad Dreadnought - Painted plastic with HurrB/ChainF - $23 - -Space Marine Commander - Bare with PP/PW - $8 - -Vindicator - Painted plastic - $28 - PRIMARIS -Gravis Captain - Primed plastic - $5 - -Primaris Ancient - Painted plastic - $5 - -Primaris Captain - Basecoated plastic - $15 - -Redemptor Dreadnought - Painted plastic - $33 - CHAOS FANTASY -Chaos Knights (x5) - Bare plastic and metal - $18 - -Chaos Spawn - Primed metal - $12 - -Chaos Warlord - Primed metal with two hand weapons - $12 - -Crom the Conqueror / Chaos Warlord - Painted metal - $12 - -Mounted Sorceror of Chaos - Painted metal - $12 - -Warhounds (x5) - Bare plastic - $6 - DAEMONS -Herald of Khorne - Primed resin - $13 - -Skull Cannon - Primed plastic - $20 - -Keeper of Secrets - Metal, bare/some paint, converted - $25 - -Fateweaver - Bare resin - $35 - GOBLINS -Loonboss - Painted plastic - $13 - -Mangler Squig - Painted plastic - $45 - -Night Goblins (x24) - Painted plastic - $21 - -Squig Hoppers (x9) - Painted plastic - $23 -
  19. PRODUCT UPDATE 4/15/2019! 40K BOOKS! DEATHWATCH! PRIMARIS! SPACE MARINES! NECROMUNDA! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: BARGAIN -Battle Damaged Rhino - 2nd Edition Rhino with lots of damage - $10 - -Catachans (x10) - Some paint, primer, plastic - $3 - BITS -Pop Goes the Monkey Shoulder Pads - 3rd party, 3D Printed, as shown. Skull and Crossbones shoulders and V's - $5 -Giant Bag of Vehicle Bits - See pic - $12 - -Big Bag of Guard Bits - See pic - $15 - -Big Bag of Marine Bits - See Pic - $12 - NECROMUNDA -Gang Wars 4 - - $5 -Ratskins (x2) - Primed/painted metal - $8 - -Scum (x3) - Primed/painted metal - $12 - TERRAIN -First Strike (non model components) - No book. Board, etc - $5 CHAOS SPACE MARINE -Azhek Ahriman (NOS) - - $10 - -Plague Marines (x3) - Assembled plastic - $7 -Poxwalkers (x6) - Assembled plastic - $7 DATACARDS -Datacards: Space Marines (current) - - $9 DEATHWATCH -Corvus Blackstar (NIB) - - $39 IMPERIAL GUARD -Leman Russ Executioner - Painted plastic. Plasma turret, and sponsons - $25 PRIMARIS -Intercessors (x10) - Primed blue. Parts on sprue. 2 with primer issues - $28 -Intercessors (x3) - Assembled plastic - $7 -Reivers (x3) - Assembled plastic - $7 CASES -Battlefoam Sword Bag - With Foam - $35 - HOBBY -Bag of Templates and Tokens - - $8 - -GW Grand Tournament Tape Measure - - $5 - BASES -40mm Bases (x25) (NIB) - - $15 - -Back2Base-Ix Scenic 60mm Bases (x6) - Resin - $6 - DICE -Dice - D6 (x35) - Translucent Red with White Pips - $4 - 40K BOOKS -Angel's Blade - ISBN 9781785817182 - $8 - -Battle Missions - ISBN 978-1841549118 - $10 - -Cities of Death - ISBN 1841547492 - $5 - -Codex Battlezone Cityfight - ISBN 1841540935 - $5 - -Curse of the Wulfen Boxset - - $20 - -Gathering Storm II: Fracture of Biel-Tan - ISBN 978-178581-7731 - $30 - -Imperial Armour - The Doom of Mymeara - ISBN 978-1782539704 - $45 - -Shield of Baal: Exterminatus - ISBN 978-1782536253 - $20 - -Traitor Legions - ISBN 978-1785817946 - $10 - -Warhammer 40,000: The Rules - - $2 - -Wrath of Magnus Boxset - - $30 - -Codex: Daemonhunters (3rd) - ISBN 1841543616 - $5 - -Codex: Dark Eldar (3rd) - ISBN 1-869893-41-7 - $5 - -Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th) - ISBN 978-1841548425 - $5 - -Codex: Tyranids (4rd) - ISBN 184154650x - $5 - -Codex: Grey Knights (5th) - ISBN 978-1841549910 - $5 - -Codex: Astra Militarum (6th) - ISBN 978-1782532590 - $5 - -Codex: Chaos Daemons (6th) - ISBN 978-1908872883 - $5 - -Codex: Chaos Space Marines (6th) - ISBN 978-1908872029 - $5 - -Codex: Dark Eldar (6th) - ISBN 978-1782534839 - $5 - -Codex: Grey Knights (6th) - ISBN 978-1782533702 - $5 - -Codex: Imperial Knights (6th) - ISBN 978-1782532453 - $5 - -Codex: Tau Empire (6th) - ISBN 978-1782530039 - $5 - -Codex: Tyranids (6th) - ISBN 978-1782531951 - $5 - -Codex: Adeptus Astartes Blood Angels (7th) - ISBN 978-1782536123 - $5 - -Codex: Adeptus Astartes Dark Angels (7th) - ISBN 978-1782537526 - $5 - -Codex: Adeptus Astartes Space Marines (7th) - ISBN 978-1782537472 - $5 - -Codex: Craftworlds (7th) - ISBN 978-1782537304 - $5 - -Codex: Harlequins (7th) - ISBN 978-1782536833 - $5 - -Codex: Imperial Agents (7th) - ISBN 978-1785818059 - $5 - -Codex: Skitarii (7th) - ISBN 978-1782537380 - $5 - ORKS -Orks (x9) (NOS) - 2nd Edition Blood Axes - $10 - SPACE MARINES -Armour through the Ages (NIB) - - $20 - -Sternguard Weapons (NIB) - Resin - $8 - -Sternguard Weapons (NIB) - Resin - $8 - -Sternguard Weapons (NIB) - Resin - $8 - SPACE WOLVES -Geigor Fell-Hand (NOS) - - $10 - -Geigor Fell-Hand (NOS) - - $10 - FANTASY RANDOM -Movement Trays - - $8 - -Pile of Horses - - $5 -
  20. PRODUCT UPDATE 4/14/2019! BOOKS! ELVES! EMPIRE! 40K! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AVAILABILITY AND MAKE PURCHASES. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: BITS -Inquisitor Bits - Bare / primed metal - $4 - -Whirlwind Bits - Bare metal - $4 - -High Elf Bits Lot - Tons of legs, arms, bits, banners, some metal bits - $8 - EPIC -Epic Tyranids (x8.5) - Carnifexen x7.5 and Biovore - $9 - -Titanicus Warhounds (x2) - Nicely painted plastic - $30 - INQUISITOR -Barbaretta (partial) - Bare metal - $5 - -Delphan Gruss (partial) - Bare metal with converted arm - $8 - -Sevora (partial) - Bare metal, missing daggers for hips - $8 - LORD OF THE RINGS -Elves (x24) (NOS) - Starter plastics, no bases - $20 - -Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring - ISBN 1841540605 - $5 - -Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring - ISBN 1841540605 - $5 - -Moria Goblins with Bow (x16) - Bare/primed plastic - $15 - -Moria Goblins with Shields (x16) - Bare/primed/some paint plastic - $15 - -Moria Goblins with Spears (x16) - Bare/primed plastic - $15 - -Orcs (x12) (NOS) - Starter plastics, no bases - $12 - -Sauron (NIB) - Metal - $40 - NECROMUNDA -Arbites (x2) - Painted metal - $8 - -Necromunda Farseer (Painted) - Painted metal - $20 - -Necromunda Farseer (Painted) - Bare metal - $20 - WARMASTER -Chaos Lord on Dragon - Painted metal - $20 - DICE -Scatter Dice - - $1 - -Scatter Dice - - $1 - -Scatter Dice - - $1 - TERRAIN -Aegis Defense Line - Bare plastic - $18 - -Starter Ruins (NOS) - Starter LOTR Plastics - $5 - 40K BOOKS -Index Astartes - ISBN 184154180X - $10 - -Index Astartes II - ISBN 1841543454 - $15 - -Insignium Astartes The uniforms & Regalia of the Space Marines - ISBN 1841542458 - $35 - -Liber Chaotica Vol. 2 - Slaanesh - ISBN 1844160432 - $35 - -The Battle for Armageddon - ISBN 1844160416 - $10 - -The Fall of Medusa V - ISBN 1841547484 - $4 - -Warhammer 40,000 (3rd) - ISBN 1841540005 - $5 - -Chapter Approved 2001 - ISBN 1841540889 - $5 - -Chapter Approved 2002 - ISBN 1841543179 - $5 - -Codex: Armageddon (3rd) - ISBN 1841540455 - $5 - -Codex: Assassins (3rd) - ISBN 1841540196 - $5 - -Codex: BattleZone - Cityfight (3rd) - ISBN 1841540935 - $5 - -Codex: Catachans (3rd) - ISBN 1841540161 - $5 - -Codex: Chaos Space Marines (3rd) - ISBN 1869893492 - $5 - -Codex: Chaos Space Marines (3rd, 2nd print) - ISBN 1841543225 - $5 - -Codex: Craftworld Eldar (3rd) - ISBN 1841540293 - $3 - -Codex: Daemonhunters (3rd) - ISBN 1841543616 - $5 - -Codex: Eldar (3rd) - ISBN 1869893395 - $4 - -Codex: Eye of Terror (3rd) - ISBN 1841543985 - $5 - -Codex: Imperial Guard (3rd) - ISBN 1869893522 - $5 - -Codex: Necrons (3rd) - ISBN 1841541907 - $5 - -Codex: Space Marines (3rd) - ISBN 186989328x - $5 - -Codex: Tyranids (3rd) - ISBN 1841540137 - $5 - -Codex: Witch Hunters (3rd) - ISBN 184154485x - $5 - -Warhammer 40,000 (4th) - ISBN 184154468X - $5 - -Codex: Chaos Space Marines (4th) - ISBN 9781841548425 - $5 - -Codex: Eldar (4th) - ISBN 1841547913 - $4 - -Codex: Imperial Guard (4th) - ISBN 1841544108 - $5 - -Codex: Space Marines (4th) - ISBN 1841545260 - $5 - -Warhammer 40,000 (5th) - ISBN 978-1841548753 - $5 - -Codex: Imperial Guard (5th) - ISBN 9781481549231 - $5 - -Imperial Armour - ISBN 1841541273 - $5 - -Imperial Armour II. Ork, Eldar and Dark Eldar Vehicle - ISBN 1841542199s. ~42pages, published in 2001. - $5 - -Imperial Armour Update - ISBN 1841543551 - $5 - 40K RANDOM -Heartbreaker Hobbies Minigun - Bare metal - $3 - -Squats (x2) - Bare metal - $6 - DAEMONS -Screamers (x3) - Primed metal, no bases - $15 - DEATHWATCH -Deathwatch Kill Team (x10) - Painted metal and plastic. HB, Librarian, Plasma, Powe Axe, Power Sword, PF. - $35 - -Deathwatch Rhino - Painted plastic, 2nd ed - $18 - ELDAR -Asurmen (NIB) - - $13 - -War Walker - Primed metal - $12 - -War Walker - Bare metal - $12 - -War Walker - Bare metal - $12 - -Warp Spider - Painted metal - $4 - -Wraithlord - Painted/bare metal - $15 - INQUISITION / ASSASSINS -Deathcult Assassin - Primed metal - $4 - -Callidus Assassin - Painted metal - $15 - -Culexus Assassin - Primed metal - $15 - -Eversor Assassin - Painted metal - $15 - -Vindicare Assassin - Primed metal - $15 - -Inquisitor in Terminator Armor - "Ghaz-Quisitor" - Converted metal and plastic - $15 - ORKS -Tinboy - RT Ork, bare metal - $5 - SISTERS OF BATTLE -Immolator (NOS) - Previous edition - $28 - SPACE MARINES -Terminators (x6) - Bare plastic, 2nd ed - $16 - -Mark III Marines (NOS) - - $30 - -Rogue Trader Terminators (x4) - Bare plastic - $16 - DARK ANGELS -Dark Angel Sergeant (NIB) - Metal - $6 - BRETTONIANS -Damsel - Bare metal - $5 - CHAOS FANTASY -Minotaur Regiment (NIS) - - $60 - -Chaos Knights (x2) - No mounts, previous primed metal - $8 - -Chaos Warriors (x3) - Primed metal - $9 - DARK ELVES -Beast Lord Rakarth on Dragon - Painted metal and plastic - $25 - -Cauldron of Blood - Painted metal - $15 - -Cold Ones (x5) - Ancient bare metal - $10 - -Dark Elf Hero on Cold One - Painted metal - $8 - DWARVES -Chaos Dwarf - Bare metal - $5 - -Dwarves (x2) - Painted metal - $4 - EMPIRE -Empire Cavalry Pistoliers (NIB) - Metal/plastic - $5 - -Engineer - Primed metal - $8 - -Engineer - Primed metal - $5 - -Free Company (x16) - Bare plastic - $20 - -Freeguild Guard (x21) - Bare/primed plastic. 16 shields, 21 dudes, command, 2 extra sets of legs. Not enough bases for all - $25 - -Handgunners (x17) - Bare and primed plastic, missing 12 bases - $21 - -Hellblaster Volley Gun (no crew) - Painted metal - $10 - -Mortar w/2 crew - Primed plastic - $12 - -Wizards (x4) - Snapfit plastic, bare - $12 - FANTASY BOOKS -Loathsome Ratmen and All Their Vile Kin - Snapfit plastic, bare - $60 - -Warhammer: Annual 2002 - ISBN 1841541658 - $5 - -Warhammer: Chronicles 2003 - ISBN 1841542962 - $5 - -Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves (4th) - ISBN 1-872372-88-0 - $8 - -Warhammer Armies: High Elves (5th) - ISBN 1-872372-56-2 - $8 - -Warhammer Fantasy Battles (6th) - ISBN 184154051x - $5 - -Warhammer: Beasts of Chaos (6th) - ISBN 1-84154-387-X - $8 - -Warhammer: Dark Elves (6th) - ISBN 1-84154-083-8 - $8 - -Warhammer: High Elves (6th) - ISBN 1-84154-175-3 - $5 - -Warhammer: High Elves (6th) - ISBN 1-84154-175-3 - $5 - -Warhammer: Hordes of Chaos (6th) - ISBN 1841542229 - $8 - -Warhammer: Orcs & Goblins (6th) - ISBN 1-84154-060-9 - $5 - -Warhammer: Skaven (6th) - ISBN 1-84154-185-0 - $5 - -Warhammer: Storm of Chaos (6th) - ISBN 1-84154-460-4 - $8 - -Warhammer: The Empire (6th) - ISBN 1-84154-059-5 - $5 - -Warhammer fantasy Battles (7th) - ISBN 184154759x - $5 - FANTASY RANDOM -Movement Trays - Huge Pile of plastic movement Trays - $20 - GOBLINS -Goblins (x5) - Bare plastic - $4 - HIGH ELVES -Ardath, High Elf Hero (NIB) - Metal/plastic - $10 - -Battle Standard Bearer - bare metal - $10 - -Bolt Thrower - Bare / primed metal with 4 crew - $15 - -Bolt Thrower - Bare / primed metal with 4 crew - $15 - -Dragon Princes (x4) - Painted plastic and metal (1 primed) - $12 - -Elf Ranger - Bare metal - $6 - -Ellyrian Reavers (converted) (x8) - Bare plastic and metal, converted from archers and silver helms - $24 - -Elves (x2) - Painted metal - $6 - -Giant Eagles (x3) - Painted metal - $36 - -High Elf Archers (x20) - Painted/primed plastic - $20 - -High Elf Hero, Mounted - Painted metal and plastic - $5 - -High Elf Spearmen (x16) - Primed/some paint plastic - $16 - -High Elf Tiranoc Chariot - Bare/primed metal and plastic - $15 - -High Elf Tiranoc Chariot - Painted metal and plastic - $15 - -Korhil - Painted metal - $5 - -Mage - Painted metal throwing horns - $5 - -Mage - Painted metal with Staff and Sword - $5 - -Mage, Mounted - Bare plastic/metal - $6 - -Mage, Mounted - Bare plastic/metal, no tail - $6 - -Mage, Mounted - Bare/primed plastic/metal, no tail - $6 - -Mage, Mounted - Painted plastic/metal - $6 - -Mage, Mounted (converted) - Bare/primed metal converted from foot mage - $5 - -Maiden Guard (x10) - Bare metal with command - $50 - -Shadow Warriors (x4) - Primed metal - $10 - -Shadow Warriors (x4) - Bare metal - $10 - -Shadow Warriors (x4) - Bare metal - $10 - -Silver Helm / Reaver (Converted) - Metal and plastic bare - $2 - -Silver Helms (x8) - Bare plastic, 7 detailed, 1 blank shields. - $16 - -Silver Helms (x8) - Bare plastic, 8 blank shields. - $16 - -Swordmasters (x15) - Primed metal - $40 - -Teclis - Bare metal - $15 - -White Lions (x11) - Primed metal with command - $25 - UNDEAD -Banshees (x3) - Painted metal with chains - $9 - WOOD ELVES -Wood Elf Archers (x2) - Painted metal - $4 -
  21. I thought I posted this but must have been slacking. I will be there buying up stuff. :)
  22. PRODUCT UPDATE 4/11/2019! CODEX! CHAOS SPACE MARINES! DEATH GUARD! DAEMONS! PLEASE HEAD TO HTTP://MINDTAKER.ORG TO CHECK STOCK AND MAKE PURCHASES. NOTE: A LARGER PERCENTAGE THAN USUAL OF THESE ITEMS SOLD WITH THE E-MAIL NOTIFICATION. PLEASE CHECK OUR SITE FOR AVAILABILITY. Prices do not include shipping. We accept Paypal and Credit Cards. Until we finalize a deal, nothing is held and other offers may change what is available during negotiations. Additionally, some items may be crossposted to other sites, including eBay, and may not be held. Anything shown but not listed on the site has already sold. For more advanced notice of new items, sign up for our mailing list! What's New: CODEX -Codex: Chaos Space Marine (current) - Used condition. ISBN 978-1-78581-938-4 - $20 - -Codex: Death Guard (current) - Fair condition. ISBN 978-1-78826-005-3 - $20 - CHAOS SPACE MARINE -Chaos Chosen (x6) - Bare plastic, assembled - $15 - -Chaos Cultists (x20) Ranged weapons - Bare plastic, assembled - $20 - -Chaos Cultists (x20) Mix of close combat and ranged weapons - Bare plastic, assembled - $20 - -Dark Vengence Chaos Lord - Bare plastic - $5 - -Chaos Space Marines Terminator Lord - Bare plastic - $13 - -Chaos Space Marines (x10) - Bare plastic, 1 primed, assembled. - $20 - -Aspiring Champion - Bare plastic, assembled - $10 - -Helbrute - Bare plastic, assembled - $14 - DEATH GUARD -Lord Of Contagion - Painted plastic, assembled - $5 - -Malignant Plaguecaster - Primed plastic - $5 - -Noxious Blightbringer - Primed plastic - $5 - -Plague Marines (x7) 3 Primed, 4 Bare - Mix of primed and Bare plastic - $18 - -Plague Marines (x7) 2 Primed, 5 Bare - Mix of primed and Bare plastic - $18 - -Plague Marines (x9) - Mix of primed and Bare plastic - $20 - DAEMONS -Bloodletters (x20) - Primed, missing banner piece, weighted bases. - $29 -Bloodletters (x20) 25mm bases - Mix of primed and painted, weighted bases - $29 -Daemons Of Khorne Bloodthirster - Primed, weighted 25mm bases, 3 missing bases. - $29 -Poxwalkers (x16) - Painted and Based - $65 -Herald of Khorne (FW) - Painted resin on resin base - $25 -Skull Cannon of Khorne - Painted plastic - $20 TALONS -Warden (x1) - Bare plastic - $6 -
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