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Everything posted by InfestedKerrigan

  1. Like was said earlier, for my meta, the jump from 10 doesn't have much impact, let alone the delivery methods brought to the field. I don't see Eldar Superheavies, so a lot of the nationwide debate has had little to no effect on me. I also haven't played in a tourny in 5 years or more. I have always been a fan of bring it all and 7th edition has been exciting for me.
  2. I think maybe a 0-1 Units with Ranged D would be more reasonable than 0-1 Ranged D Weapons, period.
  3. It would sit nicely next to the PS, PS2 and PS3. The Dreamcast and Genesis are a little lonely and feeling out numbered. The Xbox1 would help give Sega an edge. It could be like the Tea Party.
  4. Has the leaked Eldar dex changed how you would vote if polled again?
  5. It will be fun being able to run Dengar, IG-88, Boba, Bossk and Zuckuss. Doubtful all would fit in a list naked, but will still be sweet.
  6. I think we have different ideas of Wonder Woman.
  7. For as high of a bar as Dark Knight Set, George Clooney set the low bar. I would like to believe Affleck learned from Daredevil and we will see a better product than Joel's.
  8. I've been happy with my PS3 up until this. I think I may have to buy a new console.
  9. Actually, after Khorne, and how Craftworld is shaping up, I'm really interested in how they advance the Tau and the Imperium. A lot of game changers hitting the table and hitting the table hard. Imperial Knights were a small sign of the times. As scary as the omens are, it's exciting times in 40k.
  10. "Not making it better" does not equate to "makes it worse." ;)
  11. Not every player seeks to have D sprayed all over their face while swatting at mosquitoes, either.
  12. Looks like Lil Wayne, to me. But I can't tell the difference, they all look the same. Wookies, I mean.
  13. I want to be excited for this, but I'm more excited for Civil War, and I'm not a Captain America fan.
  14. Codex: Eldar and Craftworld Iyanden are not available on the webpage.
  15. "When I quit my Dad's firm, I didn't expect my life to turn out like this. I hang out and smoke weed with the neighbor's dog all day." - Elijah Wood
  16. It's non-cannon fan flicks that had a rich jew financing them.
  17. Yeah, he knows that... he isn't saying A New Hope, Empire and Jedi are episode 1-3.... he's saying Lucas is an asshat and [big bad swear word]ed up the series and chooses not to acknowledge the aforementioned Phantom Clone Siths.
  18. Okay, just got done watching it....twice. My nipples are starting to calm down. Yoda vs Dooku level of excitement right now. The TIE hangers, the Storm Troopers, the Royal Guard Sith boi. The crashed ISD. I'll be back after I change my pants.
  19. I'd say it worked for Necrons, but they removed it.
  20. Wait until you see the new Dark Eldar. "Weird" doesn't touch the tip of the ice burg with your neighbors 12 foot pole.
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