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Everything posted by Zeev

  1. Pretty comprehensive...I do lack witches/dancers, but have just about everything else in at least 2s. I think I only have 1 Kraken but I have plans to get a 2nd.
  2. So I made a facebook group for 9th age/WFB and KoW for western Washington. Kinda getting tired of looking wistfully at my army and trying to find opponents in Seattle so am gonna turn to social media to try and unify and grow the community in the area. I guess you Oregonians are welcome as well ;). https://www.facebook.com/groups/1095068737306412/
  3. @TheBeninator I can probably lend him my Dread Elves and he can use them as count as. Please yes an hour lunch...or some rounds will be starting 30 minutes late cause its hard to get food and eat it in 30 minutes.
  4. For 9th is say two and a half...at least till the community gets a better handle on the rules.
  5. Was a good time had a few takeaways from my first time out; 1. Always ambush miners, and don't give them shields. They are also amazing. 2. Organ guns are good..but pricey and not sure if just having 2 much cheaper flame cannons would be better. 3. Magic was actually less impressive then I thought. I had 0 magic defense and I don't think I ever really cared about more then 1 or 2 spells all game. 4. 5++ ward vs shooting sounds good...but ultimately wasn't really necessary. I liked the dwarves but looking forward to getting back into my O&G and prepping for OFCC
  6. Full 30 for eadbashers. 40 or 50 for regular orcs. Irons run better 6x5. Goblins depend what your doing with them. Usually they run as tarpits so narrow and deep is the better plan. However if your doing bow goblins (popular build atm) they usually go 10 wide to maximize shots. Generally avoid forest goblins due to their overcost since poison is not optional and it makes them WAY to expensive.
  7. Being an O&G player I can say hordes are our best bet. Saurian main issue at the moment is that their old style of being a magic heavy and magic being really weak atm and miscasts being pretty much murder to skink units its left both Saurian casters in a bad spot.
  8. With the other changes to reduce game time I really don't see the need for going from 5000 to 4500. Never really had an issue finishing games before anyways. Overall I am good with about 80% of the changes in the update. Most of the main rule book changes look good. Some of the AB changes feel knee jerk and unnecessary.
  9. Hopefully I can make it down. Prolly bring my O&G.
  10. If you ever want to borrow stuff I have a fairly large EoS army as well.
  11. Maybe...October is just a super busy month for me.
  12. I am only really free the 3rd weekend in October.
  13. October 15th works for me! One week after my birthday so you can all bring me presents! :p
  14. Cool I have a 40k tournament I am attending for sure in Spokane...but any other weekend would love to head down for some games!
  15. Seattle ;p. Though for serious, if there could be occasional meetups in like...Olympia (closest to middle of Seattle/Vancouver with a game store I can think of) I would totally make the trip down.
  16. Sorry you are having issues with them...I have issues with having to hide my alter behind a hill all game against lists with a single cannon that are hitting it on a 2+ or 3+. Also having to keep my Monsters in a box....on a shelf....far far behind all my other models :p
  17. The fact that cannons ignore Pretty much every negative except for long range (which they rarely suffer after turn 1) and the +1 to hit Large Targets pretty much make them just as accurate and effective against their intended target as always...more so against character mounted monstrous beasts like manticore and griffons as these models are often capped at 4 wounds so a cannon has 2/3 chance of killing one outright
  18. Still any interest in a meet up next weekend?
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