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Everything posted by sounder

  1. Work shedule is lookkng like it might change soon, so I am totally ready for some infinity!
  2. Yeeeaaahhh!!! Are you going to PAX? Cause that's where im going to be this weekend. I could bring infinity with me.
  3. I just ordered the Northern FUry book, and some anglo-saxons from gripping beast, they were sold out of the reg rulebook.
  4. AAAAHHHHH!!! fusiliers with not ridiculously sized combi rifles! I so happy!!!
  5. ima be Neoterra, or Ariadna, or Aleph, or Yu Jing
  6. helllllz yeah im down! As long as anyone is open for fri-sun, cause i can't do mon-thurs
  7. Huzza! Ill try get all my heavy gear put together
  8. Anyone up for some games? infinity or heavy gear blitz demo or saga demo(don't own any saga models or books) I can be down to dark tower like 7pm
  9. I'm up for a game of infinity...At like 9am.....
  10. Anyone wanna play infinity like 11am or noonish time?
  11. Yay! I'm so excited for this!
  12. Sounders!! I wanna play infinity so bad tho....
  13. Aaron Wallace (works at Dark Tower on Fridays) is looking for playtesters for his new boardgame he has created. I looked at the game last friday and it looks pretty interesting. I think it would be cool to get some people together and help a brother out by playtesting for him so he can get it ready for kickstarter.
  14. I agree with this. Lotr Strategy Battle Game is still one of my favorite systems out there. I also like Saga tho and would be down for that too
  15. It's okay we'll infinity again i'm super sure of it
  16. My disappointment is second only to my sadness.
  17. I like history and miniatures and skirmish games
  18. Anyone up for some infinity at 12noon?
  19. Nooo! Im gonna be in seattle for sounders.. so no infinity for me Unless.... I can infinity on friday if that works
  20. sounder

    3rd edition

    im so excited
  21. sounder

    3rd edition

    As long as I can play in the campaign on fridays or saturdays
  22. sounder

    3rd edition

    Sweet, any word on when this kickstarter is going launch? I def cant miss that
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