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Everything posted by Khail

  1. I'm just going to leave this here... Apparently the PDF is out now. Same guy that designed Frostgrave. http://therenaissancetroll.blogspot.com/2018/09/rangers-of-shadow-deep-coming-soon.html?m=1 :: Edit:: link: https://www.rpgnow.com/m/product/257695
  2. Gotcha. He's a monster, but I get wanting to keep the theme a bit more limited.
  3. Do you have McMurrough? He was always key to my successes with Corregidor.
  4. Cool man - you looking at playing Corregidor at ECI or Vanilla? We should talk listbuilding and tactics either way.
  5. Hey guys - if anyone is looking for some Infinity practice for ECI Mk.II, or wants a demo or casual game - I'll be there 11/6 with terrain/etc. Gotta keep this train rollin! Our tournament on Sunday had 10 players, pretty great for a first shot at it! A couple from Canada, a couple from Seattle, and Joey, Nathan, Kyle, Bobby, and myself repping B'ham. Good times were had!
  6. Event is up for registration in the OTM: https://its.infinitythegame.com/event/9622cda49-the-cascadia-conflicts-oct-2018
  7. I have 2 decks we can use it it comes down to it, and I think one of the Canadians that is coming has 2 as well. We'll be able to make it work.
  8. Hey Everyone - We're running our first Infinity tournament at Dark Tower next Sunday 10/28. This is more or less a combination capstone event for the league and preparation event for the big tournament I'm running down in Seattle on 11/10-11/11 (The Emerald City Incursion MkII). It would be awesome if you guys from the league came to play/check it out. Infinity tournaments are inherently fairly relaxed, so don't stress too much about a "competitive environment". There's an event set up on facebook, but since a good chunk of you guys don't use it, here you go:
  9. Re: places to stay - there's not a whole lot nearby that's affordable aside from the Ballard Inn, which has shared bathrooms and only single bed rooms. Otherwise you're looking at something that's a bit of a drive.
  10. Sorry Jeff - We filled up on Tuesday about 2 hours before you asked. I would be happy to put you down on the reserve list though in case we have a cancellation (you'd be #1, so more than likely to get in). If you want, go ahead and fill out the registration and I'll add you as a reserve.
  11. I'll echo the thanks Joey! It's been awesome to participate in/support a league as opposed to being the guy having to run one. I know how much work it is, so I want you to know how much I appreciate your effort. A+, would play again.
  12. Woo! Awesome that you're making it Eric! I'd offer you a couch but I'm staying with a buddy too... I moved up to B'ham a while back.
  13. So stoked to hear this, congrats Adam!
  14. Aaand we're down to 6 slots left out of 32 - hoping some of you guys can make it! @Raindog @Exile
  15. Hey guys, just a heads up that tickets are half gone already! Sign up soon or forever hold your peace!
  16. Tickets are half gone already folks - if this is something you're interested in doing/supporting, I'd love to have you there! Sign up soon!
  17. New classified decks. We'll be 2 months in to Season 10 at that point, so people should have them by then.
  18. Hope to see a bunch of you guys make the trip up for this - thanks for reposting here Raindog!
  19. Yes, these are all true. Note that stealth still trumps the no LOF required bit - you have to be looking at a heavy infantry or hacker with stealth to hack it in ARO, or it has to break stealth (by hacking shooting, etc).
  20. Gotta have arc markings on the base, otherwise nope!
  21. By not activating them. Ever. Or at least not while there are enemy hackers left alive. Even unhackable things are vulnerable to Spotlight - Jim, if you were ever going to bring a smart missile bot, now is the time!
  22. Yup - no firewalls at all when using the Transmission Antennas to hack through. Hacking AROs are vicious in this mission.
  23. The zone for scoring is only 4", but it's a repeater for 8".
  24. Hey guys - I know there are a number of you here that don't use Facebook, so I figured I'd post a message in the forum. I opened up registration today for the Emerald City Incursion MkII, a large two day Infinity event hosted down at Mox Boardinghouse in Ballard. I would love if if any of you guys were able to attend - details are below. Seattle’s largest Infinity event is making its long-awaited return! The Emerald City Incursion MkII will be held on November 10th and 11th at Mox Boarding House in Seattle, Washington! This will be a 300 point Limited Insertion tournament, with 5 games played over two days. The missions will be: Unmasking Acquisition Supplies Supremacy Firefight Cost of the event will be $35 until October 13th, or $40 afterwards. Our cap is 32 players, so sign up soon! Note that your registration is not complete until you fill out the link below AND pay for your slot. Registration Link: https://goo.gl/forms/DOIC59vyDuZOsWDG2 After registering, I will send an invoice to your email via Paypal. There may be a delay before this happens as I have to send these out manually.
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