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Everything posted by AgentP

  1. Picking up some Dark Vengeance pieces off Ebay might enable you to keep your budget.
  2. For Tau, you'll need 20 fire warriors, as a base, then add on some kroot, or more fire warriors to round out troops. HQ can be done with a single battle suit commander. For fast attack, 14-16 pathfinders will serve you well. Elites and Heavy are where you'll run into costs. Many people like 2-3 riptides. You probably want at least one, at least as a centerpiece model, and to keep you up with the bigger is better current meta of 40k. For heavy support, 3-6 broadsides is great, and a skyway is worthwhile as well. For allies, an Eldar farseer on a jet bike, with a squad of 3 bikers is pretty much gold.
  3. Do you have any Tau models from your 5th ed days?
  4. Anyone up for a game at Guardian this afternoon/evening? Let me know
  5. AgentP


    Left arm has no other option? Bummer. Army of these will look pretty uniform.
  6. AgentP


    These models just blow me away. I have to have these
  7. AgentP


    I have to admit, I could see any army of these. Six models to paint sounds kinda nice.
  8. I will be there (finally, yay!) to facilitate some planetary empires and get a game in. Bringing some Tau.
  9. For OFCC yes, you could, but i dont speak for the 3 round open
  10. To clarify, OFCC allows SoM monsters, not pacts, and it comes from the Rare, not Special. But thats for the 5 round. I dont speak for the 3 round open
  11. I've been in a modeling lull. My enthusiasm for these games is driven by what pet project has me obsessed, and lately I haven't had one. I've always been a huge WWI history buff - Flanders Fields, etc. A long while back I collected some steel legion, death korp, and various third-party long coat troops. They've been on my "to do" list for a while. I toyed with creating a trench board, etc. Always seemed like a good idea, but a little out there. Then I read stronghold assault…. I'm captivated by creating an army where the terrain and board is the heart of the army itself. The fortifications are as much a part of the army, it's painting style and how it plays, as the little men themselves. But the gauge of a good idea is whether it would be fun to be across the table from. So I'm curious what people would think if at a friendly event, say OFCC, if you faced an army that was 700-800 pts in fortifications, i.e., nearly 50% of the total, some emplaced artillery like heavy mortars and thudd guns, maybe a tank bunkered down, and greatcoat troops scurrying along the muddy trenches? Would that much fortification sour you? Would you feel that playing such a static and unmoving army was a wasted round? Or would it be something different and fun to play against?
  12. I think you could use the Blood Slaughterer models as the giant spawn too. Same size roughly, but more mechanical looking.
  13. Thanks for this report. I finally got around to really reading both SA and Escalation this snowbound weekend. I really want to try using both sometime. I wonder what an imperial guard army with a huge fortification network, a hunkered down bane blade style super heavy, and some artillery would do. Might not win a bunch, but damn that would be fun to paint.
  14. Oh, and I forgot to add that I clearly need a Khorne Lord of Skulls, because who doesn't?
  15. I'm really drawn to the bio-mechanical look of some of the chaos line. I'd love to build an army emphasizing these models, but need help. How would people build a good chaos list, either CSM/Daemons, or Daemons/CSM that featured a healthy number of bio-mechanical models such as: Juggernaught Maulerfiend / Forgefiend Heldrake Helbrute Cannon of Khorne Blood Slaughterer (FW unit) Plague Hulk (FW) Soul Grinder Blight Drone Blood Crushers
  16. First, I will likely not be there, due to meetings. Same thing as last week guys. Start by resolving anything from last week, i.e. occupying tiles for attackers. Then everyone roll. If you defended last week you can spend each point (1-3) for a +1d3 to your roll. Also don't forget that people still in orbit, attacking someone already on the ground, gets one free orbital barrage.
  17. I assume Raze was attacker and Pax defender?
  18. Please send me the results of your game. Also, if something interesting happened to your commander, i.e. he died, or performed exceptionally well, let me know that too. Tell me the following: Who was attacker Who was defender Was it a win, draw, or loss
  19. All: Please plan on bringing 1000pt armies for tomorrow's start to planetary empires. We'll set up the map, pick some areas, and have an initial battle. There will be no effects from owned terrain this week, so no need to plan for anything funky. Just some casual dice rolling.
  20. I love the Sunshark. Well, more to the point, I love its two interceptor drones. They have been the stars of some games.
  21. Sadly, I have been summoned to a court hearing in Southern Oregon on the 14th, which necessitates that I delay the start of the Planetary Empires campaign by one week. We will begin on January 21, 2013.
  22. ATTENTION I have been unfortunately summoned to a court hearing in Southern Oregon on Tuesday the 14th, so I must delay the start of this campaign for one week. We will begin January 21, 2013.
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