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Everything posted by phyfor88

  1. I will be later tonight my kids have a school event. Be there around 7ish.
  2. Sounds great I will unpack my mid war armies. Grants and crusaders to the top, no rules for my armoured car companies yet. Also will bring my Germans if anyone wants to borrow.
  3. I will be there tonight. Sorted by armies out a bit, the Germans are now in the proper bags and not mingling with the Brits. No more soccer games during Christmas.
  4. I want to be enthusiastic toward V4, our game needs to change. I am a bit unimpressed with the output of midwar so far. I am surprised they have the tiger and 17 pdr available at the early part of the desert. Without these I believe it is much better. I will not be playing with the super weapons unless my opponent does. I will simply ask them if they are fielding them. I do have loads of old goodies and I believe Battlefront will bring them back, they have a vested interest in making many models. I was once resistant to changes now I understand they are inevitable. My interest is in my favorite hobby to flourish.
  5. Hello all, I am recently moved into Vancouver Washington. I am an avid Flames of war player, I have many armies for mid and late war and can ever scrape together a couple of companies for early war. I also started playing Team Yankee recently, I have around 200 points of Americans. I look forward to meeting some new people and rolling some dice( even if they are bad). I have heard that you meet at GG on tuesdays or thursdays around 6?
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