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Everything posted by phyfor88

  1. After getting a few V4 mid war desert games played I have come to a few conclusions. 1. the game is well balanced and plays faster then V3, 2. Armies are fast to make and can be built easily on the fly. I have had an idea of a force and built it rapidly and still had excellent games. 3. The rules are easier to learn and should attract more people to play. A huge win to our hobby. I wish I had more to report but my dice have been horrible recently so my battles have been tainted. I cannot blame that on the game, my dice may need to be introduced to my blow torch, and the threat of melting applied. Overall I really am enjoying V4 mid war, and look forward to branching out to late and early war later this year.
  2. This sounds interesting. I have an Ork army. I have not played much in the last few years due to playing only tournament type players, not fun with a very sub par army. I hve started a Goff army design. My boys are nobs (assault on black reach mostly) my gretchen are boys. For nobs I use war bosses. I started to build a custom war boss, but lost interest after not having fun, but still have all the bits stored together. Goffs are the biggest toughest and meanest of orks and are properly larger sized.
  3. I will be there with V4 mid war. Also bringing team Yankee.
  4. Good game last night. Thanks! My dice could have been better or Ryans worse but still a good evening.
  5. I will check at GG tonight. I think V4 is great, but need some verification. So far I have noticed a bit of scaling issues, germans would be much better at 100 vs 50 points. Could be I just have not built good lists yet.
  6. I would love to get in a game. Sunday was just bad timing for me. We set up a game.
  7. i will bring my team yankee, and a bit more this time.
  8. I understand assaulting will be viable. But by the look of it now you have to have a good armor save like a space marine. Orks get no saves, this is a world of difference.
  9. With the new Morale it seems Orks in any numbers are done. Unless they have something special in the form of special rules or characters. Boyz can lose 10 models to shooting as they advance then lose more in morale, then as they make contact lose even more. As an Ork player only I am intrigued by the new edition. 6 and 7th have been abysmal and I have have played very very little. I truly hope this edition is more balanced. I see this will be an assualt friendly edition. But, with the moral it seems it will be good for those with armor saves.
  10. How many players made it? What happened?
  11. OK great! Prepare to die commie scum......
  12. I will be there on Thursday. Anyone up for some V4 desert, team yankee, or 1750 3rd?
  13. Due to sickness in my family not gonna make it tonight. See everyone next week.
  14. I have armies they were in the garage. But my books were destroyed by mold they were in the house. I have my midwar stuff and TY at my new place, the rest are in storage yet, I will see if I can retrieve them. I would really like to get a game in on thursday.
  15. What are we playing this week? on the 13th of April.?
  16. Sorry Homeless now. Black Mold forced my family from our rental, abd made us very sick, unlikely to get any deposits back. Most of our possessions are now contaminated 95% and will be trash. Staying with family until we can find a new place, then we start over with almost nothing. No clothes furniture towels etc etc.. I have no gaming budget for the foreseeable future. Allstate insurance covered nothing. Tomorrow I need to shop for a jacket and some clothes. I am back to basic survival mode.
  17. I am dealing with mold issues in my rental, landlord unresponsive. Not gonna make it tonight.
  18. Odds are very low of Nelson attending on Saturday. I have been forced from my rental due to mold making my entire family ill. Landlord refuses to respond or do work. I am temporarily staying with family until I legal issue are resolved.
  19. Not gonna make it tonight gents. Have fun.
  20. I have my American's at the ready. Say jump and we are in the air.
  21. I have at least 4 sets of theses models(I. E. 4 of each) plus more. I will bring them along with some desert terrain.
  22. I would like to play this on Thursday any takers? My brits need some Germans to smash. POSTED BY: barcaPOSTED ON: 2017-03-04TURN NUMBER: 4BATTLE ARROW IDENTIFIER: 5ATTACKERS NATIONALITY: Allies/BritishDEFENDERS NATIONALITY: GermanATTACKERS LOCATION: C2DEFENDER LOCATION: D7ATTACKERS FIRESTORM UNITS: British 29th AD + Priority Air - TyphoonDEFENDERS FIRESTORM UNITS: 1st SS Pz Div Peiper,3 FJSUPPLY CONDITION AND EFFECTS: NoneWEATHER: CLEAR. No Effects on Tactical Battles
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