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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. I think I got rid of most the blurry ones, my appologies if I missed any! http://1drv.ms/1vqXxh3 Also Ze GROTS!!!
  2. He certainly deserved it... I believe the gentleman rerolled it ... after our "crew stunned" wore off!
  3. This happened in my game against Torg today! Great game Torg! We left it and it stayed that way for most of the phase!
  4. I guess I'm just a little out of frame for that level of experience. I was introduced at 4th and enjoyed 5th and 6th... and 7th, as long as everybody pretended it was 6th.... 7th mechanics with a recognizable army list. I'll play. I'll roll my dice. I'll do my best with my list. But as far as having a clue on what is going on for the other side of the table... well I suppose the possibilities are unbound.
  5. NSFW:The Koala knows what I'm talkin about... Koala, Koala.
  6. My son and my dog both! Today. :) Also:
  7. Felt this one in my gut! All the good dogs need to know! Have you told your's today? Education is key...
  8. Funny, somewhere I picked up the idea that 40k was the same universe, just far in the future. Course corrected, thanks.
  9. Doesn't the mere existence of Warhammer 40K kind of make "The End Times" kind of a misnomer? :)
  10. Koalas in the Rain... No F's Given! AudioNSFW: http://gifsound.com/?gif=i.imgur.com/WniPHRD.gif&v=gNqQL-1gZF8&s=368
  11. I'm looking at you Tau Multitracker...
  12. Kitty adheres to Golden Ratio... As does this:
  13. Should be: "Mutual or Nothing!" Also: I always thought of it as CSS Whack-A-Mole, but this is an apt metaphor: edit: I love it when the chunk completely falls out.
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