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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. So psyched to see more FSA players! I'll be there Friday night, wasn't thinking Firestorm... but now...
  2. Thanks for sharing! That's $92 after shipping costs. Bought mine.
  3. Finished up the Wool series. Huh. Well, ok. At least they started explaining some stuff. Now into the 3rd book of the Peter Hamilton's Void series. Hard to recommend these, but I am interested in where they are going. Lot's of advanced tech, permanent death is almost unheard of, multiple levels of human transcendence. I mean, what's after post-physical>>?? Almost anything...
  4. I will be there as well with Terran and Sorylians.
  5. Lysergic Action Role Playing?
  6. I can't wait to blow these up! Nice job man. I dig the Hawker models, and the solar panels jumped out at me before you even mentioned them!
  7. Ah, you have arrived! Nice work with the airbrush. Going for more contrast in the pre-shading before you put a candy paint over it delivers great results. It just takes bravery and commitment!
  8. yep, I've had to fish mine out of the garbage can.., twice.
  9. Anybody find a Battlescribe data file that has Sorylian Battlecrusiers in it?
  10. Damn, good catch Bryan, I'd have pulled the trigger on this one too!
  11. Justjokin standing by with 1200pts of Sorylians and Terrans each. On days when I make it down to play, anyone is welcome to use my fleet that is not in action to get a feel for the game. Anyone find an List Builder that supports Battle Cruisers yet? The BattleScribe data file that I found is updated for 2.0, but not that updated.
  12. If you don't find the adapter... Remove the home depot adapter from the hose that I have here, and it will replace the blue hose in the picture above. The brass end will connect right to the moisture trap, and the small end will screw directly to the bottom of the sotar without any other adapters.
  13. I got the 6ft braided airbrush hose at BridgeTowne or Michael's. The other adapter I got at Home depot, near the other compressor accessories. I'd love to take part in a beginners Airbrushing session. I still count myself as newb, although I do have some successes under my belt.
  14. Got'cha. It's different reading the rule book after your first actual game! Rematch some time in the near future?
  15. EXCELSIOR!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Good to meet you guys! I had a great time fighting to a draw with Stoobert. GG!
  17. I agree (with) Burk, it is a large compressor, but you can certainly get the proper adapters for not much monies or so to step it down to the required size. What I do like about the link is that the compressor has the pressure regulator, a moisture trap, and a reservoir tank. I actually do most of my painting with a Home Depot Husky air compressor that is better suited for running my air nailer. Compress the air, store it in a buffer, make sure it is dry before it goes into the tool, have the right adapters and PSI. I think those are the core concerns. I defer to anyone more seasoned than my armature's experimentation. ... Then we start talking about paint thinning and viscosity... mmmm.... milk.... The hose in the image below works between my Badger Krome and my Home Depot compressor. That is a badger hose, with a 3 dollar home depot adapter.
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