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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. You know, that one team that is going to the Superbowl?
  2. Basic digital cameras have a macro option, which can help, if you can keep it steady, and get the camera fairly close to the subject. Even with a cell phone I try to brace to stabilize the shot, make sure there is good indirect light around the model,use marco settings, and turn off the flash. Photographers will give you all kinds of well supported advice about aperture and focal length, and stuff. This is not that kind of advice. Mine is more like "hey I took some pictures like this that turned out good enough to post on the local boards..." Have fun! The model looks great, and will be ready for play when based. Detail on the eyes? Glowing on the plasma pistol? The hand and arm holding the ax could use a wash with something like Argax Earthshade.
  3. Building the rooms in a way that allows for both external and internal detail is something that I wish I had done. I ended up wanting the rooms to be able to fit together to create a spacestation of tight corridors or as a series of stand alone buildings with distinct exteriors. . I might have the individual dimensions incorrect, but the idea of leaving a base lip around the building that is a thick as any of the facades will let the buildings fit closely together.
  4. Scott, I love your ideas! I hope to contribute in some way to the club table. Please keep us posted as this develops and speak on on how we can best help! This is kind of what I picture when you say facade: The piece in my hand is the same that is glued to a small rectangle of dry-erase board in the background. v Dry-erase board is a light, strong material that you can get pretty cheap at home depot, and is just what you've got in conference rooms. Doors anyone? https://plus.google.com/photos/104950319911536720232/albums/5670599525597022417?authkey=COjl-MGo06nkSA These are older pics, but still relevant. Modular terrain WIP: https://plus.google.com/photos/104950319911536720232/albums/5693142204192500849?authkey=CJTw-Nyr6suqGA https://picasaweb.google.com/104950319911536720232/2010101540KKillTeamBoardWIP?authuser=0&feat=directlink
  5. Well, my folks live in South Hill, so I make it up that way sometimes... What's the gaming shop out that way? Matrix or something?
  6. Hey thanks Murphy's Lawyer and Sketchymon for a good match last night and congrats to Sketchymon and his Eldar on a hard fought win. Pics: https://plus.google.com/photos/104950319911536720232/albums/5970677571375421297?authkey=CN3O6fC5mJf2eQ
  7. The nice thing about this size of game, you don't have to take too long to get a good match in. Reset Go Again!
  8. The table hasn't seen action in a while, and is already packed to travel, so no big deal there. It's a shame how much love went into it that it sits unused. 3 is completely cool. I'm down to just have fun and explore the rules. I have some cool mission cards and tokens from SOKillzone that, I think, have direct application in HoR:KT. We don't have to use them at all, but they are great food for thought. What's a 1v1v1 game look like? Each player draws a (secret)mission card with an option to reject and go for kill points? Also, If you're interested, here are pictures of a 2 x 250 Green Blood Angels teams against 2 x 250 Overly Silvery Gray Knights teams: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/104950319911536720232/albums/5751560768121700785?authkey=CKW7m9zO04WhHw (Edited to make it seem like I meant in my head...)
  9. I always found heavy flamers to be great against genestealer spam, which otherwise ate Terminators for breakfast.
  10. I'm thinking it's time to throw my team in the ring.... Saturday you say? What time is best for you? I have a bunch of Terrain that I built when we were deep in to KillZone. Shall I bring some down? Oh and have you seen any rules having to do with open/closing/locking/blowing doors?
  11. I'm with you Scott. My enjoyment of this game is what me and my friends make it! I choose fun. Every. Single. Time.
  12. Get HoR:KT: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-4-hor-kill-team-then/
  13. Oh Ya, the Bike Parkour signs!
  14. Thanks Chris and Raze. I'll need to give both a try. One of the other things in my head as I think about Kill Teams are movies like Predator, where there is an mixed collection of members each representing a specialization that the team needs to do the job. It captures that "cinematic" thing that people go on about. Sometimes I think that the HoR rules don't go far enough in allowing you to flavorize individual models with even more skills and gear. That being said, I don't always make the members of my KT's unique. But maybe a few of them... I think the "Name" column is important for any KT list I build. Certainly when you get into campaign mode which, as CLC noted, is lacking from the GW set.
  15. The GW Kill Teams still are squad based with coherency rules right? These types of skirmish games give a different flavor, but still scratch the 40K itch. To me, the big draw is the independence that each model gets and the different interactions with terrain. What is it about the GW rules that you prefer? Truth in Advertising: I have yet to play either of these specific rule sets, but I have played individual model squad skirmish games before and really enjoyed them, Special Operations:Killzone most notably.
  16. I am in the middle of creating an Excel based list builder for HoR Kill Team lists. Does anyone know how to do cell data validation off of a named range in Google docs spreadsheet? I can do all that I need in Excel, but Google Spreadsheets just don't have some of those features. At this point I am avoiding scripting and macros. For some reason Google Docs are more popular with the kids these days... :) More info on HoR Kill Teams: http://heralds-of-ruin.blogspot.co.uk/p/kill-team-rules.html#lists
  17. I suppose you did say that in the first couple lines of the OP... :) I just got a little excited when I realized they were trying to be true to the 4th Edition DeathWatch KillTeams, True Grit and all.
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