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Everything posted by ChaosGerbil

  1. Not sure what you mean but the photography might not happen for a few days. Here's all the preview pics you could shake a stick at: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/gallery/album/40-chaosgerbil-models/
  2. I was having fun with it, some of my prophecy is tongue in cheek.
  3. *pulls thread back on track* I came here to wildly speculate about A.M, okay? I thought that was the point. Let's make some predictions about Space Army guys. Whoever has the most accurate prophecy gets bragging rights (but then must be burned as a witch). Vendettas up 20 points, keep transport capacity but still refuse Ogryns and ponies Valkyries get a new missile option but stay about the same cost. Saber platforms or something similar in the book, light Artillery that can be added to platoons Either Bullgryns or Ogryns will rock but the other type will suck Lots of bitching and moaning by either guard players or the general community No Baneblade, but yes to a new heavier FW style tank A new type of ordnance or at least a new ammo mode Really hit or miss warlord table Cheaper weapon upgrades on vehicles and wargear Platoons stay the same in cost per guy at 5 pts., vets might change Orders that last multiple turns / all game as long as the commander lives (how cool would that be) New veteran skill option, hopefully tank hunters Homeworld benefits similar to Codex Space Marines chapter buffs Weird Force Org changes centering around platoons and auxilaries Stormtrooper as troops unlock character The Stormtroopers will be good but the vehicle will somehow be lame or too expensive One new character that's slightly broken One new character that is borderline useless. Russes will have 4 HP and lumbering behemoth will be fixed. Points stay about the same. New orders, something about buffs to fortifications and maybe superheavies Rough Riders improved but still die to like chumps to Gretchin throwing rocks. Please oh please AV 11 options on Chimera sides and rear... at 10 pts. 5 pt. dozer blades Free voxes, one per squad
  4. The Necromundan 23rd respond to two things: Desire for pillage and fear of torture. I have extra pouches to glue on, and I keep my clippers and razor blades handy. You think the Orks would be more reliable? Have you MET an Ork?
  5. So far Traitor Guard are clearly winning, and as I have put the most work into the army they will most likely be up for the first round. Orks could be second, so keep voting folks! I do have some sample pics, older ones are on my blog (link below) but I also took some shelf pictures with my regular camera last night that I might post to the A.F.section soon. The new photoset I am talking about will be with a DSLR camera.
  6. Hey it's your list. I enjoy discussing guard and working out list ideas with others.
  7. Coteaz can join a hench squad which need better leadership anyways. I suggest lots of Crusaders for the squad that he is in, like 3-6. If you have the points and the model you can do a Stormraven, which could combo well with vendettas. I recommended 2 Runepriests because taking just one it will get targeted and probably die early, and with two you can put one in each platoon. The ATSKNF is a great enhancement to platoons. I did think Runic and DTW stacked, oh well. I like your sideboard style idea.
  8. I think Russes will see a new Renaissance soon. 2 squads of 2 is excellent for Heavy Support. Round it out with artillery like griffons and a colossus, 2-3 hydras, or for a single vehicle go for a Manticore. My "man of the match," if it survives a couple turns, is usually my bastion breacher shells Medusa. I have one shotted land raiders turn 1. With high AV fortifications and superheavies becoming more common, these guys are important. We might be getting a kit for the Medusa / Colossus / etc. in a few months. Modeling musings: With your current models and for the current codex consider cutting down the earthshakers and putting them on the backs of chimeras to make 2 Griffons. 150 pts. of Str 6 infantry and light vehicle smashing is useful, that indirect fire can unseat hiding troops. Make some mortar guys (Easy conversion, you need tubes basically) and they will add up to let you barrage snipe. Since 4 Chimeras is way more effective than 2, maybe wait for the new kit.Better yet, make the mortars and crew platform removable so you can tinker with your list. Likewise with the hellhound junk, magnetise so you can swap. The earthshakers could also be turned into fixed guns with the FW entry to stretch out your bits. Hopefully they will put some actual Artillery in the next book. Melta / plasma vets in chimeras are still powerful, but you need 2-4 squads to get the job done. 1 of those squads can be a CCS. I love mixing in a platoon. For the PCS I tend to run them as 4 flamers in a chimera, or as an cheap wannabe weapon team with one mortar. I like weapon teams. You need them in numbers though as they are big targets and fragile. 2 autocannon teams, 1-2 lascannon teams and 1-2 mortar teams is what I gravitate towards if I can find the room. Heavy weapon teams are incredibly fun to model. If you are allowed to cheat with Forgeworld, Saber platforms are better than teams in almost every way for 6th edition. You do get less shots but so much more utility (with Interceptor), AA, and insane durability relative to the teams that it's worth it. A str 6 hit kills one team on a 2+, or does one wound on a 5+ to a saber platform that has a 3+ save built in, and counting the crewman two ablative wounds rather than one. 1 Vendetta is the minimum for a guard army IMO. If you were to make one purchase just for pure game effectiveness that should be it. However they could see a point jump in the next book so hold off for now since it's a big purchase. 55 guys is just enough bodies, light for guard but with Russes taking up the better portion of 800 points you can't have everything. Psyker battle squads are awesome but a fragile target like the HW teams. It depends on how much you want to convert to get the models, although I want to give a shout out to the Empire Flagellants kit as a vital resource to make them, and they are affordable. Marbo seems to be fun, useful for his points, and helps with low model count issues. Al Rahem is a blast and good for objective grabs.
  9. My armies are long overdo for being documented properly. I wanted to see the pulse of the community, since the photography and setup will take a lot of time. The photoshoot will be going up in Artificier's Forge.
  10. If you want power weapons and are already bringing Coteaz, have you considered DCA henchmen? Assassins have two power weapons each on a better frame than the sergeants. I have mine modeled with mixed weapons, if you want power axes etc. they have to come from the GK book and not the Inquisition e-codex. 15 pts. each is not bad, and you can mix them with 3++ power axe crusaders and cheapo 4 pt guys, even throw in some melta. Leadership is more of an issue but you will win most combats if you make it to assault. You could even run GK primary if you want, since you can still get vehicle squadrons and over 100 guardsmen as IG allies.So, 2 Hydras and 2 Vendettas and 1 PBS could come in as allies, plus your platoons as written. You can have a PBS and the henchmen psykers. The Runepriests are not that situational. Psychic powers are more common than ever. Most of the death stars rely on psychic power buffs or witchfires and as far as I know only the Rune Priests can stop buffs, outside of LD tricks. You can also give them fantastic tools, like making a unit have to treat everything as dangerous and difficult terrain, or removing MCs and characters with Jaws. They also can grant ATSKNF by joining IG squads. If someone wants to witchfire a platoon with a RP, you get the runestaff 4+ dispel and a better deny the witch save, 5+ I think. Weaken resolve would be a good power to use on psykers too.
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