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Everything posted by ChaosGerbil

  1. Another option is to get 6 dowels of the same size and glue them together, then finish off with bits. You could even use BBQ skewers. I think Punisher cannons just got a whole lot more popular now that Pask can Rend with them, has P.E., and can re-roll against armor. They might be hard to find.
  2. I'm looking forward to having an interactive Psychic Phase that has a strategic element to it. Right now unless you have a Runepriest or Farseer or similar, you are stuck watching enemy psykers roll dice to see tons of slightly OP buffs go on guys to make them ridiculous. There are obvious winners and losers rolling on the psychic chart and it brings too much luck into the game. Hopefully it doesn't slow down the game. The objective cards could be really fun and keep the game dynamic, as it is now sometimes you have no chance turn 2 or 3 but are honor bound to play the game out and watch the rest of your guys die. It's good for the game if both players have a chance to catch up and surprise each other. The unbound deal should be reserved for people that work things out ahead of time, it doesn't sound good for events. You thought spam was bad before, just wait until you only see three kinds of FOTM units across the table. Hopefully spam lists will struggle to take advantage of most of the objective cards. This could be a great edition. Let's hope for the best.
  3. Not sure if this helps, but I used a Robogear gatling cannon. It needed some work like patching a rectangular gap on the side, a gap on the front and a barrel added, but the size was perfect. Hoardobits.com has Robogear bits for cheap.
  4. Hmmm, it's not competitive so perfect for OFCC.
  5. I'd love to come, not sure if I can yet. I still have that Warboss to trade you by the way. I have two tubs of terrain handy, and a 6x4 mat.
  6. Beg Zen for a discounted room?
  7. I have some flower seeds to offer, I hope you like dandelions.
  8. Lego wagon wheels are my go-to choice, they are cheap and look decent. The Empire and Dwarf ranges have good wheels. http://hoardobits.com/ has some wagon wheels although some are sold out. Just do a search for "wheel." If you have more time than money, I'm sure you could cobble some together if you really wanted to. You could use a thick rubber band, cut to size and formed into a circle shape, maybe around a cork or something for consistent diameter. Use brush on krazy glue to make the rim stiff. Then, use coffee stir sticks or toothpicks for spokes.
  9. Thanks. Those sound like reasonable interpretations.
  10. Hi, I am fixing up an old school Ravager and a Raider, and could use some bits. 4 of the new style of dark lances 1 crouched over old school pilot 1 gunner 1 standing pilot A few torsos
  11. Since Priests, etc. don't take up a slot, they don't give a KP, right? If an Adeptus Mechanicus dude takes servitors, can he leave them with their mechadendrites up their robot fecal processing units since he is an IC? They also don't count as KPs, right? Can the AM target a friendly unit with a power (it says instead of shooting a weapon) while the rest of the squad shoots an enemy? Do I have to buy a digital ebook thingamagig type of deal to use an Inquisitor allied in? Can he cohabitate with Daemon allies?
  12. GW needs to simplify their checklist of what people have to agree to. They should put together a list for 7th edition and say, these are the default settings. If you want to house rule anything or include crazy stuff like superheavies and AV 15 buildings then you need mutual agreement. I know this can be done at a local level but that's a scattershot approach. Shoot you could even have multiple default lists, Newb, Basic (best for tournaments), Narrative, etc. Maybe we should put together such checklists as a community when 7th drops in a month. Right now at the end of 6th the setup is taking longer and longer, which I don't think is good for the game. It makes tournaments and PUGs more cumbersome. Granularity is fine and dandy but too much and you run into really slow and tedious mechanics. I'm a believer in option but the core of the game should be as simple and elegant as possible so you can have a fast paced encounter. I don't mean dumbed down and oversimplified, like the 4th ed CSM book for example, I mean a streamlined and well planned set of systems. PS, BBF = The notorious Black Blow Fly.
  13. I was hoping to reduce the amount of things to check with an opponent, but as I feared people play it differently. This issue just inspired a mini rant on the 7th edition thread.
  14. Some vehicles have protrusions that extend beyond their hull, such as spikes, dozer blades, and weapons. Do you guys only care about the hull being fully within the deployment zone, or do you have all weapons and upgrades fully within the zone? Does it matter if there is a turret that can be moved so the gun could or could not be within deployment? I'd prefer to play it as only counting the hull, but I'd like to hear the community's viewpoint.
  15. WGF has some good products but the zombies were a letdown. Low detail, small, thin limbs. Mantic zombies and ghouls rule and are more compatible with GW parts.
  16. That wording is just to be grammatically correct. Brotherhood of Psykers is clear.
  17. Old book, 6 power axes was 60 points. Now it is 90 for 6, too expensive to spam.
  18. On wording: You're right, there is no Precision SHot special rule as such, and so this issue clearly needs an FAQ since strict RAW ends up in a null set. For RAI I try to follow wording intention with common sense as a guide. We should want to follow what the rules-smith originally meant, not an interpretation of fairness. It's not an exact science so people disagree. At the same time I desperately want an unambiguous and balanced ruleset. Since there is ambiguity I can see taking balance into consideration. However the meta has shifted, and short of drastic measures like comp you can't put the genie back in the bottle regarding certain OP ally based combos and deathstars. So maybe we should let the basic guardsmen kick some ass if you don't remove their support units. It would make heavy weapon teams worth their price as an overcosted glass cannon unit suddenly has utility that could justify it's high price and fragility. On power level: Let's look at some stuff that's legal but broken. I faced a unit of Wraithguard, Toughness 6, with an attached T3 Baron with a 2++ shadowfield, and with Fortune that is a re-reollable save. So, now you not only need 6's to wound a T3 model stuck out in front but each wound has only a 1/36 chance of going through. Ok, so you charge the unit, but Baron has Hit and Run so the lumbering Wraithguard do a few flips and a triple lutz and end up like 8 inches away in a direction of their choice. Precision shot en masse would be one way to counter this trick and you could chip at least chip away at the Wraithguard unit. On the other hand, in casual play losing 90% of your melta guns and half your sergeants Turn 2 would suck. Competitive 6th edition has drifted into the shenanigans era of 40k, approaching 2nd edition for Hero-hammer, but only with a handful of units. I don't want to end up running what I see as broken combos and netlists, while still trying to take a list that has a chance to win Best General. Locally I'm faced with a 2+++ Fateweaver Flying Circus that laughed in the face of my Chaos Marines and an IG / Ork combo that I thought had sufficient anti-air. It didn't.
  19. Ok then explain the Benediction pistol which grants Precision Shot and can only be taken by a character. Seems to me all hits are precision with the order other than snapfire.
  20. I'm not a fiend for RAW, however there are many current examples of OP abilities that are perfectly legal. If the consensus is that it's only for every 6, I am happy to abide by that. Conscripts with Prescience or even Preferred Enemy will get enough 6's to add up. Incidentally all snapfire shots hitting on 6's from characters and the ordered guard will also be precision shots, just in case you run into a rare flyer squadron.
  21. Anyone want to weigh in on the Precision Shots controversy? My reading is that ALL shots from the ordered unit are precision shot. Some people say only on hit rolls of a 6 count as if they were characters, which is not RAW.
  22. I thought the name of the thread was a burn on Centurions, who appear quite tubby. It's about time my mutant horde includes a greenstuffed teletubby.
  23. You could buy some DV terms and cut off the plastic cruxes. Then those terms could be chaos conversions or traded. I recommend a single edge razor blade.
  24. Hopefully my fist can outflank for a rear attack.
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