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Everything posted by Jayne_Cobbb

  1. Well, maybe I will catch you at dark tower.if not, I will put them where you put your stuff
  2. I am excited about the ITC format. But... I would love to play in some single detachment events. Old scholarship format. But I am a man of one army.
  3. Events don't have to use it. But... It does have a draw all of its own. People like the format, and people like that their scores add up to a total in a league type thing. Using ITC probs makes more people show up.
  4. A grab gun and a melta or two would rock. Right hand just means attached to an arm? If they are space marine arms, cool
  5. Sure! I'll also se if I can find my old chaos think upgrade bits!
  6. Nope. For troops. The sternguard set has one. But no worries
  7. If you don't like the rules. Don't go the events.
  8. I got you. Melta, grav guns, stereo guard heavy flamed bits. Or just free. I will bring them for peanuts.
  9. The warhampsters might not like the idea of beer just yet...
  10. Nathan for sure. I can't recall Loren. But I can recall my beer, water, and quesadillas
  11. Uggggg. I was groggy all day, and did not try food till like 17:00. Held everything in
  12. How many of us made it to NYP? Me, Shea, kasey, Nathan, sherbert, Christian and girl (bad with names), Am I missing anyone? That is a lot of attrition
  13. I think it is important to test out how troops and hq's work too! If you want to play a test game, I would love to. and I will not forget!
  14. Said the last group of people who ignored the sentements of the Germans...
  15. Not just about man cards. The Reinheitsgebot Clearly states that straws are not for beer. And it is the definitive beer law document. :)
  16. Can we also bring up beer and straws? Serious man law violations.....
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