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Everything posted by Jayne_Cobbb

  1. So, the deal is ok, but amazing. The deal is, team players get Rentals and field fees paid. They still pay air fee ($10) and pay for paint ($60/2000 shots). IF we don't go crazy, 500 shots each should work, so like 25 dollars total. I have a Mask and Gun, so I will just pay full price. SO! It is not free. Anyone still interested? It is Really fun, and really exhilarating.
  2. Cool, I will see about group rates etc. Anyone have their own Mask and Marker?
  3. sigh. I guess i can stop boycotting 40k for a campaign.
  4. Knock Knock. Who's there?
  5. Why did the chicken Cross the road?
  6. Sure. We will have to get a list of people, and a date. Also, if you flunk out soon, you can come too Eli
  7. I am Loving the Planes. Anyone want to play?
  8. is that even still worth playing?
  9. Well, I never heard it before. And i was driving by an oyster farm. Must have been Jesus. Or Russell Wilson Water.
  10. Made up a new one! Why wouldn't the Oysters Share?
  11. I was disappointed with the book when it came out, and since then, the eldar, necron, space marine and Dark angels boos have been a big [big bad swear word] you from GW. NOT TO MENTION THE "MINI" CODEXES THAT JUST TAK OUT DROP PODS AND
  12. Be careful! The rules for blood angels are pretty Terible right now.
  13. I made up a new joke! What does the Pope use to clean the I side of his computer? Canonized air!
  14. Yeah. Eldar should be able to battle brother with necrons.
  15. Yeah... Nothing heard back, and still cant get in Captains forum.
  16. I loved it. [big bad swear word] that ref. Also:
  17. So Space Marines can get Obsec Assault squads but Blood Angels Cant? Duck you GW
  18. Patricia! Patricia! Getting down on Patricia! Partying partying yeah!
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