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Everything posted by Darthweasel

  1. never been a big fan of the blood and gore but you do it well. thanks for the videos, appreciate the work that goes into them,
  2. I am in that weird realm where, once I get the rules down, I will prefer the unbound but until then I prefer not to use/face it. I spend time every week considering picking up Eldar exclusively because I like the Warp Spiders...but at the moment, the only way I will ever snag them is if I run just a unit or two in one of the armies I already have. In other words, the advantage...cue sounding like a GW fanboy...is you can play what you feel like and that is pretty cool. HOWEVER, when learning the game it overly complicates things. Not so much the OS rule as the sheer volume of stuff you have to remember to play just one person in some lists...in theory, at OFCC people will know the rules and have at least a working knowledge of the capabilities of most units so it should not be that big a deal from that standpoint.
  3. guess I definitely need a couple more small games. so many bizarre rules and interactions. Appreciate the help folks
  4. sweet, thanks. I assume the same is true for blast weapons? I thought blast weapons actually hit the guys covered, but saves were taken on guys it was not over as they were closest
  5. Played a small Maelstrom game tonight (he was cool, was fine with playing 750 point, single codex battle forged, which I asked for as a learning game...had to turn down a 2000 point offer as I am just not ready for "real" 40k yet...as these questions should show...) 1) when I was rolling objectives, I used one color die for the "10s" and other die color for the "1"s, and announced the colors ahead of time. He was rolling the same color die and choosing...pretty sure that is incorrect but not so sure that I cared enough to interrupt the game to ask 2) his Necron Overlord guy (not his warlord) was in a unit that got swept up after close combat. (long lived failed 9+ LD rolls...because the prior turn my Grey Hunters 15 attacks did ONE wound which subsequently reanimated...). He did a separate reanimation roll for the warlord and came back with full wounds. I thought Necrons had to have someone around to reanimate? Again, did not care enough to interrupt the game but it was something I was curious about 3) after said overlord reanimated, he was standing in the middle of 4 Grey Hunters and I rolled Overwhelming Firepower and shot him to death. I thought I would get the VP as I wiped out all of a unit that was there, he said no, you had to wipe out the whole unit and that had been part of a much larger unit the turn before. Does not make sense to me that if you cause a casualty on a unit in turn 1 then from turn 2 on you cannot achieve overwhelming firepower 4) In close combat I had one guy touching his warlord, one guy closer to his warlord than anyone else, and 5...then 4...then 3...marines base to base with his basic guys. He thought he should be taking saves on all of my attacks with the warlord because it was closest model. I am unclear on how it can be the closest model to the 3 that were physically touching other models and NOT touching his warlord? 5) In the cc if he has three ranks of guys behind the ones touching mine, they should not get attacks due to spacing, correct? By definition, one model touching mine (1"), one lined up behind that (2"), one lined up behind that the next one would be out of range? (over 2") I don't really care about the outcome of any specific game. I have played three people now and I am pretty sure the first 2 will concur if there is any question whatsoever, I send it the other guys' way. I am very careful to measure front of base to front of base and routinely short myself 1/4" to a full inch of movement to make sure I am doing it right, I am overly generous in saying my units cannot see them but they CAN see me (such as next to last turn when I had 2 guys with very sketchy los to his last unit on my turn, they moved further under a hill...that earlier in the game hid them...and then almost the whole unit shot at 3 of my guys:-) )...I want to make sure I give the other guy a fair game and let him play how he wants to. I just want to make sure I get these right so I do not inadvertently pick up stuff incorrectly and start doing it otherwise. Appreciate the help and look forward to rolling some more dice.
  6. wish they would. this thing has been about to be produced forever now...and I know they are making them cause I got to check a couple out at Washington Square. The world needs these
  7. Appreciate both. Pax, where do you normally hang out? Though I think after spending some time thinking about it, I might steer away from the pinning after all. What I am trying to do is a riff on the Green Lantern Corps, and to represent the ring-power, I want to stick the weapons a yet to be determined space away from the hands as if they are being run off will power...faint green glowing effect...bought some plastalina tonight that I am doing some experimenting with. And if that works I see a Darth Vader terminator in my future...
  8. I have an idea for a conversion theme I want to do that is frankly beyond my capabilities. I want to make it look like weapons are coming from rings as opposed to being held in hands. There are a couple different armies it would work with but I am actually somewhat thinking Tau for crisis suits. Could do other parts of the theme with Kroot and still others with fire warriors and hammerheads, so I think it would work. Is there someone who would be willing to show me hands-on how to do pinning and work with greenstuff? Would gladly buy you pizza and soda or pay a reasonable rate. Thanks in advance
  9. I find most forums this way, to be fair. People tend to be more negative. Theory time; those of us who frequent forums are more likely to be more interested and/or passionate about things and want them to be better. Doesn't mean we don't think they are good, simply that we see areas for improvement. And forums tend to bring out the passionate side of us. Then again, some of us are just obnoxious...I have a mirror in hand to remind me of that...
  10. cool thanks for the replies. Unlike the Lascannon guy with the bloody stump I just made, i will try to keep the id tags tasteful
  11. Pretre, yeah, not so much for during the game but more for when I am sitting there trying to put a list together and figure out what I have...I don't recognize them on sight so end up flipping through books trying to match them up to pictures and sadly getting that wrong on occasion. where the definition of "on occasion" is about 40%...
  12. I have a couple issues; I have a bunch of second hand models I have bought from a variety of sources and do not recognize the weapons on sight. I probably do not help the situation by having 7 fantasy armies I use and having models for 7 40K armies as well...I just had to look online for a couple minutes to figure out what those two Hammerheads w/out guns were (Devilfish. Go go gadget Google-fu) Upshot is, I have been trying to figure out how to make it easy for the ignorant (read "for me) to remember what a model is or has so I do not have a repeat of the first game I played where what I thought was twin-linked lascannon was twin-link Multi-melta and where the Grey Hunters with Melta guns were actually modeled with Plasma guns...sorry about that guys. How distracting would you find it to see models with what they have labeled on the base with a label-maker? usually the base is just black paint, but i don't want to ugly up the board for the opponent. I tried writing it in pencil, that did not work. Planning some stuff for the underside of the base so that is also not super...other ideas?
  13. Greetings citizens, I have new unopened in box Tau Sunshark Bomber Chaos Marauders I have on the sprue Tau Hammerhead Gunship 3-4 Chaos Knights the High Elves and Skaven from Island of Blood Old Greater demon of Tzeentch metal (full disclosure; I tried to assemble this and could never get it to stick; I am not ept enough to pin (I am inept but I think it is funnier to say the first way), you will want to look. I don't think any harm has been done, but there sure hasn't been any good done... Some miscellaneous mostly assembled, poorly painted Vampire Counts I bought with a carrying case..which I never use. Ask if you are looking for other stuff, I may have it...ton of assembled, mostly painted in a variety of qualities Bretonnians, some decently painted dwarves (quite a few of them) for example... Wants: Riptide Broadsides Chaos Defiler Long fangs or Devastators Obliterators Deathwing Knights Nephilim Jetfighter Ravenwing Dark Talon Centurions And if you have something not on the list, make an offer, we can always negotiate. And of course I can always work out something cash wise. Make a fair offer it will probably be taken. I am in the Beaverton area but I travel heavily for tennis, racquetball and softball so get to Hillsboro, Oregon City, Delta park and St helens Thanks for looking and your time. updated to remove stuff sold
  14. the communication is a good call...IFthe guy knows enough to communicate. For example, even though I wasn't actually playing the game, I had a copy of the 6th edition rules, read a few sites like this one, Warhammer Forum, Bolter and chainsword, Space Wolves grey blog, Dakka Dakka, 3++, etc. and had watched a few games. I knew what I could potentially see and was not surprised by it. I was what you might call an educated non-player. The true newbie to whom nuanced discussions of how effective melta is, back armor targeting, how many hull points something might have probably does not know enough to ask the right questions. They are more likely than not to be unaware of formation, Imperial Knights, Stompas, Ror other things that may or may not be found in the basic codex. To put it another way, here are the things that surprised me in the second game I played: I did a quick mathematical calculation and decided to rapid fire at an Orc horde with Grey Hunters rather than charge. In retrospect, my math was off in several regards; I could have fired my bolt pistols, thus losing 10 shots, not 20, I would have gotten most or all of those shots back in the form of cc attacks depending on how his Overwatch went, I would have stopped him from getting something like 13 or 14 bonus attacks (I had whittled his horde down some) and he would not have had a potential Hammer of Wrath (which his other unit did get). In one decision I made a minimum of three mistakes. A new player in that situation might have remembered the bolt pistols but not see the other errors. (or he might have, who knows) However, in the first game he would be more likely to be surprised by the deadly centurion, mortise dreadnought unleashing dozens of shots a turn...stuff he looks at his codex and thinks, "I have nothing that competes with that". It is a matter of information, nothing more. I know the questions to ask, I just wanted a game and don't care what the other guy brings. If my friends in the Starving Crazed Weasels were to show up, though, it WOULD matter... Tomorrow I am introducing a couple of them to the game and I made the armies. 1) All 505 points. Dark Angels have a tac squad with a meltagun and missile launcher, 5 terminators with power fists (and 1 cyclone) 2) Tau have fireblade commander, firewarriors, and 3 Crisis suits including burst cannons, fusion blasters and shield drones. 3)Space Wolves have a dreadnoght with Multimelta, 10 grey hunters with 2 plasma guns 4) Chaos Space Marines have 10 basic w/a couple flamers, 5 terminators includung a reaper autocannon and a couple chainfists will be building the space smurfs shortly with the same concept in mind; something hard to crack, something strong enough to crack hard-to-crack stuff, a basic unit and a basic hero. Figure to get them a couple games each, let them see the basics, then next time break out the hammerheads, land raiders, rhino rush, etc. My point is they don't know the game, so they don't have the information to ask the right questions to get an entry level game...true of many people when they first start playing. I would disagree with Paxmiles in a minor way...I love the starter boxes and for people wanting to play the appropriate armies think they are a great starting point...as long as they are playing people using those for the bulk of their army
  15. I think that is one reason the place we had our game is so good...I have seen games there with paper space marines to get people into it. Good atmosphere for sure.
  16. Sorry in advance for the wall of text I just unleashed... Had my first couple games of 40k in a couple decades the other night and really enjoyed it. Both guys I played against were cool opponents, had no issues with my slowness on rules, my idiot mistakes (like...planning to destroy his only unit within reach of the game-winning objective at that point in the game but going the other way instead...he offered to let me correct it, but I stuck by my stupidity) and thinking I had brought everything WYSIWYG when in truth I had plasma guns on the the models and thought they were melta..joking around, just generally enjoying pushing plastic around the table and rolling dice. Anyway, for me it was a really fun experience. Enjoyed the games, knew from the time I built the list that I was handicapped by little things such as...not knowing the rules very well, having Long Fangs on the painting table, so only able to muster 2 Lascannons and 1 Assault Cannon to deal with anything with AV11+, no blast weapons for hordes...so I knew I would lose and most likely get tabled. In a shocking development...I was obliterated by AV11 models in the first game and overwhelmed by an Ork horde in the second. Which was more or less what I figured would happen from when I built the list so the outcome neither surprised nor bothered me. Thing is, I knew going in that could/should/probably would happen. I also knew I have already purchased some of the answers to those two specific problems as well as some others my army cannot deal with as constructed. I am blessed with a fantastic job and an even more fantastic wife who actively encourages my profligate spending on toys. I can and will purchase the weapons I need to deal with those threats. Then I can get tabled purely on my incompetence instead of helping by not having the correct tools... I enjoyed both games because of, in no particular order, the opponents, the newness, the chance to roll dozens of dice, getting the models I spent so many Blazer games painting during time-outs on the table, being in AC instead of under the blazing sun...but I can see how some people might not have if they had a different mindset than I do. And there you get to the crux of it. With the new rules allowing LoW, Forgeworld, allies, unbound and so forth, I think for those who are...lets say less fortunate in their hobbying, there are now some HUGE barriers to getting into 40k. Two new kids are going to start playing at the shop. One picked Astra Miltarwhateveritscalleddon'tcareenoughttolookuptherightname and the other wants to go Grey Knights. Both are not inexpensive armies to get started with. If they go out and try to play and are running into Baneblades*, double Imperial Knights and other stuff they A) have no way to deal with in their starter boxes and B) probably do not have the disposable income to buy what they need. It is pretty expensive to keep up with all the new codexes, dataslates, forgeworlds, etc. It is even more time intensive to learn all the new rules for all these things. I like all these things. I am all about variety and I plan to field some fun stuff like these myself once I figure out a little bit about the game and what fits my playstyle. I did not, do not, and will not advocate their removal from the game. What I do think, though is 40K is kind of reaching the point where the barrier for entry to some new players is almost too steep. I almost wonder if there should be something akin to what Magic has or had where there are different levels of games perhaps? For example, I have a couple people I am introducing to the game this weekend. As I am providing the models, I plan to build very old-school style armies for both sides...straight out of one codex each, using the old FoC. I will make sure each army has a tougher model and something to deal with these tougher models but it will be a pretty simplistic start to get our feet under us...learn the basic, then start adding the frosting, Skittles, and Mountain dew to the cake. I think it is so important to reiterate; not everyone needs that and for myself, I prefer playing with/against the fun stuff (allies, forgeworld, LoW, unbound) and am in no way, shape or form to be construed as arguing against that... But I do think there should be some sort of starter game for those who will not be able to cope with it. A few days ago I watched a game with a new player whose list literally could not hurt a third of his opponents models. His S4 weapons not being able to have their 1-2 shots each tough those AV12 enemies while they were unleashing 12-14 shots back at him could not have been too fun I would think...and I think we as gamers want to encourage the growth of our community, not the shrinking of it through negative experiences. It is a tough, in many ways unfair question. If/when I have Imperial Knights assembled/painted/included in my list, I want to play them. I assume the same is true for my opponent. If he wants to run an all-Riptide army, I want him to be able to. Just wondering if there is a way to accommodate both...the group who would benefit from more basic options for opponent's list and the more advanced player who wants to bring the Leafblower/Seer Council back by C'tan goodness. Thoughts? I clearly enjoyed my first experience and want the same for others so I have more people out there to crush me like the unworthy ant I am... *not what I ran into. I actually thought both lists were very reasonable, I just did not have my models built/painted
  17. it is so close to my house I got in games against Grammul and Steel Angel and still was home in time for bed. I bet their arms are tired from all that spanking they did...but love the store, it is the first time I have ever had a game store i would deliberately go to instead of whatever I was closest to when I decided to buy something.
  18. Anyone interested in a small game with a newbie tonight at Your Friendly Local Game Store (just off Hall and Nimbus) any time after 5? 500 or 750...I have read 6th rulebook several times and followed the "changes" threads on 7th, have yet to play though...so I would be slow, fair warning
  19. I will be wanting the wolves I will do it
  20. Was watching a newbie game at Your Friendly local Game Store (stop by, cool store) and the guy running it had a Land Raider show up as neutral party in game between guy playing 2nd game running Tau and two kids running Space Marines. Kid turns his Dreadnought multi-melta, rolls a 6 to pen another nice numern, 5 or 6...one-shot explosion. It was pretty funny. Not normal based on the math, but at least the kid had something to hang his hat on despite getting tabled in 5 turns
  21. for what it is worth...which is every cent you paid to hear it...the new box they release with the mini-rule book is the first time I purchase the rule set for both 40k and fantasy...so when a new edition comes out I just keep playing the old one until the new box set comes out. I find the 85 bucks for rules and filler I never read v. 85-95 bucks for rules+ models means straight out purchasing the rule book is something i have done a combined zero times in my life. Has nothing to do with my ABILITY to purchase...it has everything to do with perceived value. For me the rules are not worth 85 bucks but rules and models are worth the price. And id space wolves are really the new box I will have about three sets of the rules...
  22. they had the 95 model army box and 8 or 10 other boxes. I know nothing....about Tyranids....so not sure what they were. Various size boxes. and of course various smaller army boxes, 1 aegis line, quite a few characters.
  23. warhammer and 40k stuff getting pretty thin. lot of tyranids stuff inexplicably...you would think that awesome book they got recently would have made that hot seller. Weird, that did not LOOK like sarcasm font...
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