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Everything posted by splinx

  1. LOL tempting but might just hold out for a better offer than that! If they were warmed up however............! LOL
  2. Still not managed to put this on ebay as yet. Will swap for Warhammer fantasy if anyone is interested. Cheers Sam
  3. Team Name TBD MythicNinja Army:Vampire Counts Splinx Army:O&G / Empire Derek Army: Daemons / Warriors of Chaos TBD Army:
  4. Mythic Realms up the 205 in Salmon Creek on Tuesday Nights @ 6pm is pretty cool to learn 40K. They play small games up there and have a number of new players who literally started a few weeks ago.
  5. A couple of characters and a old bret spearmen unit i am using as a Empire unit in the army! http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i426/Splinx69/_MG_6631_zps5b45f22b.jpg http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i426/Splinx69/_MG_6620_zps36128659.jpg http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i426/Splinx69/_MG_65831_zpsdb721721.jpg
  6. So I managed to finish off my demigryphs this evening and just need to seal them with some dull coat and they are good to go! Really pleased with the yellow contrast and how they ended up! They took an agonizing amount of time but hope it shows in the photos! http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/Splinx69/library/demigryphs Next on my list is a regiment of spearmen! Cheers Sam
  7. Just a GW earthshade buddy but I have layered up the base colors as well to help. They are all finished now so will try and get some pictures! :)
  8. Sweet PM me with what your after dude!
  9. Thanks buddy! Yeah Vivaldi, Rossini and even early medieval folk music works well with the setting! I just need to find folks to come up to Vancouver to have a game on it! :)
  10. Thanks guys! Yeah the table is coming back down this weekend as the mrs is complaining now! LOL Empire has always been a love of mine its just a bit daunting to painting so many guys! And yes it certainly is a tabletop world cottage! I am saving up cash for a whole village from the guys in Poland who make them but they cost a ton to get shipped over here! As for painting up it needed a lot of sappy detergent to get the mold agent off but apart from that it is the best made scenery i have ever used! I have various stuff from other places but they do knock the hell out of other products with their level of detail which is a pure joy to paint! The resin is pretty hard wearing as well and i would certainly give them a 9/10 if not 10/10.
  11. Let me know if you have any! I have cash and tons of stuff to trade including 40K Marines, and other Empire! Cheers Sam
  12. If you end up piecing this out i will take some stuff! Thanks Sam
  13. Base coated some demigryphs last night! http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i426/Splinx69/9304DB20-9A73-456C-9F88-DED23DFF5218_zps6dgg1cwy.jpg
  14. splinx


    so you can't get it on PS4!?!?!?! i might have to re-evaluate purchasing the PS4 now then!
  15. I am now working my way through Demigryphs and Spearmen! :( LOL I will try and post some WIP over the weekend!
  16. splinx


    What are you playing it on Bryan? X-Box or PS4?
  17. Helblaster and Rocket Battery painted up alongside the crew http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i426/Splinx69/F9E22FDA-CBD5-4B51-AEAB-44EAB520990B_zpsxulnknja.jpg http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i426/Splinx69/Mobile%20Uploads/D8990A25-6F2A-40AA-A0CE-7DBC4944071A_zpsnkgkoyym.jpg http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i426/Splinx69/Mobile%20Uploads/CB3B644A-8E25-4012-9E64-DD660657F54F_zpsd09jeodw.jpg
  18. Awesome buddy! Yeah I will be adding some more buildings and also Trees to the scenery! (Tons of trees actually) I didnt't actually realize how many you need for a full 6x4 table!
  19. Thanks Buddy! It's taken me a while but having the village and working on that gives me inspiration to work on my army. I am working on a middenland / marienburg style army with alo to of dogs or war and tilean regiments in there to make it stand out a bit. I am currently working on a demigryph regiment and will hopefully post them some pictures up next weekend!
  20. http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i426/Splinx69/1236611_10152229548825932_1474518642_n_zpsb51dbadc.jpg http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i426/Splinx69/1186865_10152229548790932_2055089216_n_zps066be1eb.jpg http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i426/Splinx69/1654053_10152229548905932_268173094_n_zps05934c8a.jpg
  21. Hi Folks As a couple of you may know I have started my own empire army. I will be posting up pics of work on the army and also my empire town I am creating! Any critiquing and comments are welcome! Cheers Sam
  22. Hi James I am just starting on my empire army and trial ran a few regiments the other evening. I totally agree with the other comments that I found putting a character into regiments for the look out sir worked a lot better than putting a character onto a big old mount! If i had Theodore Bruckner and reaper in a regiment of Demigryphs would he also get a look out sir or would that be negated by them being monstrous cavalry? Good luck with your empire! They are a proper mission to paint and model but a lot of fun!
  23. PM me a list of what you wanna get rid of buddy. :)
  24. Still on the hunt if anyone has anything they wanna get rid of! Cheers Sam
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