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Everything posted by splinx

  1. I would narrow it down to only single malt varieties but being from the homeland i guess I'm a whisky snob! :)
  2. Hi guys I am in the process of selling my 4000pt lizardmen army so it will make a bit more room in my cabinet for some more dogs of war. I'm looking for any galloper guns, alcatani fellowship pikes or vesperos vendettas! Will consider anything though! Thanks Sam
  3. If you end up piecing these out I dibs the harlequins!
  4. I think if you look at stock levels in the stores it says it all! No one is buying them and I'm not gonna pay 16$ a month for a few pictures that you can find online. Such a sad state of affairs really. I can see them going back to just a 1 a month type deal soon as it must be costing them and their suppliers a fortune to do all this work. Printed media is on its way out entirely so why bring out more and more printed media? I have no idea who runs their marketing department but it's possibly the worst decision they have gone through with in years.
  5. thanks for the quick responses guys! All done and dusted! :)
  6. Hi guys I have got tons of other chapters symbols and wondered if anyone want to swap or has any spare? I need about 15 if anyone has any? Thanks Sam
  7. Hit me up with what you have. Thanks Sam
  8. I think the issue I have purely on a gaming front is that if I spend 65$ on a box of warriors only to find out their new rules suck when the book is released its a bit annoying don't you think? Yeah I think the book should be released first then models over the next weeks. :)
  9. Customs kingsdoms for resin models are great
  10. For all those waiting up for this kickstarter it seems as though it has been postponed until a later date! :( they are adding a lot more figures to the kickstarter and it still looks like an awesome thing to get involved in!
  11. Have got tons to trade or cash to pay if needed. PM me if you have one. Thanks Sam
  12. Hi guys Am after old metal marauder or old GW dwarves if anyone has any? Painted or unpainted all are welcome. I have a full playable Dark Eldar started army including codex, hellions, reavers, archaon, kabalite warriors, flyer all either new on sprue or bare plastic. Hit me up if you have any. Thanks Sam
  13. I ship all the time back home to the UK and best way is defo not the flat rate boxes. If your posting plastic and resin then fine but metal will be really expensive. I have posted a couple of regiment/battleforce boxes home and it cost about $50. Not cheap but if your buyer is paying then best get a price from the post office before you let them know. It's not cheap.
  14. Still have them dude! PM if you wanna come grab them! Thanks Sam
  15. Hi guys I purchased 3 boxes too many of citadel trees and if any one is interested I'll sell them for $20 a box or all 3 for $50. PM if interested. I'm based up in Salmon creek. Cheers Sam
  16. splinx

    Shotgun studs

    Hey burk any pictures?
  17. I would be interested In the FW stuff. PM me with the details dude.
  18. I'd probably be interested in you older unpainted night goblins dude! PM me with a price your after. Back to your main questions you best bet would be to sell off the painted stuff as an army and they split up the unpainted stuff or eBay it? I did it previously and it worked out quite well.
  19. Yeah Seattle needs a bit of Kill Team action then buddy! :)
  20. hey buddy where are you located? I would love to grab them if you close?
  21. Tombking we are playing these rules up at Mythic Realm games in Vancouver every Tuesday evening at 6 if you want to come and chck them out. Great small games of 40k and you can get in 2/3 games in an evening.
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