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Posts posted by Gorgosaurusrex

  1. After getting some Wood Elves in a recent trade I am looking to complete the army and make it playable. Older Wood Elf models are preferred. I am looking for pretty much any Wood Elves though, including the new army book.




    -Glade Guard/Scouts

    -Glade Riders

    -Forest Dragon


    -Glade Riders with spears (the old metal ones)


    -Any other Wood Elves...


    -MTG (decks, singles, or collections)




    -Plastic Winged Hive Tyrant (Primed white and magnetized)

    -30ish Hormagaunts (NOS/primed white)

    -30ish Termagants (NOS/primed white)

    -3 Raveners (unassembled, primed white)

    -1 finecast Hive Guard (primed white)

    -6 Metal Gargoyles (NIB)


    -Slaan Mage-Priest (OOP metal, held aloft by Temple Guard, unpainted)

    -4 Kroxigor (OOP metal, a few editions old, painted)

    -20 Saurus Warriors (OOP Plastic, painted)

    -32 Skinks with short bows (OOP Plastic, mix of painted and not)


    15 Slugga Boyz (OOP Plastics, unpainted)

    30 Gretchin (OOP Plastics, unpainted)


    I'm in the Olympia area and can meet up locally or ship. PM or post if interested. Thanks!

  2. Basically you go through each slot of the force org and roll randomly to see what unit you get.  


    So for Example we would go to HQ, roll a die and see what random leader we got.  Kor'Sarro Khan.  Okay fine.  Then we go to troops.  Scout squad.  Great.  then we go to heavies:  Thunderfire cannon gets rolled.  okay!  And so on.


    So you get kind of an eclectic mix of stuff and you then play against each other.  Its pretty fun.


    What happens if one player rolls mostly armor and the other player only rolls anti-infantry units? I tried this method but I found that I greatly prefer traditional list construction. Both players can simply agree to use units that are not often seen on the table, based on collection availability.

    • Like 1
  3. These priorities are only used for the creation of tournament lists. I just take cool models or whatever I have painted for friendly games :P


    My first priority is always target saturation. I don't like deploying multiple types of threats, I like deploying a ridiculous number of a single kind of threat. My Eldar, for example, only deploy AV12 skimmers. My Space Marines/IG army only deploys AV14 with flyers to back it up. My Blood Angels army is nothing but jump infantry with 2+ saves (not that Nipplewing is a good army, but it is textbook target saturation). I like creating lists that cause other lists to be at an immediate disadvantage. If I picture myself sighing after getting paired against my list at a tournament, then I have done my job.


    My second priority is to have threats at variable ranges. Having Terminators (CC) in Land Raider Crusaders (24") backed up by Lascannons (48") and Leman Russ Battle Tanks (72") means that I should be able to target any unit on the board with shooting if I have deployed correctly.


    My third priority is scoring, both mobile and static. I like a mixture of mechanized or scoring units on the field and foot units in reserve.


    My fourth priority is variable offensive capabilities. I need to be able to deal with AV12 Flyers, 2-3 AV14 vehicles, hordes of t3 models, and AV12 spam. Those are the 4 things that all of my lists have in mind during construction. These are the main things that you will see outside of fringe lists.


    The last thing I look at is redundancy. If my lone unit of Fire Dragons die, how will I take out a Land Raider? I try to have a minimum of 2 separate units that can deal with each of the following: Flyers, AV14, or hordes.

  4. I don't like vehicles scoring, but I think it's fine if they can deny. I do like that 6th ed made infantry unable to score from within a vehicle.


    Walker being able to deny if vehicles cannot would be an interesting change. It would certainly make walkers have more uses.

    • Like 1
  5. I hope vehicles can contest, and all infantry can claim objectives. It will make battles less troop focused, but realistically shouldn't Terminators, Nobs, Shrikes, and Striking Scorpions be able to take objectives?


    I do agree with VonVilkee on the teaching aspect. It will be nice for newer players to simply play with the models they like from a given faction without breaking the core rules.


    I'm excited for Unbound armies. I have many half-finished collections that are no longer legal forces that I can now field as their own army or alongside another. Not being able to contest is a worthy drawback.

  6. Alright, if this is you and you are on Ordo, I apologize now.  So don't take this as an insult, but perhaps an honest critique.


    So much wrong with this ad...


    If you are going to advertise a painting service, then take quality pictures.

    Even with the poor quality of the pictures, I can see very little detail other than swaths of purple paint used to highlight.

    Perhaps it is the pictures, but the paint looks laid on very thick


    and the real kicker...


    The pack of Marlboros with the ash tray in the back ground are just added bonus to ensure my miniatures smell like smoke.


    I know I wouldn't pay for smokey, non-shaded, poorly highlighted models. Running a wash over those models would take an extra minute and make them look so much better.

  7. If you are going to have melee fexen you should at least give them spine banks so they get assault grenades.  All you would need to do is drop the spore mines.  Plus it gives your fexen an 8" gun :P


    That's a great recommendation. Striking before power fists is a pretty big deal. The list has been updated!


    I think I might drop the other Spore Mines to put Crushing Claws on the Tervigon. I'm using a converted Armorcast Malefactor and those claws definitely look crushing!

  8. That list looks really good and really fun.  Awesome.  


    That's what I was hoping to hear! This will be my first OFCC so I am a little unsure of what to expect.


    I'm only using 2nd edition models (except the Crone) so my wargear choices are a little limited, lol.

    • Like 1
  9. Hey all, I'm trying to finalize my Tyranid list for OFCC so that I can get a head start on painting! I'm trying to keep the score pretty low, as I just want to have some easy and fun games against similar armies. Here's what I'm thinking about taking: (using a second FOC to squeeze in Deathleaper)


    Hive Tyrant 205
    -Heavy Venom Cannon, Bonesword & Lash Whip

    Hive Tyrant 200
    -Stranglethorn Cannon, Bonesword & Lash Whip

    Deathleaper 130 (second FOC)

    Tervigon 195

    30 Termagants 120

    20 Hormagaunts 140
    -Adrenal Glands

    3 Tyranid Warriors 120
    -Rending Claws, Deathspitters

    3 Tyranid Warriors 120
    -Rending Claws, Deathspitters

    5 Genestealers 70 (second FOC)

    5 Genestealers 70 (second FOC)

    Fast Attack
    Hive Crone 155

    3 Spore Mines 15

    Heavy Support
    Carnifex 140
    -2x Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Spine Banks

    Carnifex 140
    -2x Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Spine Banks

    Carnifex 140
    -2x Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Spine Banks

    Biovore 40 (second FOC)

    TOTAL: 2,000


    What would you guys rate this? I think I'm hoping for a 2. I definitely do not want to play against super tough lists as I would just get tabled, lol.

  10. I'm looking for a team, myself. I would even be willing to captain, although I'm really not sure what kind of responsibilities that entails. I've never played at OFCC before but I've been invited to play for several different teams and have heard nothing but good things about the event.


    What do I need to do to register a team? I would simply gather up all of the teamless players here and roll with them!

  11. I'm looking for a Sony PSP in good condition. Any generation is fine. I just realize that two of my favorite games (Star Ocean and Star Ocean: The Second Story) were re-mastered on PSP, and I got hit with the nostalgic desire to give them a play through.


    Normally I'd hit eBay or Craigslist first, but I figured I would see if any Ordo members have one that they are looking to offload in favor of another hobby. Old ones are retailing for $50-$70, according to eBay.





    Mostly Standard and EDH staples. No Legacy or Modern. Too many to list, contact me if interested.



    Old, OOP Empire (including many bare metal Reiksguard Knights on foot and long OOP characters)

    OOP Bretonnians (old starter kit knights and archers plus a character on a griffon)

    OOP Lizardmen (old starter kit plus an old Slaan (held up by Temple Guard) and 4 metal Kroxigor)

    Misc. Dark Elves (random characters, metal Dark Riders, and a Bolt Thrower)

    Skull Pass night goblins (NOS)

    Forest Goblin Spider army (110 Spider Riders, 2 Arachnaroks, 2 Spear Chukkas, etc. Unpainted. Not too keen to trade this, but I will for a good deal)



    Space Marines (Tacticals, Rhinos, Terminators, Librarian, tons of bits)

    6 Dark Eldar Scourges, primed black (all with feathered wings)

    8 NIB Metal Tyranid Gragoyles

    25 Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard

    Imperial Guard Basilisk

    40 Rogue Trader Grots and 15 Rogue Trader Ork Boyz (single-pose plastics from the starter kit, unpainted)


    I also have a white Nintendo DS Lite in good condition.


    Let me know if anyone has one and we can work something out! If you are interested in any of the above and do not have what I am looking for, feel free to make an offer. I'm always willing to trade for new armies, MTG, or just sell some stuff. I live in Lacey so shipping will need to happen for those who live in Oregon. PM me with any offers or questions. Thanks for looking!

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