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Posts posted by Gorgosaurusrex

  1. The only deathstar I can think of would be 3 Carnifexes and 2 Tyranid Primes, with Tervigons casting Catalyst on it for FNP. It is not very scary as far as deathstars go. You will see more Carnifexes on the table though. And they can get Fleet/Grendades now.


    Deathleaper is pretty neat. He can show up wherever he wants and you can only snap fire at him. Models deep striking within 6" don't scatter, which is useful for Mawlocs and Spore Mines. He provides excellent disruption but that's about it.


    As mentioned above, target the synapse and you will do fine. The new Instictive Behavior rules cause the army to be uncontrollable and even self-destructive outside of synapse range.

  2. Warriors since the 5ed dex have been decent deck chairs, you just didn't really need a deck chair with tervigons.  Now that termagants fall back 50% of the time when they fail IB, I can see warriors being a default cheap scoring unit for bugs.


    I will be running 9 Warriors with Boneswords and Fleshhooks as a CC scoring unit. If the opponent ignores them, they will destroy non-dedicated CC units. If the opponent dedicates heavy weaponry to them, my Tervigons and Hive Tyrants will live that much longer!

  3. 5 Assault Marines with 2 Flamers in a Drop Pod is a great and cheap way to get another Pod in your army list. I wouldn't take vanilla Assault Marines with Jump Packs unless it was a themed list. Blood Angels do Assault Marines way better.

  4. Do people even still buy that rag? I stopped getting it when it became a catalog with brief hobby and gameplay sections. Come to think of it, I used to get it for the tactics and army list articles... which stopped when Warhammer blogs and forums exploded in popularity.

  5. I have gotten my hands on a reasonable collection now, and am still looking for the following models in particular (This list is assuming a pending trade will complete; If not, more will be added to my want list):


    -Screamer-Killer Carnifex models

    -2nd ed Termagants & Hormagaunts

    -2nd ed Gargoyles

    -2nd ed Lictors

    -3rd ed Tyrant Guard

    -3rd ed Raveners

    -1 3rd ed Old One Eye

    -1 current Lictor (for a Space Hulk Kill Team I'm working on)

    -1 current Broodlord (again, for the Kill Team)

    -Any old Armorcast Tyranids (Malefactor, Exocrine, etc)

  6. I think Escalation and Stronghold Assault should be allowed. I have played several games and have not found a serious lack of balace. From what I understand of TSHFT, it is geared towards friendly and fluffy compositions, right? I think this is the perfect event to use Escalation.


    I am very interested in this tournament, but I have never played a TSHFT event before. I assume this is open to everybody and is not based on invitation?

  7. The last game I played with my Tyranids saw a single Genestealer wipe out a unit of 5 Stealth Suits followed by a unit of 3 Crisis Suits (the Stealer hid in LoS blocking terrain after running down the Stealthsuits and got a new assault next turn). It was great, but that doesn't make Genestealers a good unit lol.


    As AbusePuppy mentioned, the issue with Black Knights is their survivablity. They are a great unit offensively... IF they survive long enough.

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