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Posts posted by Gorgosaurusrex

  1. A few weeks ago I looked through the rulebook trying to find a rule that defines and/or prohibits "modeling for advantage", but had no luck. Is there an actual rule that prevents me from modeling all of my Space Marines in a prone position, or is it legal but more of a "good luck finding games" thing?


    Just to be clear - I have no intentions of doing this! I just want to be adequately prepared if I run a tournament and a player has prone Space Marines.

  2. I would like to see a tournament with Best General, Best Paint, best Sportsman, and Best Overall as prize categories. I also like tournaments where "anything goes" - Escalation, Stronghold Assault, etc. I think those supplements add interesting options to the game.


    I don't like events with comp scores, as all comp does is make different armies "top-tier".


    As AbusePuppy said, win/loss scoring is much better than battle point scoring. You should get the same points whether you table someone or win by a single victory point. This discourages one-sided games and keeps both players interested in the game.


    You won't be able to make an event that caters to everybody, though. Realistically I'll drive several hours to any event as long as it has good attendance and prize support. Maybe keep the events quarterly to keep interest and attendance up.

  3. Also when his shaman cast Gift of the Spider God (I believe that's what it's called.) that Horde of goblins will be getting poisoned attacks, and I believe the spiders are also effected and get a 5+ poison. Nasty.


    This is one of the main reasons why I wanted to run 2 Shamans alongside the Great Shaman. The Catchweb Spidershrine gives all other shamans within 12" +2 to their channeling roll... I like free power dice :P


    Chex- your opinión on special characters is also valid, but a significant portion of the community doesn't hold that. Also the OFCC s no SC. So there is that.


    Is this rule also applied to the 40K OFCC event? I was planning on taking my Sanguinary Guard army, and I need a special character to make Sanguinary Guard troops. Banning special characters must be a regional thing - I've NEVER met a player or gone to an event that has banned them. Many of my armies are built around them and require them to be legal.


    Units of 40 spider riders?  I would suggest bringing them down to units of 15, at max).  Yes, you will be steadfast and yes you will have things to counter charge units who hit your flanks but you still have goblin statlines and goblin leadership isn't that fancy.


    I like the idea of 40 cavalry models completely ignoring buildings and forests too much to reduce the unit size. With proper magic support they can do a decent amount of damage.


    The hammer for this army is ten goblin big bosses on gigantic spiders. 


    I would love to do this, but at $40 per model that's a little too expensive for me.


    Does anyone have thoughts on the Spider Banner? 85pts is steep, but improving (or adding) poison chances is pretty good in my book (especially if it stacks with the Little Waaagh! spell).

  4. 2k games are not quite fast enough sadly, not everyone ignores whole swathes of the current rules like I do!


    I play drop pods no flyers, no fortifications, and no psykers makes for a decently quick game!


    Oh I am very familiar with your Drop Pod army and how quickly it plays. I would drive up to the Ham just for another game against it!


    So I assume Stronghold Assault and Escalation are allowed for these events then?

  5. Here's the updated list:



    Goblin Great Shaman 210

    -Talisman of Preservation

    Arachnarok Spider 330

    -Catchweb Spidershrine



    Goblin Shaman 130

    -Spider Chariot, Dispel Scroll


    Goblin Shaman 105

    -Spider Chariot


    Goblin Big Boss 81
    -Great Weapon, Light Armor, Giant Spider, BSB


    Goblin Big Boss 54
    -Great Weapon, Giant Spider



    40 Spider Riders 550



    40 Spider Riders 550



    5 Spider Riders 85

    -Short Bows, Musician


    5 Spider Riders 85

    -Short Bows, Musician



    2 Spear Chukkas 70




    2 Stone Throwers 170


    Arachnarok Spider 290


    Arachnarok Spider 290




    I like this list much more than my initial version. After thinking about it more, I have decided that Snagla doesn't do enough to justify his points cost. Ambushing with a unit of Spider Riders will not have much effect on most battles. I have spent the points from him and his unit towards the third Arachnarok instead. I want to keep the Stone Throwers because I have a cool conversion planned using the net launchers from the Arachnarok sprues. The rule of cool will be king for this army!


    Chexmix- skip the special characters, almost never will you get to field them outside friendly games that are pre arranged and agreed upon.

    It's really hard to say no to a good ward save on the great shaman.

    Is try to mix in a pair of baby Lvl 1/2s as well... Especially if you model them in chariots being pulled by spiders.


    Why would I not be able to field a unit that is in the Army Book? Every tournament I've ever played in has had no such restrictions. Special characters open up armies to different builds than otherwise possible - and they encourage variety. I would assume that games without special characters are the ones that need be pre-arranged and agreed upon.


    Thanks for the suggestion of Spider chariots! I have been wanting to incorporate more Shamans into the army to take advantage of the Catchweb Spidershrine, but did not want them in my chaff units or my huge blocks. Chariots are a great alternative and also offer good mobility. Plus it's a cool conversion idea!

  6. I personally LOVE the idea of 3 arachnaroks


    I'd make the spider rider units into two giant units of 40 spiders. Ten wide.

    A spider horde would be so awesome!


    This is the best thing that I have ever heard. I can't believe I didn't think of this. There's a beautiful symmetry to the deployment as well - Great Shaman on an Arachmarok in the center, flanked by a horde of spiders on either side, and they are flanked with Arachnaraoks on either side! I will also have some small, 5 spider units with bows to flank with. I'll write up a new list tonight.


    Any recommendations on magic items for my Great Shaman? And does anyone have experience with Snagla? i know he gives his unit of Spider Riders the Ambush special rule, but to be honest I'm not to sure what that does!

  7. I think I will get a third Arachnarok then. I do love the idea of the "pincer" formation. What should I drop to pay for it, though? I would really like to keep the stone throwers as they are the primary shooting for my army. I also have 2 more Spear Chukkas that I could throw in.


    I thought about including Savage Orcs but I have decided to keep this a pure Forest Goblin army. I also don't want to buy much :P

  8. So I wound up with some Goblin Spider Riders, thanks to a trade with Chappy. 110 Spider Riders, to be exact. Plus some other things, like 2 Arachnaroks, some Skull Pass Night Goblins, and 2 Spear Chukkas.


    As I haven't played Fantasy in a couple years I have little knowledge of what I'm doing, lol. I don't want to buy more than a kit or two to make this a playable army.

    Goblin Great Shaman 540
    -Talisman of Preservation
    Arachnarok Spider
    -Catchweb Spidershrine

    Snagla Grobspit 115

    Goblin Shaman 92
    -Dispel Scroll, Giant Wolf (Spider)

    Goblin Big Boss 96
    -Great Weapon, Light Armor, Giant Spider, BSB, 15 points for a Banner

    Goblin Big Boss 56
    -Great Weapon, Light Armor, Giant Spider

    Goblin Big Boss 56
    -Great Weapon, Light Armor, Giant Spider

    25 Spider Riders 355

    25 Spider Riders 355

    25 Spider Riders 355

    20 Deff Creepas 290


    5 Spider Riders 80

    -Musician, Short Bows


    5 Spider Riders 80

    -Musician, Short Bows

    2 Spear Chukkas 70

    2 Goblin Stone Throwers 170

    Arachnarok Spider 290

    TOTAL: 3,000

    This isn't designed to be super competitive, as you can see. Fantasy tournaments in my area died out long ago, along with the remainder of Fantasy players. This will be a fun list to play with my pals over a few beers; nothing more. I just don't want to get tabled  :D

    Any suggestions? I really want a third Arachnarok... Is it worth the kit's price tag?

  9. I'm looking to get my hands on some Lizardmen models, particularly skinks, kroxigor, stegadons, and terradons.I am also looking for metal IG Valhallans, a Stormraven, old Tyranid Genestealers, or a Tyranid Broodlord. Other small fantasy forces will also be considered. I have plenty of stuff to trade:



    9 NIB Eldar Jetbikes

    NIB Crimson Hunter (PENDING)

    10 bare metal Warp Spiders

    6 NIB metal Tyranid Gargoyles

    SM Tactical Marines (painted)

    SM Rhinos (painted)

    SM Terminators (painted)

    3 Vypers (panted)

    8 Eldar Warlocks (painted)

    IG Basilisk (painted)

    25 Sanguinary Guard (basecoated gold)

  10. Those weigh nothing...


    Nickels fit perfectly in 25mm bases, though you can get washers that work just as well and cost less.



    For some reason I assumed nickels would be too big (I didn't have any to test at the time I started gluing dimes from the change drawer). Thanks for the washer suggestion, I will try that.

  11. Ya, I was imagining the magnetic movement trays, especially with the Hormies.  When I was still playing Bugs, I always had problems keeping them upright.


    I have a bunch of the old metal Hourmagaunts, and they are far worse than the plastics (which are also very bad). I just glue a dime underneath each base and it gives the model enough stability to actually play with.


    180 Hormies/Gargs would be pretty scary to play against. My only concern would be taking out Wraithknights and Riptides.

  12. Interesting points. I seem to be one of the few that wholly embrace Escalation and Stronghold Assault, and even I never considered the two supplements as a lower price barrier into the hobby.


    With Baneblades being 500+ points, a new player could get the IG battleforce and a Baneblade to form a 1k army. While it isn's the best army, it certainly would be a blast to play! I myself love taking superheavies at 1k. It's almost like adding an additional objective to the game... Kill the superheavy!

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