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Everything posted by Gorgosaurusrex

  1. Bullet crafting was a surprisingly good part of New Vegas. I'd trade all the settlement building stuff in Fallout 4 for more crafting options!
  2. I think Skyrim HD is the better game for sure. Fallout 4 is good but it's no New Vegas.
  3. Are you looking for a team for the 40k OFCC event? Do you like playing terrible armies, drinking beer, and emphasizing sportsmanship? If so, I have a team for you! Comment below or private message me if interested. We currently have a Khorne Daemonkin and Astra Militarum army, with nothing in common except snow bases. EDIT: alternatively if you have a team and are looking for two players with good attitudes, reasonably well painted armies, and a high alcohol tolerance let me know!
  4. I'd love to take it off your hands! I'm in Olympia so you'll probably need to ship, in which case I'd cover postage.
  5. Im looking for some bits! This is probably a longshot but I'm not sure where else to look. No luck on eBay! I need: ●Valkyrie Canopy Frame - not the clear plastic part, but the "riveted" bits that cover it. ●Baneblade Smoke Launcher - just one! These are noticeably bigger than normal smoke launchers. ●Hellhound Turret Flamer tip, new or old (somehow I only have the Banewolf and Devildog tips) ●Hellhound Turret top bit (the top armored piece that houses the barrel assembly from the new kit. Or the entire turret from the new or old kit) Let me know if you have any of this. Thanks for looking!
  6. Looks cool! What did you take to the tournament? I was interested in the event but D&D comes first these days, lol.
  7. I prefer larger games, so 1750, 1850, and 2000 all get my vote. 2000 is my favorite. More toys!
  8. Hey Ordo! I'm looking to get my hands on your old school Eldar. Not Rogue Trader stuff, but 3rd/4th edition sculpts. I'll entertain offers for stuff outside of my want list. Want: Plastic Guardians Metal Guardian support platforms Metal Wraithguard Metal Swooping Hawks Old style Jetbikes Vypers Metal War Walkers Metal Wraithlord Metal D-Cannons/Vibro Cannons/Shadow Weavers (hopefully with crew) Have: Tau: 3 New Crisis Suits (NIB) 2 Hammerhead/Sky Ray (NIB) 1 Hammerhead/Sky Ray (aseembled) New Ethereal (NOS) New Fire Warriors (NOS) 12 old Crisis Suits (some NOS) Farsight conversion (unpainted) Riptide (painted) New Broadside (painted) 36+ Fire Warriors Resin Shadowsun (Painted) Tons of Drones Probably more... Space Wolves: (almost everything is painted) 20 Grey Hunters/Blood Claws (mix of Bolter/CCW) 5+ Terminators (need to count, various wargear) Long Fangs (10 Missile Launchers, 5 Lascannons) Metal Logan Resin Arjac Metal Njall 2 Land Raider Crusaders 5 Fenrisian Wolves 6 Thunderwolves OOP Empire: ~50 Handgunners (starter set plastics) Metal Helblaster (NIB) Hybrid Pistoliers General on Griffin (metal, unassembled) Various characters (mounted generals, mounted wizards, wizards on foot) I'm in Olympia so shipping may or may not be required. We can work that out. PM me or post here with questions or if interested. Thanks for looking!
  9. This formation has been out for a good while. I took it to OFCC last year and had a blast playing it!
  10. Well the patched the issue with AMD GPUs, so I bought the game again. I've been enjoying the single player campaign immensely. It still crashes occasionally but the game is very fun overall!
  11. Is there an answer coming for Pax's question above?
  12. I have a TON of bulk MTG that I'd be happy to trade for something. I'm in Olympia so I'd have to ship it though. If you have any Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum stuff let me know!
  13. Is he looking for specific cards for a certain format (Standard, Modern, etc) or just looking for bulk commons/uncommons/whatever?
  14. I bought the game. The tutorial went fine but it kept crashing at the same point during the first mission. A lot of other people with AMD GPUs are experiencing the same issues (freezing and framerate drops). I got a refund for the game as it's unplayable for AMD users right now. I'll probably try it again after the first patch.
  15. I'd love to get some of those Medusae or Demolishers to go with the Basilisk crew. I'll check back for pictures!
  16. I would prefer Combat Patrol. Kill team is fun but Combat Patrol feels more like 40k!
  17. I'd love to see a reissue of the Valhallan range. I know the infantry squads are still available but the heavy weapons and characters aren't!
  18. Bummer, that's all I'm looking for out of Space Wolves. Thanks though!
  19. I have probably 50+ new sculpt Genestealers in various conditions. Some new on sprue but most assembled and painted. I'm interested in Space Wolves depending on what you have. I'd love to get some vehicles. Shoot me a PM and we can work something out!
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