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Posts posted by Drak

  1. Sylvos, congrats on HoG.


    As this year there was a bid process would you be able to spoil the point value that is being used this year? with the holidays being upon us I have a rare chance to get some craft time in and would like to use it prepping for next year. I know your post mentioned getting the full rules pack out soon but I'm like a little kid at Xmas who can't wait to get to it.


    it's cool if you'd rather wait, just thought I'd ask.

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  2. I think the model details are just amazing. I hadn't heard about forge world or CD when I started getting into the hobby/game but when I did, wow. being a VC player I was instantly envious of the appropriately proportioned body parts (yes I'm talking about you oversized ham fisted zombies).


    I have very little experience playing against them so run afoul of the 'on paper' impression the army can leave people with. I cringe when I think if playing regular dwarfs and most of the word of mouth I've been exposed to ran along the line of 'if you think dwarfs are tough try going against CD...'


    that all being said if I was to adopt a second army (a BIG if for anyone that knows me) it would be CD.

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