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Posts posted by Drak

  1. #1 is the rule that trumps all others for my lucky. ANY d6 can be rerolled by EACH player during EACH phase of EACH players turn as long as your mr lucky is alive.


    this means player 1's turn and he declares a charge with a terror causing monster, player two fails his leadership check and chooses to reroll one of the dice. the new result total passss. player one then fails his charge and rerolls one dice and then also passes with the new total. both players have used their one reroll for this phase.


    then player one rolls for winds of magic. he is ok with his total. but on the first spell he tries he miscasts, and chooses to reroll one of the 6's. he rolls another six, dang, still a miscast. player one then rolls for another spell, player two rolls to dispel and fails, chooses to reroll one of the dice and the new total is successful to dispell. both players have again used their one reroll this phase.


    in the shooting phase player rolls for his catapult. one artillery and the scatter. he gets an 2 on the artillery and a scatter away from his target on the scatter. looking at the result he sees he could reroll the artillery dice and if he gets a 6 or higher he will still hit an enemy unit (just not the one he was aiming for) and if he rerolls the scatter he might hit his first target. he chooses to reroll the artillery dice and get an 8, hitting the different unit. player two has a character that gets hit, rolls his look out sir and fails, he chooses to reroll the look out sir and the new result passes.


    etc etc etc.


    #2 and #3 have been clarified by Raindog to be examples of what players might choose to reroll. NOT limitations of what can be rerolled. it is literally any one D6 per phase for EACH player.


    hope this helps. (mr lucky makes for a LOT of rerolling)


    however... it HASNT been clarified if mr lucky allows a player to reroll d6 while setting up the game (ie rolling to see who gets first turn). my assumption is no, as that is not occurring during a "phase".

  2. I was referencing pg 41: if the majority of the models in a target unit (or more than half of the target model, if going against a single model) is obscured from the shooting models view by other models (friend or enemy) or by terrain then an additional to hit modifier is applied.


    it's been my experience that the vast majority of the time players look to see 1) does the model shooting have LOS to the target 2) is the majority of the unit/model being targeted obstructed by other things (this is where players take shortcuts and usually default to hard cover, as it's rare to see hedges on a battlefield) 3) apply modifier.


    practically speaking if a monsterous infantry (ie crypt horror) is standing behind (any skaven unit) then it usually is played as a soft cover modifier as less than 50% of the crypt horror is obstructed. but I'll readily admit I could be playin it wrong as my army (vamps) doesn't do much BS shooting :)

  3. bump


    1. The Tournament Packet states: "Each table should have only three pieces of special terrain. All other terrain should be generic by category. The special terrain is determined by the scenario."


    My question is: For wood elf players, do the free forest and forests from Acorns of Ages count toward this 3-special-terrain limit?


    IMO, I think they should be in addition to the 3-special limit, as it states that the forests are place during deployment, before any units have been deployed. Any pre-existing terrain should be identified prior to the deployment phase.


    2. In "It is All About the Core" it states: "A Bonus Point is awarded for each friendly core unit alive at the end of the game. Each unit standard alive at the end of the game is worth another bonus point."


    My question is: Do you get a bonus point for every unit standard alive, or just CORE unit standards alive at the end of the game? If it is every unit standard (not just core), then you do you also get a point for the BSB alive too?


    3. In the BRB under Buildings - Special Attacks, it states: "For special attacks (such as stomps) and items that affect models in base contact, a model fighting in a building is assumed to be in base contact with one enemy model nominated by the enemy player unless fighting in a challenge, of course, in which case they are in contact with the model they are fighting!"


    My question is: If a unit is in a building, and a character with the Other Trickster's Shard assaults the building with his unit, can the assaulting player declare that all of models inside are in base-to-base contact with him, thus needing to reroll their ward saves due to being in contact with the Shard?


    4. "King of the Hill" states: "Each friendly hero on top of the hill at the end of the game is worth one point."


    My question is: Does "Each friendly hero" mean Hero or Character? In other words, do you get a point for a Lord on the hill too? Or just Hero-level characters?

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