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Posts posted by Drak

  1. ML I think reactionary list building like you mentioned in your post is what contributes to the problem. I would instead encourage you to play the list you want to and if your opponent brings the filth (in your opinion) then tell them that while you mention it wasn't fun to play against. it's on them to get the message or they will find a lack of opponents and thus games.


    when you bing cheese to counter cheese you set the time for the gaming environment and new players who show up are introduced to a culture that is not representative of what Ordo is striving to put forth (IMO).

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  2. I think you've got target saturation for the to make it into combat (which is where you want it). a strong offensive build on the character can yield amazing results. the problem I ran into with the throne is enemies offering up a champ or hero as challenge bait and because of the different Initives not being able to capitalize on a large amount of overkill. for that reason taking the hero as a bsb is a very wise choice.


    the throne is more than capable of holding it's own against a block of infantry. battle of wills is gimicky but usually provides at least the -1ws/bs (when within range of the general). it's a lot of points to put into a hero (around 500 for an optimal build) but when you factor in what it can do an how GOOD it looks I think it's worth it.


    my build of choice: lv 2 beasts, bsb, lance, ha, shield, aura of dark majesty, forbidden lore. talisman of endurance, OTS.

  3. I love my zombie dragon lord. :) at low points he's vulnerable and more of a show piece. usually stuck as a lv 1 lore of vamps (hope for van hels for the rerolls as you won't have points for quickblood and the model REALLY needs to be able to generate CR). charmed shield, terrain, and strategic placement are crucial as anyone with a canon it a few shots away from toastin most of your army (freakin crumble.....grrrr).


    even going basic build at low levels (lance/gw, charmed shield, ToP, OTS, lv 1, couple vampiric powers) he gets expensive. I've found it better to kit him out using the full 25% allotment for survival mitigates some of the risk.


    I'm all about dragons, my teammates can attest to my wanting all armies to field a dragon of some sort, they aren't just plain cool :) and easily customizable.


    DRAGONS!!!! do it!

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