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Everything posted by michaels

  1. Actually, we can do online play even. I think I can get a hold of the team files to modify them so you can build whatever roster & we can use direct IP to play. It's easier with no star players as you just create a team in the campaign mode then export them & edit but I think I can make it work. I'll let you know shortly.
  2. You can borrow my lizards. I have unpainted skaven you can borrow as well. Just my 2 cents; it's probly better to take a team with some built-in skills if you're looking to be competitive.
  3. What team are you thinking? I'm gonna be pretty available to play test after this weekend. Saturday/Sunday are wide open for the most part if you or anyone else wants to hit rainy day or wow for games.
  4. I'm probly way busier in June (damn it!) but took a ton of days off in may. They don't roll my vacation time (also damn it!). Does anyone know when season 2 of persistent is kicking off?
  5. The minis look amazing in this. Only having one level of support seems pretty legit as well. Tempted to drop some $$ on it. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/steamforged/dark-soulstm-the-board-game?ref=nav_search
  6. When are aqshy elves vs pollo assado playing? I think that's the last game to determine playoff matchups.
  7. I'm gonna be rocking undead & have a team file set. Will be looking for matches during weekends next month for practice.
  8. I like the cut of yer gib, sir.
  9. I didn't retire my team. I might have to bring them back to help define 'insane amount of tv loss' next season. ;)
  10. I was just thinking the final we played last season had some serious TV loss. 2 frogs seems meh after that. ;)
  11. I'm good with a one-day event. I believe we each get 2 games we can play before next season starts. Not sure how that gets entered into Ordo Bowl. Does Shane have to make matchups for each team to enter the data?
  12. Looks like Improper Dancing will be making rounds in the Toilet Bowl. Let me know if you want a match, anyone! :D
  13. Are there any thoughts towards possibly using TV++?
  14. Next season can we bring in any ordo team from a prior season provided the TV is on par with the rest of the league average? Not thinking I will but i wasnt sure if I could swap out between seasons.
  15. Give Burk extra cheers from me. Inappropriate, adult cheers.
  16. To whomever I get for week 8: I'm out of town April 16th through the 20th. Probly can't get any games in until the weekend of the 23rd. I think I can make WoW the 25th, as well.
  17. Here's how much I know about this game: I made it fairly far & started running into archons & those giant mecs that lay down the aoe as well as their normal support guys (shield bearers, lancers, etc)...& dying. Over & over dying like a champ. It wasn't too bad when it was just archons. Still super hard but I could usually pull it off. Last night I realized I could upgrade the gts. Seriously. I've got a maxed out ranger & 2 almost maxed grenadiers & I JUST NOW figured out I could be running 6 members. /facepalm. So now the game is fairly easy again & I'm completely sure that I have no idea what I'm doing & probably missed something :)
  18. I think Shane actually gets the stats from the (ignore me) one-off teams. I like to make him look good. ;)
  19. Are you playing kb10r this Tuesday? If you cant squeeze a second match in that day I can bring a team Sunday to play you.
  20. I've been liking it. It definitely starts hard then lightens up a bit once the armor upgrades start. The load times definite turn to [big bad swear word]e the longer I play. Memory leak I'm guessing. Restarting the game every couple hours takes care of it. I'm kind of torn on the sniper. I thought they'd be cool but they seem to miss a lot. I haven't got too far in levels but they don't do an extreme amount of damage (at least for me). The rangers seem better overall for killing stuff. I never played xcom 1 so I'm probably doing it wrong.
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