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Everything posted by michaels

  1. I finally got my passport so spike is on the table this year. I have two questions. 1) I have a painted team but it's not flocked. Are they pretty anal about having flocked bases? 2) When do practice games start up? Thanks.
  2. Looks like a pretty safe bet that I'll be playing Travis with my necro & Burk with my Lizards. I'll be outta town from Sunday-Thursday. Best days for me are Saturday/Sunday after getting back. Tuesdays are generally out :( I'm game for a double header early afternoon of the 26th if someone can unlock the door or I'm always good to play at Guardian.
  3. That's the price of greatness. ;)
  4. If playoffs were 1 game/week it would only be 4 weeks with 8 teams. I like the idea of a 1-day event more, though. Getting to watch all the games go down is pretty sweet.
  5. After reading the "top 4 playoffs" thing I was thinking next season it'd be nice to expand this to 8 teams &, if possible, have a one-day playoff event at WoW. Thoughts?
  6. Hear that?? This is all YOUR guys' fault.
  7. michaels

    Blood Bowl II

    Sweet! Add me on Steam for some matches. ID = Michaels
  8. michaels

    Blood Bowl II

    http://forum.bloodbowl-game.com/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=7406 Omfg I love TV++!!
  9. I have a few decks & would dig finding someone to play against. I have some of the old first print stuff & some of the new FF stuff. If you live near Rainy Day that's an even bigger bonus!
  10. As I'm now a game short on Improper Dancin g I'd like to get one in prior to playing Travis. I don't need that much of a handicap. ;) If anyone can play this weekend that'd be great. Shoot me a pm. Thanks.
  11. Game played. Got block on a killer. :)
  12. That still leaves two games to go and a forfeit. How is there a forfeit with two weeks to play? If nothing else let me proxy coach your team for you if you can't play in two weeks time. That's just silly.
  13. What time Saturday? I might pop in & look for a game.
  14. Ha-ha. Yeah. I ended up just digging out his number from an old pm & texting him.
  15. I sent a pm on the 7th listing available times. Another on the 9th stating that Wednesday (yesterday, the 10th) would be ideal. Another yesterday querying if there would be a response. As it stands only my pm from the 7th has been read. :|
  16. Correction: I will pm him, he will respond the next day offering to play (the same day as the response) with a vaguely outlined time line encompassing either a 4.5 hour window or two set times that are 4.5 hours apart. I will not know which is intended. I'll respond the same day saying its not possible & list my availability. I will never hear from this mysterious stranger again. Our paths will not cross. Perhaps it was never meant to be. "Does he think of me?" I wonder as I look at the leaderboards with longing. I'll never know...
  17. Who's coaching Shruum Kap Mystix? I'm ready for my beating.
  18. This is all Bethesda's fault! They should've asked us what we were doing before releasing fallout 4! Those pricks!
  19. That wasn't passive. Not even a little bit.
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