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Everything posted by derek

  1. I mean I get that some things look super broken when you look at power level 31+ but from what I can see there's not much there that is just so ridiculous that I couldn't bare to see it come to the table. Like a big counter to knights for me would be a couple leviathan dreads with grav flux bombards does 5 damage per successful wound or hit have to check but when you see that it can tackle monsters and titans and vehicles and then also be an infantry killer in its own right power 31 isn't so intimidating. For me having played for just around 4 years now I think some people still don't like forgeworld and while I can understand the older groups of players having some who love it and some who hate it I think it's time to come to the realization that forgeworld is a thing and it's gonna be a very strong point for some armies like chaos for example. Do I think tournaments can have a competitive feel without bringing the cheesiest army to the table yes, yes I do but is that gonna happen no probably not. For the bao because 8th is so new might be good to curve the stuff people can bring but for lvo let the armies bring what they want if you want to see hyper cut throats spam the heavy hitting units that's where I'd be going for it.
  2. Warhound is pretty strong but not unbeatable and by saying nothing over power 31 is allowed you still allow the stupid stuff like wraith guard spam and a wraithknight. Really dulls the possibility that a player could have made a really cool thematic list involving something like a warhound or a thunderhawk or a stormbird. I know tournaments are all for the optimized list but there's always the opportunity for a player who just wants to come throw dice and have fun not worry about tactics or anything to be put off with not getting to use his list that some would cry is op because of the titan but hey to each their own I suppose. And in reality playing any of the missions that player would be at an extreme disadvantage to win games outside of tabeling.
  3. i think this edition should be the edition of all big stuff. thunderhawk isn't that bad, stormbird isn't that bad; at least all the titans while they have high wound count and high toughness can be taken down with lascannon fire. And they're priced appropriately for what they are in all honesty
  4. I have my kid Saturday from 10-6 otherwise I'd be down in a heartbeat. Well if anyone is available this weekend I'll be available Friday and Sunday Saturday evening is taken by fate and fury games for their 40k and 30k league
  5. Hey guys I'm gonna be available all day on Friday I can travel into Portland but would prefer to stay in Vancouver. Got anywhere between 2-3k for some 8th ed goodness if anyone wants that or they can beat on me in a game of 7th ed either or hit me up here or shoot me a text 3602416638
  6. Any update about this and when are your guys league days?
  7. I'm available every other weekend after 6pm until ofcc fate and fury in Vancouver Washington plays games on wednesdays and Saturday's and they serve beer if that's your thing league starts officially at 8pm and they're open till 2am
  8. So having difficulty understanding how transports work this edition so you can only add a dedicated transport to every other unit that can take one? Or are we still able to represent like a company of marines in rhinos
  9. Gonna say this I think spartan assault tanks are amazing they're beastly and in the 2 games I played with it today it never let me down killing 3 land speeders in one go and then 1 shotting pask and then a chimera so awesome
  10. Well I think It'd be best to use close support units inside pods and the khyrabdis will just get painted word bearers colors cause that's my legion for 30k and will be my legion for 40k to I suppose wooo thank god I didn't spend money needlessly on stuff I'll never use lol
  11. Dread drop pod cause forgeworld :)
  12. I think I'm most excited to see how the khyrabdis will play out in 8th I know it never really got use in 7th but saw some decent use in 30k. Hoping it's gonna be useful either way though
  13. So what does everyone think of drop pods in 8th. I have a 6k salamanders army that will probably be good as is mechanized infantry and such but because I do own this khyrabdis assault claw and some dread drop pods and dreads who wanna use said pods anyone able to give some good insight to their tactical use besides dropping in and no scatter and being 9 inches away?
  14. Looks like the forgeworld books ship Monday :( dang well guess it gives me time to fiddle with models and decide how I'm gonna play stuff for now.
  15. I think I'll be available that Friday for some free gaming if anyone wants to play 8th I can't commit to buying a ticket as my schedule is wonky but if I can be there by god I'll be there
  16. If you look on the index xenos on forgeworld looks like they have just detachments for corsairs. It's at the very bottom they call them corsair reaver band and corsair skyreaver band. Might be wrong but hey
  17. I'd love to get some games in around June. So anyone wanting to get some games in hit me up it's been a good long while since I've played but I'd love to play more
  18. Anyone have an update on when that comes out?
  19. I didn't find the nurgle grand alliance stuff to be super strong and I'm not sure how it's gonna fair against the more modern battletomes and blades of khorne looks like a lot of fun after reading the book on the age of sigmar app
  20. Mmmmmmm but but faction rules and stuff makes it hard to wanna do both and I already have a nurgle themed chaos grand alliance army
  21. I think I might be able to swing ofcc but still debating about disciples of Tzeentch or blades of khorne
  22. Right on. I'm in the process of figuring out what chaos army I wanna roll with. I have a rather large grand alliance army rolling ATM but looking at going specialized so
  23. Hey guys gonna be diving back into age of sigmar still living in the Vancouver area but have expanded my horizons and will travel just about anywhere to get a game so how often is everyone free gonna be looking like mainly weekends as I travel during the week for work
  24. So I haven't played much AOS since like September is the local meta super competitive or is it still in the if you're a dick you'll get shunned because nobody wants to power play
  25. Right on. They just look really interesting but not super op unless you aim to break them
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