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Everything posted by valourunbound

  1. Finished product. Special thanks to GW, for making a 25x50 base that is not anywhere close to 25mm wide.
  2. Submitted (yesterday). Any update on the number of victims players?
  3. I'm working on it. If I have signal at the KOA at Fort Stevens, you'll get it Saturday night. If not, Sunday.
  4. Problem: There is a bridal shower at my house on Saturday. Solution: play T9A. This will be my last free weekend before OFCC so I'd like to get AT LEAST 1 game in. Who is down?
  5. I'm coming in from the West-side Best-side each morning if that is of assistance.
  6. Remember that unit of Jezails that was kind of just lying unpainted on bases? That is my project. Pics otw.
  7. What? Why? My crew just hangs around the artillery piece. If time is the enemy, don't waste it trying to fit the WYSIWYG crew on a 60mm round. When I've had to paint stuff recently, I typically break it down into tasks. Base everything, prime, base coat, etc. I'd like to say I use these to keep on schedule, but realistically I use it to know how screwed I'll be the night before the tournament.
  8. The bulk of my Skaven army was painted two weeks before my first tournament. It helped that I was in high school and it was summer. It would take me a lot longer now...
  9. You'd be surprised how many games I have lost because my character is not in the right spot in the unit. Your summary makes it sound like I brought a gunline.
  10. That could result in some weird pairings. Especially if we only have 10 people. Maybe just for the first game/day?
  11. Crap, I need to remember how to play. When did it become almost July! I guess a list would be a good starting place... For once I don't think I have any painting that I need to do. I'm sure that'll change soon though.
  12. I'm most likely out for this weekend. I'll post if something changes.
  13. Yeah that first Ramph was toast one way or another. I'll make sure to get the AB changed so I won't be wrong next time :)
  14. Hmm, looks like I may have cheated you there a bit. They should only have had three attacks with hatred and battle focus. Darn rule changes. They still would have killed that first Ramphodon though :) The second... Might have turned out differently.
  15. It's very challenging as a VS player. I was looking at EoS lists the other day and... they have choices! Every list I see is either A) Vermin Daemon + footpads or B) Plague Pendulum + monks or C) both. It will take a lot of work in the FAB to create true list diversity. Now maybe the choices I saw were because the guy (DanT) wasn't trying to make a super hardcore list.
  16. Just FYI, VS won. And I do own the models that he used... I just don't like using the Vermin Daemon for no particularly logical reason.+ I'm also not as good at the game, but that's a minor point. I almost tried to go before I knew it was the same weekend as March to War. Your goal, Andrew, is to beat Cornerhammer to 100 attendees. West is best!
  17. We're just telling you our battle scores and stuff? or are there little sheets for that too.
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