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Posts posted by peter.cosgrove

  1. I shouldn't be doing anything this weekend.  I think sunday is the necro league opening at wow, I was planning on showing up for that. Redcastle has casual play at 1PM on Saturday. Marc/(mark)? reserves a table saturday evening at GG. Tue is game night at wow, I think at least 4 people will be showing up just for 40k. Wed is 40k at GG, it's december so it's casual, but if you tell the cashier you're there for 40k (only on wednesday and only after 6PM you will get the league discount). There is a league at a game store somewhere in beaverton/hillsboro on Sunday, I haven't been to that location.

    If you have time available and want a game give me a call 503-957-7906, It usually takes me about 30-45 minutes prep time/travel time to get to WOW for a game. 

  2. Ok so. The Sanguinary priest was always a problem. The best solution is to get Brother Corbulo and put a jump pack on him.

    The most important bit in there was the techmarine dropping point cost. 78 points for a jump pack techmarine that you have to pay for the power axe. 45 points w/o. so 50 points/57 points for the plasma pistol/power axe. That's the cheapest HQ tax in the BA list. 50 points, I think is even cheaper than primaris psyker after chapter approved.

    it all depends on whether The Red Thirst requires a pure BA detachment.

    Second most important thing was the drop in price for the DC dread. If you want to build an on board rapid push, putting DC/Lemartes/DC dread into a Stormraven is NOT a bad way to go. And actually putting a techmarine in there. techmarine that can repair the dreadnaught/stormraven.

    The assaults already got melta/plasma, that got FAQ PDQ on BRB/index release.

    I wish they would make up their minds with these Black Templar remix champion ancients. Either put them into HQ or keep them in a squad. They are too expensive on their own. If you want to take something cheap, take a techmarine. The Ancient, The Ancient Guard and the Termie Ancient all their banners do something a little different. I wonder if the +1 LD from each stack. 

  3. 2 hours ago, white_devil said:

    Gabriel Seth - bunch of buffs including Chapter Master, extra AP, extra hit on 6 in the Fight Phase 

    No more sang Priests with jump pack/bike in codex. Still in index. Ditto for tons of other index-only options. 

    lib dread 20pts cheaper 

    termie lib down 25pts 

    Chaplain termie down 15pts 

    Astorath's weapon +1s 

    Tycho the Lost new "dead mans hand" (Melee S:user AP-2 Dd3) 

    Cpt Tycho also gains dead man's hand 

    termie captain down 15pts 

    16 new units (lieutenants, primaris stuff, planes, anti air vehicles, etc) 

    techmarine down 13pts 

    Tactical squad - sergeant may now take a Melta Bomb 

    Sanguinary Guard down 2 points 

    Chapter Banner nerfed - was immune to morale, now +1LD. Bonus to wound rolls stays the same. 

    Sanguinary Novitiate new unit (identical to basic apothecary with Bloody Blood blood name) 

    DC Dread down 38pts 

    Terminator Ancient new unit 

    Company Champion down 16pts 

    Terminator assault squad down 5ppm 

    Furioso Dread down 52 points 

    Blood Talons now S+4 -2AP 3Damage, reroll failed hit and wound rolls for this weapon 

    Assault marines now get melta and plasma guns



  4. 1368 for 12 assault squads.

    360 for 8 squads ratlings.

    2 squads/2HQ for 372 points? That should be doable. Going to want more squads for board control. 6 squads for 240, 2 HQ and heavy weapons in there. 

    I suppose it's doable, but going to want more squads BOG.

  5. That red thirst working all the time and not just as a detachment trait is really important difference.

    16 points per model for assault BA, 17 points for melta, 114 points for a 2 melta squad. 12 squads would be close to 1400 points. But to balance that you would need a certain amount of BOG to cover the deep strike unit tax. With Ratlings at 45 points in an elite slot, you could field 6 cheap troops for 12/12, and create a complete total board control tarpit on 1st turn. But you would need 3 HQ. Try to do that for under 2k would be rough.

  6. 1 hour ago, paxmiles said:

    If you advance, you usually can't charge, correct. 

    But the point was getting your melta weapons into range. 

    But sure, you could glass half empty this one, and dismiss it because it's "unfair" that you aren't guarenteed a turn 1 charge. Personally, I'm glad turn 1 charges require risk. Seems entirely reasonable. 

    BA assaults can take 2 melta/plasmas. The only other unit that can is the space wolves hitting on BS 4+. To gain that with other chapters a list has to pay more for veterans. BA should, even with the codex, retain the cheapest/best special weapons squads with jump packs. And since they are a FA slot instead of an elite slot it makes adding elites to a detachment even better.

    Also, BA company vets can take jump packs if you want combi weapons.

    It's still just the charge distance re-roll that, really, breaks the list. So far, only Lemartes gives it and only for DC.

  7. thing is though. BA HQ's have more in common with supporting roles rather than meat magnets. They have in 8E aura abilities that make you want to keep them with the primary red ball of death. If they miss the 9" charge then the units they are supposed to be boosting will get out of range. And it looks like the non-named characters can become Death Company for Lemartes charge re-roll. Will need to check that. Although Ashtorath isn't Death Company.

    The sanguinary ancient, as an elite choice, with the relic banner would end up being target #1 during the shoot phase.

  8. 1 hour ago, SigurdBC said:

    The power you guys are thinking of is "Wing of Sanguinius". 

    yeah. we got it. The problem is, the dreadnaught libby isn't as good as Bjorn teh Felhanded. If someone could take lascannons on the libby dreadnaught it would be better, but right now they are limited to just melee weapons and short range weapons hitting on BS3+

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