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Posts posted by peter.cosgrove

  1. ok.. chris and I played our first game. Have an important change to make.

    Change 1:

    Play on a 4x4, roll off to choose deployment type and player side. winner chooses deployment type, other player chooses deployment edge.

    Each game will have 5 objectives. 3 neutral caches and 2 deployment caches. Winner of deployment type roll off places first/third neutral caches. Other player places second neutral cache. Place the 3 neutral caches into non-deployment areas 12" from other caches and the table edge. (12" from the table edge "shouldn't" be a problem, but if it is place the cache as far from the table edge as possible and 12" from any other cache)

    The player that lost the deployment type roll off places first unit.

    After all units are deployed, starting with the player who placed the last unit first, each player places a deployment cache in their opponent's deployment zone 12" from other cache objectives and 6" away from any table edge.

    The player who has the closest units furthest from the closest cache chooses to go first or second. If both players have the closest unit equidistant then roll off for choice of first/second turn with the player that placed the last unit first gaining a +1 to the die roll.

    You can sieze initiative on a roll of 6 at beginning of first turn.

    Replaces the following:

    Play on a 4x4 using normal matched play rules for choosing a deployment type.

    Each game will have 5 objectives. 3 neutral caches and 2 deployment caches. Roll off for placing the first neutral cache. 

    Place the 3 neutral cache into non-deployment areas 12" from other caches and the table edge. The player who lost the objective roll off chooses the deployment side and places the first unit.

    After all units are deployed, starting with the player who placed the last unit first, each player places a deployment  cache in their opponent's deployment zone 12" from other cache objectives and 6" away from any table edge.

    The player who has the closest units furthest from the closest cache chooses to go first or second.

    You can seize initiative on a roll of 6 at beginning of first turn.

  2. for the beta test it's limited to 300 points so no. What you can do is get the unit if it's under 300 on the first end game then buy any added weapons on the second end game. very much like Shadowwars.

    yes on the single detachment traits and stuff.

    Remember this is just a beta test of a league concept. Keep everything in a single detachment/faction keyword if you want detachment traits, flat 3 command points.

  3. I think it's because of the cover save, shots one at a time thing.

    If I have a unit that can't get a cover save because of one model, and I remove that one model, then the unit gets a cover save for the remaining attacks, I think it's a simple thing to also think that you can remove models in such a manner to make some attacks go out of range. Looks like it's not. Although I must say it makes it easier, less thinking.

  4. ya. It's the easiest system I have seen that works for 40k that has attrition in it. What I wanted to do was have the roll be modified by how well the body was secured on the battlefield. I/e, if the enemy captures the model you attrit on a roll of 1-3, if nobody secured the model you attrit on a 1-2, and if you secure the model like you would an objective you only attrit on a 1.

    but ignore that.

    In reality this is a variable escalation league concept.

  5. 11 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    Okay, so if I understand, we ignore detachment rules entirely, and just create a 500pt army that has at least 1 HQ and 2 Troops. We will then have a flat 3 command points. 


    Regarding continuity between games, winner can gain up to 500pts and loser up to 300pts if I'm reading correctly, so the last game could potentially be fought at the 2k level with a meager 4 players...?


    Regarding the Attrition concept, Is the attrition aspect that losers will have less points to work with, or are we not having all of our models carry over between games?

    At the end of the game, roll a D6 for each model removed or destroyed during the game, if you roll a 1 that model is removed from your army roster.

    Oh, is the model selection static, or are we able to change our armies between games?

    your roster stays the same, you can lose models through attrition, and you can gain models from points gained post-game

    At the end of the game, each player gets 100 points to add to their roster. The Loser also gets a cache, the winner gets D3 caches. You can burn 1 cache at the end of game to gain 100 points. Only 1. You can also get 100 points for forum interaction.

    total 300 points. either player. 

    In the league concept the winner of the league is whoever finally collects 15 caches. So NOT burning caches for points is how you win the league.

  6. Remember to ignore this next bit. Just here for continuity, and because I already lost it once.

    Without going too far into it and creating a TL:DR issue here are my thoughts on an attrition league set up along the Shadow War:Armageddon league play set up.

    I call it "The Best of What's Left" or The Rumble In the Jungle.

    Starting at 500 points, build 1 HQ and 2 full countTroop choices. These have to be WYSIWYG, fully painted and based. Any additional points goes to other units. Other units besides the initial HQ/Troop choices can be shorted.

    At the beginning of the first game for each HQ unit roll on a 2d6 table. The table has campaign narrative interaction requirements to gain 100 points after each game. An example would be "Revenge! After losing a game post a thread vowing revenge, gain 100 points after winning against that player." The table will have listed forum thread requirements that when met will give points. For each HQ unit added to the roster later in the campaign roll again on the table. 

    Table terrain will be deployment type specific in terms of demonstrating with the terrain the deployment type. For example Spearhead Assault deployment type will have a LOS blocking ridgeline of terrain down the center with a narrow pass. In other words, instead of generally placing terrain the terrain is set up to deliberately show the deployment type. Additionally 6 columns/tree trunks, towers, spires etc are placed on the battlefield. These posts are impassable terrain that also cannot be flown over, they represent impossibly tall triple canopy trees made out of magnetic flux carbon molecules that are indigenous to the planet. The trees cause severe interference to communications causing lack of reinforcements from higher. The idea behind the terrain setup is to visually represent a terrain based panorama instead of setting up the table in a symmetric competition style.

    At the beginning of each game roll on a 2d6 table, the table will have game peculiarities and victory conditions aka Shadow Wars style.

    Initial deployment to be only the original HQ and 2 Troops, all other units are in reserve. Reserves can start walking/deep striking on the board iaw 8th edition rules. Players are limited to just 3 command points and no warlord. Once both players have 750/1000/1250/1500 points they both add an additional unit to the initial deployment, however the added unit(s) must be built full count, WYSIWYG, Painted and based. If either player does not have an additional unit at each increment level to deploy, both players are limited on units for initial deployment to the lower player's available units.

    Each game will have 5 caches. 3 to be placed in the neutral area between deployments and the last two placed in each players deployment zone by the opposing player AFTER deployment. Cache's to be placed 12" from any other cache and 8 inches from any table edge.

    The player that ends up with units further away from any cache after deployment chooses to go first or second.

    Caches to be captured/carried by infantry models, 

    When a model would normally be removed from the battlefield, instead gently lay it down on the battlefield, it becomes impassible terrain. At the end of the game each downed model can be attritted. If a friendly unit is within 3 inches of the downed model and can claim the downed model iaw objective rules in 8th edition (Troops with objective secured rule applies), then the model will only attrit on a roll of 1 on a d6. If neither friendly/enemy can claim it attrits on a 1-2 on a d6. If an enemy unit can claim the model it attrits on a 1-3.

    Models that are not downed at the end of the game that have some capability to heal/resurrect/stat change models in game allow rerolls for downed models, i/e Sanguinary Priest, Techmarines, Fabius Bile, etc. Models that have self heal/repairing can also reroll for themselves, i/e Rhino's.

    Once a model is attrited it is removed from the roster at the end of the game. If an HQ is attrited then the next ranking model becomes the HQ (i/e must be seperated from the model's squad)

    Both players gain 100 points at the end of the game to add models/wargear to their roster. Loser gains 1 cache. Winner gains 1-3 caches. Players can burn a cache to gain another 100 points to spend.

    In between games players can add up to 100 points before the next game by conducting on the forums trading communication to trade models, bits of models, bases that are then built WYSIWYG/Painted/based into the spent points. I/e an Ork player with Tyranid bits trades them to a Tyranid player for OrK bits that are then paid for with the points and after building/painting/basing added to the player's Ork roster. Bear in mind, beggers can't be choosers, if you get bits/models from another player for your points you are required to build it WYSIWYG/painted/based and add it to your roster. Any points left unspent because of lack of trades are lost at the beginning of the next game

    League will finish upon a player gaining 15 Caches. The purpose of the league is to keep the games short/fun and facilitate the build up of a player's army into larger point army lists, while also rewarding interaction/sportsmanship. I believe that by doing it in this fashion also assists to capture newer players by presenting small manageable lists that become expandable as part of the campaign play system.

  7. Ok so we have Chris, Chad, Carl and myself. 

    Ok so. This is a beta test, 3 rounds, round robin. The beta test will be focused on the after-game mechanics. Use this thread to schedule games with your opponents so we can keep track of the round robin. Games can be played anywhere. We need to be done before the next league is up which should be sometime in January

    I will be posting the original ruleset after this, however, it's a work in progress so ignore it.

    for now just make a 500 point army roster which must include 1 HQ and 2 Troops. Flat 3 command points for the beta test.

    Play on a 4x4 using normal matched play rules for choosing a deployment type.

    Each game will have 5 objectives. 3 neutral caches and 2 deployment caches. Roll off for placing the first neutral cache. 

    Place the 3 neutral cache into non-deployment areas 12" from other caches and the table edge. The player who lost the objective roll off chooses the deployment side and places the first unit.

    After all units are deployed, starting with the player who placed the last unit first, each player places a deployment  cache in their opponent's deployment zone 12" from other cache objectives and 6" away from any table edge.

    The player who has the closest units furthest from the closest cache chooses to go first or second.

    You can sieze initiative on a roll of 6 at beginning of first turn.

    Play is fixed to 5 rounds or tabling.

    Each cache can be controlled (picked up) and carried by an infantry model. Embarking in a transport with the carrying model will allow the cache to be controlled/carried by a transport. The Cache can be left in a transport after the infantry model disembarks from the transport.

    Winner is the player who controls the most objectives by the end of game.

    At the end of game roll a d6 for each model destroyed or removed, on a roll of 1 that model is attrited from the army roster. Having a model that is alive at the end of game that can either adjust stats in game for a downed model type (for example, Fabius Bile for non-character infantry), or allows for wound recovery for a downed model type (for example, Apothecary for Space Marines or Techmarine for vehicles) allows the player to re-roll the attrition roll.

    End game mechanics:

    Loser gains 1 cache, Winner gains D3 caches.

    Each player gains 100 points to add units/weapons to their army roster.

    Each player can burn a cache to gain another 100 points to add units/weapons to their army roster.

    Each player can also conduct army specific stylized narrative forum posts/interaction regarding their previous and/or next opponent to gain 100 points to add units/weapons to their army roster before next game (which includes the first game, however you don't gain the 100 points for the thread interaction for the first game until after the first game). Please use this thread and your imagination. Some Examples include, but are not limited to:

    -Vow revenge

    -Declare war

    -Invitation to a tea party

    -Knock Knock, Have you found your lord and Saviour today? I have a book and some pamphlets you can read.

    -toneless battle report to higher

    -request for reinforcements

    -intelligence reports

    -<screech honk> hoof stomp <drool blarg>

    -Boy, yuz gotz a pretty mouf wid dem teefs.. Shor wo' be a shamz if wut sumtim wuz tuz.. happen to dem.

    The overall winner of the beta test will be the player with the most cache's collected across their 3 games. In addition I would like to do both individual and communal AAR's for the beta test.


  8. so, here is kind of what I finally think will work.

    70 Power Level, 1400 points

    M *  WS 4  BS* S8  T*  W60 A* LD8 S 4+ 

    Descending Modifiers

    31-60 M6" / BS 4+ / T8

    16-30 M5" / BS 5+ / T7

    1-15   M4" / BS  6+ / T6

    Nurgle Plague Tower is a single model equipped with 2 Demolisher Cannons, a Pus Cannon and a Plagueburst Mortar

    Plagueburst Mortar 12"-48" Heavy D6   S8  / AP-2  /  D3 Damage /  Plague Weapon, This weapon can target units that are not visible to the firing unit

    Demolisher Cannon 24"  /  Heavy D3  S10  / AP-3  / D6 Damage / When attacking units of 5 or more models change this weapons type to Heavy D6

    Pus Cannon  18" /  Assault D6  / S6  / AP -2 / 2 Damage / Plague Weapon, This weapon automatically hits it's target

    Nurgling Infestation   Melee / Melee 3D6 Attacks / S3  / AP-0 / 1 Damage

    Explosion of Filth. If this model is reduced to 0 wounds before any embarked models disembark it explodes and each unit within 2D6 suffers D6 Mortal wounds. Units with Nurgle keyword are Immune.

    Ramparts of Doom. Up to 10 Models embarked upon the Nurgle Plague Tower can occupy the Ramparts during the movement phase, use Psychic abilities and shoot during their shooting phase, measuring and drawing line of sight from any point on the Nurgle Plague Tower. They can do this even if even if enemy models are within 1" of  the Nurgle Plague Tower. Units shooting in this manner count as having moved if they or the Nurgle Plague Tower moved in the preceeding movement phase. In addition Aura Abilities from Models Embarked are in effect, measuring from any point on the Nurgle Plague Tower as long as the model giving the aura ability is one of the 10 models occupying the Ramparts of Doom. Models occupying the Ramparts of Doom can be targeted during both the Psychic and Shooting phases and charged during the Assault Phase. Models embarked in the Ramparts of Doom gain a cover save.

    Wooden Behemoth. This unit cannot fall back, advance or charge. It can also still fire all of it's weapons even if enemy models are within 1" of it (But only the Pus Cannon can target unit's that are within 1" of it, It's other weapons must target other units.) Models occupying the Ramparts of Doom can also target units that are within 1" of this model

  9. Winning Putt. It's a golfing MMO F2P/P2W. I can't recommend it unless you want to play a golfing game. It includes matched play where you compete against other players for ranking. You end up dungeon crawling in instances trying to get eagles for swing food/3pc balls and gold to pay for enchantments. You also end up leveling alts to gather crafting materials for better clubs and enchanting materials. Very polite and helpful community. If you start with a power toon you won't start to see the bad side of power vs accuracy until about level 23-25 so be warned. Accuracy you will be out ranged by everyone all the time but once you get the backspin skill/Fairway driver skill it makes up for it. Just make sure you stay in the fairway or you are screwed.

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