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Everything posted by Lyraeus

  1. My current Ride of the Orkyries list has 70 models... which is low count for orks i think
  2. Crusade is overall simple but some book keeping but over all it shouldnt be an issue
  3. It was a good game. I groused on space marines... but over all it was a good game. That dang Judiciar COULD NOT DIE!
  4. Yea you can join at any time. Just see who wants to play via TTS
  5. Are they doing a full SSBI? I.e going back a decade or more?
  6. I need to add more pictures but yes I am adding a wash to them. They will change a lot from the last picture
  7. Basing materials have come in. These 32mm bases are for Immortals bit i ak not sure how i feel about the bases... i might just use cork rubble Thoughts? Maybe a drybrush will work...
  8. Yes I believe so. It mandates you ignore wound rolls of certain numbers.
  9. That is around when I show up. You might be able to get a few games in. I am bringing Necrons so it wont be too bad
  10. Get your games in everyone. Let me know if you are able to play on Tabletop Simulator. I am going to add a list of players so people can reach out and schedule games
  11. Yup. That is the current rumor based on what is being seen. It could be wrong.
  12. Heavy Bolters are going to 1 shot each so it is unlikely that Autocannons will be obsolete. Multi-Meltas should be more powerful overall than a Lascannon in terms of damage but range is an important part of things.
  13. I didn't think there was a huge issue. Since people can play multiple games in person or TTS even 1 game a week if they can will allow people to get to it. Especially since you start with 5 RP anyways
  14. So you start with 50 PL base as your roster and you have 5 RP to start. Every RP spent will give you 5 more PL. You might be correct and I have missed the fact that people wont always have enough RP to increase their PL and if that happens just play at the highest PL you can
  15. I expect them to get another wound but overall Custodes are not that bad to play against. As a Xeno Player I would love to play against custodes
  16. So far some things are nice but overall...ugh...2 wound marines... really! Did they need to make it that much harder to kill @Salty Monkey 's Thousand Sons.... 2 wound base marines with all of those bonus rules...I am not a fan
  17. Even as a necron player its going to be hard...We did see the statline of the Deathmarks and the Immortals. They are T5 now
  18. Game 1 ended in my Skorpekh Lord, Destroyers, Scarabs, Immortals and 10 warriors all were "destroyed" the immortals were perma killed and so were the Warriors. Scarabs are just replaced because there are many scarabs. More warriors and Immortals have been awakened. My Skorpekh Destroyers were the MVP's. I will say, the sheer amount of rules that marines have behind them make them a very tough challenge
  19. Discord Channel set up. Let me know if you want anything added https://discord.gg/XgFDcgn
  20. @Sgt. Rock If you guys want to play via TTS. I am getting the discord up soon
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