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Posts posted by SPaceORK

  1. 50 minutes ago, Nathanvoodoo said:

    Not to mention Burna Boyz in kill team are utterly trash. 😉 Wish I’d skipped that box and just bought some Boyz and the munitorum box.

    I've had the complete opposite results for orks. They can't shoot in kill team and they don't really have a attack phase either. So you must burn!

    • Like 1
  2. Umm... I would like to be allowed in the RoC. I've asked a couple times and haven't heard any response either direction.

    But on topic! I really want all the titanicus models, but not for actual titanicus. Like I want to use them for dreads or something. The warhound should be just the right size for a normal dread.

    • Like 1
  3. Well its been a weekish and I still dont have any new killteams.... but I suppose I do have some action shots of some...


    Here we have the guardsmen running towards their natural habitat, cover!


    Surprise! Clowns Mutha F.... Uhh yea Xenos sighted.


    Clowns do burn though!

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  4. On 8/13/2018 at 11:48 PM, Sgt. Rock said:

    That's unfortunate about the Land Speeders and Rhino chassis tanks. I always thought the Speeders and the Whirlwinds were pretty neat. Based on what I have, I put together a quick and dirty 500 point list (does anybody play games that small? If they do, maybe I can find someone to finish teaching me how to play...) that is probably suboptimal, but since I also want to use these models for Kill Team, will allow me to do both. I think my next purchase will be the Emperor's Champion and a Rhino, as I need a way to get that squad across the board and into combat. As far as a Crusader Squad goes, how should I arm them? Is it best to focus on all CC or all shooty, or can I get away with mixing the two a little? For example, right now the build I have has a 10 man squad, 4 Initiates, a Sword Brother, and 5 Neophytes. 2 Initiates have boltguns, 1 has a plasma gun, and one has a chainsword, the Sword Brother has a chainsword and combi flamer. The Neophytes have 2 shotguns, 2 combat knives, and 1 boltgun. Is that trying to do too many things at once? I feel like it's enough to mess up a shooty squad on the way in and in CC, and shooty enough to either resist a charge or soften up a fighty squad. So many options, I don't know what's good! 

    If your not playing competitive, not aiming for this to be your main army, and since this list might not exceed 2k,  just play whatever feels right. Black templars are supposed to be choppy right? Then a chaplain is great. Emperors champion and a generic Smashcaptain ( captain with jumpack, storm shield and thunder hammer) should also be good. I feel you should also be doing max squads of Crusaders armed with bolt pistols, chain swords with some plasma and thunder hammers/power fists sprinkled it. Screw the transports, just run screaming across the table till you sink your chainaxe into heretics and xenos. Want some land speeders? Add them. Rhino chassis? There are good ones for sure. 

    8th is great because the gap between a bad army and a good army isnt that far apart. So if your skillful enough you can pull out some wins with anything. Yes, eldar, guard and knights are the boogy men, but all the rest of the armies put in top 8 showings all the time. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, fluger said:

    How worthless are Ogryns BTW? I know Bullgryns get love, but I have 5 2nd ed Ogryns I've wanted to use for literally 20 years...

    They are pretty worthless when you compare what they do to anything else. They dont shoot well, and bullgryns are unstoppable killing machines soooo, yea. But who cares! If you wanna play them go ahead!

    • Like 2
  6. 14 hours ago, fluger said:

    So, haven't really played in years now, trying to get a sense of the landscape.  I made this list based mostly on what I own and what I think seems cool.  I'm less interested in overall power level than I am with ITC legality.

    Anyway, check check it.

    ++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [112 PL, 1918pts] ++

    + No Force Org Slot +

    Regimental Doctrine: Tallarn - Considering the amount of guardsmen, sarges with axes you might be better off with Catachan to get that +1S.

    + HQ +

    Commissar Yarrick [7 PL, 130pts]: Master of Command, Warlord He's cool, but very expensive for a squishy character not meant to be in melee. Maybe a second Company commander for grand stratagem, not that you actually need much cp for this list.


    Company Commander [2 PL, 30pts]: Chainsword, Display Astra Militarum Orders, Kurov's Aquila, Laspistol  Very good in every way you would expect him to be.

    Tank Commander [12 PL, 247pts]: Lascannon, Multi-meltas Scary amount of Dakka, expensive and moderately fragile. 
    . Command Executioner: Turret-mounted Executioner Plasma Cannon

    + Troops +

    Infantry Squad [3 PL, 57pts]  As others have said, meltas and  lascannons are kinda meh... but they should be ok for more casual games.
    . 8x Guardsman
    . Guardsman W/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
    . Sergeant: Laspistol, Power axe

    Infantry Squad [3 PL, 57pts]
    . 8x Guardsman
    . Guardsman W/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
    . Sergeant: Laspistol, Power axe

    Infantry Squad [3 PL, 57pts]
    . 8x Guardsman
    . Guardsman W/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
    . Sergeant: Laspistol, Power axe

    Infantry Squad [3 PL, 57pts]
    . 8x Guardsman
    . Guardsman W/ Special Weapon: Meltagun
    . Sergeant: Laspistol, Power axe

    Infantry Squad [3 PL, 60pts]
    . 7x Guardsman
    . Heavy Weapon Team: Lascannon
    . Sergeant: Laspistol

    Infantry Squad [3 PL, 60pts]
    . 7x Guardsman
    . Heavy Weapon Team: Lascannon
    . Sergeant: Laspistol

    Infantry Squad [3 PL, 60pts]
    . 7x Guardsman
    . Heavy Weapon Team: Lascannon
    . Sergeant: Laspistol

    + Elites +

    Master of Ordnance [2 PL, 30pts] Better off getting a second  company commander with these points.

    Ministorum Priest [2 PL, 35pts]: Chainsword, Laspistol Pretty good with the number of guards men you have and sarges with axes. Kinda feel like Colonel Straken should be in Yarricks place though...

    Ogryns [8 PL, 150pts]: 4x Ogryn, Ogryn Bone 'ead Ehh Bullgryn are far better, a russ would get you more damage for the points.

    + Fast Attack + There almost isnt a bad choice in fast attack for guard...

    Rough Riders [3 PL, 50pts] Great, love em. Dont expect them to do much other than kill a few marines or scouts on objectives though.
    . 4x Rough Rider: 4x Hunting Lance
    . Rough Rider Sergeant: Chainsword, Hunting Lance, Laspistol

    Rough Riders [3 PL, 50pts]
    . 4x Rough Rider: 4x Hunting Lance
    . Rough Rider Sergeant: Chainsword, Hunting Lance, Laspistol

    Scout Sentinels [6 PL, 94pts] Also great, but probably with flamer consider you'll want to scout move, move, advance them before turn so you might as well have auto hits. 
    . Scout Sentinel: Autocannon
    . Scout Sentinel: Autocannon

    + Heavy Support +

    Basilisks [14 PL, 234pts] On paper these are great, in practice these guys are idiots. At least for me. Regardless bolter over flamer if ya can.
    . Basilisk: Heavy Flamer
    . Basilisk: Heavy Flamer

    Griffon Mortar Carrier [12 PL, 156pts] Eh... these are ok.
    . Griffon Mortar Carrier: Heavy Bolter
    . Griffon Mortar Carrier: Heavy Bolter

    Leman Russ Battle Tanks [20 PL, 304pts] Solid, scary, tanky. Good and sometimes great.
    . Leman Russ Battle Tank: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter
    . Leman Russ Battle Tank: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter

    ++ Auxiliary Support Detachment -1CP (Imperium - Officio Assassinorum) [5 PL, 80pts] ++

    + Elites +

    Callidus Assassin [5 PL, 80pts] Sure, these are ok. Never have been a fan though, but i get why you take em.

    ++ Total: [117 PL, 1998pts] ++

    Created with BattleScribe


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  7. I decided to throw some paint on models since its going to take a bit to finish the rest of the killteams.

    Changed up the Space Marine Killteam since I picked up a 3-pack of Reivers .


    Wow... When you get that close you can totally see the missed mold lines and the messed up wings on the regular sergeant. Anyways, Leader Intercessor Sergeant, Space Marine Sergeant and a Scout Gunner Heavy Specialist.


    Reiver Combat Specialist, Tac Marine Gunner Sniper Specialist and a Reiver Sergeant. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, Romans832 said:

    I hate Guardians...

    How did that Eldar KillTeam fair?

    Haven't played it yet! I've got a couple games in with the ad mech, deathwatch, orks and death guard.

    In my limited experience close combat and flamers are the way to go. Unless you dump a ton of cp for your Heavy and double tap them.

    So a bunch of eldar don't seem like the greatest? Maybe the tons of dakka they put out will kill guys?

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  9. 15 hours ago, Koyote said:

    There's more than enough room in tent for an Imperial Knight.  Unfortunately, I don't have a finished knight to test out in the photo tent, only this fella that I converted into a House Taranis Knight and magnetized, but never painted. 

    And now that 40K is forever dead to me, it'll forever remain a pretty unpainted model on my shelf. 🙂 

    I mean you only need to add a couple more knights and your back in though! 

    And with your painting/converting skills you would make a pretty cool knight house.

    • Haha 1
  10. I also have marines done but marines are kinda bland and the only killteam I actually have a ton of options for. But who really wants to see starter box Interssesssers  and sniper scouts? So this the more "unique" marine killteam...


    But I do plan on painting them like my regular counts-as-everything marines. Which means they are gonna look like this...


    (These guys are currently being played as Deathwatch Hellblasters with their Watch Master.)

    So I have harlequins, dark eldar, nids, and tau guys somewhere. So that leaves GSC, T. Sons, CSM and Grey Knights to pick up?  I guess it gives me an excuse to buy more models. 

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  11. Well it's been a couple days but I got some more killteams done!


    Apparently I actually had a squad of guardians laying around with a few dire avengers? Cool, eldar kill team done!


    And some Ad Mech to enter the fray. Killteam 01010100 01101111 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01001100 01101111 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 should be able to kill some meatbags!

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  12. Ok, so actually two kill teams today. Gota have my Inquisitorial Henchmen Squad (in game, imperial guard). 


    Sniper, Guardsmen Sargent, Medic and a bare bones guardsmen. 


    And the actual fire support. 3 guardsmen with flamers and 4 scion plasma gunners.

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