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Posts posted by SPaceORK

  1. 1 minute ago, Ish said:

    Assuming the Meha-Ambulls about the same size as the "real" Ambull, these might be a bit too small for Deff Dreads/Killa-Kans and a bit too big for Mega-Armor Nobz. Of course, Orky engineering generally doesn't recognize "too big" as being an actual limitation on design.

    Chop 'em off at the shins. 

    But yeah if nothing else it could be an excellent mek or warboss.

  2. Well my opponent wanted to play against Tau to "See what they could do and test my new eldar". Ok sir, I can do that.


    Triple Riptide/Commanders with tons of firewarriors and 30 drones.


    Some rangers, 20 guardians, bikes with lance's, 10 wraithguard, buch of farseers, Fugan, wave serpent, fireprism.

    Now I didn't get my deployment but my first turn looked like this.


    And his deployment looked like this.


    He has 10 rangers in the building to the right. His wave serpent with 5 wraith guard and fire prism was in the corner to the left.

    Now I took a bunch more pictures buuuut... He scooped turn 1.

    The drones, riptides, xv109 and burst cannon commander moved up. Commander popped his feat, and I removed the bikes, guardians, wraithguard. The firewarriors killed most of his rangers. The cold star fusion commander ran up and pumped 3 shots into the fireprism, bringing it down to 2 wounds remaining.

    I passed the turn, he looked at what he had remaining and said "Let's call it and go make a deal." 

    So now I dont own a tau army and do own a chaos army. Again. For the 4th time.

    Anywhoo here is a Ork with Waaagh! banner.


    4 down. 539 to go...

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  3. 8 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    A follow up point to this is that the Heavy Gun drones can take a Markerlight+Burstcannon instead of 2x Burstcannons. It's not a great weapon pairing, but it does drive down the cost. They become 29pts each (18+3+8), which makes them cheaper than the bodyguards can be without weapons. Their rules penalize them for moving and firing the marker, but they can fire both weapons in the same phase.

    Still probably not worth it, but an interesting point. Hmm...

    At this point the box includes; 

    Third party cultists



    Demon prince conversion

    Fantasy hellcannon

    Tau helmet less heads

    Tau bits

    Most of a devilish

    Beast from chaos

  4. 10 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    They're like $5.50 each on bits sites for this model (it is an optional component of the getting started set for warriors of chaos, so they have lots). And the GW krootox is only sold by GW in finecast. And direct only, for $24.75 each, plus shipping. Plus the krootox model only has one skulpt.

    The older one is metal, but ebay wants around $20 each (plus $5 shipping) and there isn't much supply, so I'd need multiple purchases from different sellers (which kills me in shipping, since it doesn't combine). And still, only one skulpt (and the same, one skulpt).

    As for modifications, making the gun and rider would be easy if I started with a regular kroot infantryman. As for modifying the krootox, it really depends how much much modification I decide it needs.

    For bits, it comes like this:


    So most of the armor is optional. You could shave off the chaos bits, or just putty on kroot flesh in their place. Could also put trees or something on their base which concealed the sections poorly converted.

    Furthermore, the Kroot infantry squad comes with 16 models, despite the minimum squad size being 10. So if I buy a box of kroot, I'd have extra models to become riders.

    Adding that to the box as well...

    Edit: I think the box is actually full at this point. Probably time to send.

    • Haha 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    On that note, Ish, how opposed are you to converting up toys from goodwill? Cheaper than Chinaforge, and often looks pretty good.

    Ehhh... just bought a leviathan dread for $17.

    Fellblades are like $50.


  6. 4 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    Then why this thread!?!?

    Because Ish likes tanks! We're the ones who hijacked the tread because you like fluff and I like crunch.

    @Ish How opposed are you to Chinaforge models, cause a fell blade would super sexy all yellow (and cheap).

  7. 18 minutes ago, Ish said:

    I generally don't like the idea of having multiple Detachments where everyone is wearing the same uniform but using different rules. I feel a little less guilty about it with Version 1 of this list, simply because all the infantry were in one Detachment and all the vehicles were in the other... And Chapter Tactics only effects Infantry, Bikes, and Dreads. So effectively, only one model in the whole army actually had the Ultramarines Chapter Tactic.

    On the other hand, Version 2 of this list is probably not really that much weaker -- and it's not like I have any delusions of being an AdeptiCon champion. But it is a heck of a lot simpler to explain to my opponents, tourney organizers, and so forth... It's a lot more friendly, basically. 

    There are tons of ways to play this game. All them are valid and none of them invalidate the others. You dont need to feel guilty about playing your toy soldiers in any manner you see fit, as long as your not a total butthole and follow the rules as best you remember or know.

    • Like 3
  8. 17 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    No objection to custom chapters borrowing special characters or changing traits from game to game.

    Does bother me when multple chapters in one list are represented by the same custom chapter, which I personally think violates the intentions of the game and isn't WYSIWYG. But I'd still play, it would just bug me. 


    Why? A chapter cant be adaptive to the environment they are going into? Well my stealthy long range guys should hide back here (Raven Guard) and my choppy guys should run forward and smash (Blood Angels). 

    I'm pretty sure the intention of the game is to buy models and any justification to buy more models is ok with GW. The idea there is some noble, true way to play 40k is probably not what GW wants as it would turn a ton of people off to playing and ultimately buying more models.

    Edit: I feel it may seem like I'm attacking you Pax. I'm not. Or at least I'm not trying to. I've just never understood why people take a game with rules then impose more unwritten rules.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    That's worse. I'd rather Imperial fists were clearly marked and ultramarines were clearly marked. Mechanically, they should be visually distinguishable if they represent different chapters with different rules. Makes half the army counts as. 

    Sake argument, why do you even need chronus? He seems to be the entire reason for the ultramarines, and if you don't intend to paint them as ultramarines, there's no real reason field them as ultramarines. Plus, your Spearhead has 1 more HQ than is required and also has 1 more slot open for Heavies, so without any real changes to the list, you could swap chronus for a regular pred and make that spearhead imperial fists.

    All of my marines belong to the Swamp Don' Kies Chapter, hailing from Catachan volunteers. They are lead by Techmarine Gregory Sanchez, slayer of Baneblades. They often use chapter tactics from different Chapters and sometimes multiple chapter at the same time.

    Basically I have a bunch of purple marines that I play as Raven Guard/Ultramarines/Deathwatch/Blood Angel's depending on the day. Most of the time using multiple chapter tactics in the same list.

  10. 3 hours ago, Ish said:

    So is this list just completely filthy "Imperial Soup" or a fun way to represent an Space Marine Siege Company? You make the call!

    I don't like mixing Chapter Selections within one army, but there's no other way to get Sergeant Chronus in the list and the only model in the entire army that will be using the Chapter Tactic is the Techmarine on Bike. So I don't think there is too much cheese in this soup. 

    Let me know what you think.


    This isn't soup or cheese in my opinion. Its mono codex space marines. So no soup. And except for maybe the hellblasters you dont have any competitive units (not that they are bad, just not optimized units).

    Imperial Fists dont really bring a bunch to the list other than looking cool and being the siege masters in fluff. The ultramarines dont have Bobby G or any unit that really will benefit from their tactics that often. The trip vindicators is cool with the 3d3 mortal wounds strat.

    Fluff wise I would just make em all ImpFist if you want a siege company. Ultramarines are ok, but really want Bobby G to shine. 

    Honestly this a list you can bring anywhere at anytime and have a great game. Not so weak it'll just roll over , but not so powerful as to ruin somebody's day. A+

    • Like 2
  11. 35 minutes ago, Lord Hanaur said:

    Really?  14?  That's some kind of statistical oddity!  14 can barely hold any ground, objective-wise.  I know they get obsec, but if you think about it, that's like 3-4 dudes per quadrant at the best.  supah crazy.  I don't argue with results.  it happened.  it could happen again.  I wish I could have watched that insanity.  Hehehe.


    It looked exactly like this...

    But yea... now? I wouldn't  even blink to face custodes with orks. Or knights. Or eldar. 

    They are just have so many tricks, are deceptively fast, basically fearless etc.

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