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Posts posted by SPaceORK

  1. 16 minutes ago, Ish said:

    That’s why I long ago decided that if I wasn’t going to be a great painter — I’m a solid “good enough for gaming” level — then I would at least be an efficient painter. I try to play only with completely painted armies.

    An army of 200 dudes painted to a 6/10 level looks miles better than an army of 195 grey plastic dudes and 5 guys that are painted to 10/10 level.

    See the problem I have is I have two modes. 50 hours on a model or 2 hours on a model. Both do not work for the majority of models I have.

    But I'm definitely not not playing my models, regardless of how much paint is on them.

  2. Played some more games this week. Second game against a "new" opponent. He played guard with the main thing being earthshaker cannons.

    Now they are immobile and according to this gentleman because of that my units did not count as being locked in combat if I was within 1" nor did it prevent him from shooting with them.

    First game was with orks and I didn't care during the game but it didn't sound right. Second game I shoved 9 bullgryns down his throat and did some shifty movements to pull 2 cannons into 1". Now I was thinking since they are immobile I can now spend the rest of the game slamming through cannons and crew. He says "no, I can shoot and your not locked"

    Ok... no that's not right. I'm 99.99% sure that's not the way that unit functions. Unless its hidden in a FAQ somewhere I think hes getting the immobile and immobile (fortifications) rule mixed together. Am I missing something?


    Warboss on bike. 2 down, 427 to go...

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  3. 1 hour ago, paxmiles said:

    Reddit claims that Rune and Board (downtown hillsboro) has Gundam kits. Can't verify on their website. And of course, closed today. 

    They didn't when I was there like 6 months ago... but that was 6 months ago.

  4. 2 hours ago, Lyraeus said:

    Mainly because I like Deathskulls but also for the consistent rerolls and last ditch invul Save on everything. Ah, and because of the objective secured. Basically the entire rule is to my liking and I am not trying to go WAAC. 


    The problem is points. Always points, well and models. I am getting more nobz but I am either waiting on them to come in or to be painted. 

    The other thing I am looking at is being versatile. The trukk with the meganobz, banner, and bustas can engage hesgy targets at range, the banner negates the saws penalty making the 12 attacks to be more consistent and is a character with objective secured so for some missions in the new Chapter Approved book, especially the ones that say "only characters can capture these" he becomes useful. Though a pain boy might be nice. Still I want to test this out

    Fair enough. 

    But trying to optimize a bit is not WAAC. The game has a winner and a loser and it feels nice to win with something you built. 

  5. 2 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    Side note, how is the kit and how does it play? Worth it?

    I've definitely been tempted to purchase one.

    The kit is fine for titan size models. Not the worst I've built, not the best. The worst part is it has tiny ankles supporting a fat body.

    Yea I know what rules it has but the total package is not worth 1100+ point. It would be competitive at 837 (essentially making it the Tau Castellan). It would be appropriate for semi competitive and casual at 950ish. You just want some more support or troops with it.

  6. 10 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    Most of mine don't have helmets on. It would be all of them, but the kits don't include enough helmetless Tau heads. 

    Speaking of, @Lyraeus or @Kelharis any extra TAU helmetless heads?

    I'll add all mine to the box I need to actually send you... I think it's like 10 -15 tau heads.

  7. 10 hours ago, Lyraeus said:

    Tell me about it. With today's lessons this is what I crafted for 1k pts


    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Orks) [32 PL, 565pts] ++

    + No Force Org Slot +

    Clan Kultur: Bad Moons

    + HQ +

    Big Mek (Index) [5 PL, 84pts]: Kustom Force Field, Kustom Mega-blasta

    Weirdboy [3 PL, 62pts]

    + Troops +

    Boyz [7 PL, 98pts]
    . Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
    . 13x Ork Boy W/ Shoota

    Boyz [7 PL, 91pts]
    . Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
    . 12x Ork Boy W/ Shoota

    Gretchin [1 PL, 30pts]: 10x Gretchin

    Gretchin [1 PL, 30pts]: 10x Gretchin

    + Heavy Support +

    Lootas [8 PL, 170pts]: 10x Loota

    ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Orks) [21 PL, 435pts] ++

    + No Force Org Slot +

    Clan Kultur: Deathskulls

    + HQ +

    Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun [4 PL, 80pts]: Shokk Attack Gun

    + Elites +

    Meganobz [6 PL, 129pts]
    . Boss Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
    . Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
    . Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)

    Nob with Waaagh! Banner [4 PL, 77pts]: Kustom Shoota

    Tankbustas [4 PL, 85pts]
    . Boss Nob: Rokkit Launcha
    . 4x Tankbusta: 4x Rokkit Launcha

    + Dedicated Transport +

    Trukk [3 PL, 64pts]: Big Shoota

    ++ Total: [53 PL, 1000pts] ++


    So I think the nob with waaaaaagh banner is a trap. You already hit on 3's with 87,534,278 attacks. If it's for the buzzsaw big boyz, more nobs may be better? Swap out the tankbustas and Waaagh banner for more nobs. So you can either da jump them or have them ride in the trukk.

    I think you end up doing more wounds overall because the rockets probably wont hit and more buzzsaws will overcome the lose of +1 to hit from the banner. I dunno. 

    Why death skulls over evil sunz?

  8. 11 hours ago, Lyraeus said:

    Yes and no. Lootas are good but reliability is a big thing. They can definitely do it though 

    Well 2&3 shot per gun is pretty good. And with a cp reroll they become pretty reliable. 

    But your absolutely right. Relying on just them is not great. That's where kommandos and deepstriking boyz come in. They give you that second wave you need. And throwing them at anything t7 or lower is absolutely doable through weight of dice.

    The whole 3 deff dredd thing may be another wave that does some work as well. The stats support it, I just dont know if they are worth the points.

  9. 1 minute ago, Lyraeus said:

    Easily better at smashing knights. 

    I think one set for 360 is a good threat force and is usable in a wide variety of situations 

    I have two, so after I get another I will definitely be trying it. I just feel I would still rather have the boyz as they do more than just smash things. And plus if you have lootas in your list knights arnt that scary.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Lyraeus said:

    I think the threat of them is a huge strength for them. Though you can get what... 12 boys for each basic Dredd

    The best load out, I think, is triple claw and flamer which is about 120. So you get around 17 boyz. So 50+ boyz vrs 3 dredds, I think you just want the boyz.

    But your absolutely right, the idea of three coming down and rampaging in your opponents back field is scary as heck. Also they would be waaaaay better at smashing knights than boyz.

  11. So when you get this upgrade to the  stormsurge can you do a review?

    I'm kinda worried that it will have the typical "lines" of 3d printed things. 

    Kinda think the stormsurge is in the not great category but the whole upgrade kit makes me want to have one if it's of good quality. 

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