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Everything posted by scotthartman

  1. @Burk thank you for organizing again. Team name: What the devil!?
  2. Decided to dash all hopes and play gobbos. New team is named, What the devil!?
  3. Thanks, I'm going to keep at it with what I have for now. I may take you up on that offer later though.
  4. Unfortunately I can't do that because they rise too high. On the plus side I found a large demo hammer at a garage sale and it seems to be working. It may take a while but thats ok with me. Cheers
  5. I haven't ever used one. Basically what I'm trying to do is break apart parts of boulders. In my basement we have boulders that are mostly submerged in concrete but the tops of them rise above the level concrete floor. So I'm hoping to break off those raised sections and then level out the floor for a better and safer work area. I've been looking at what is available and an actual jack hammer like they might have at a construction site is probably out of the question. These smaller ones that are for breaking up concrete is likely what I'll end up with.
  6. Hi all, Was wondering if any of you have a jack hammer that I could borrow for breaking up some rocks at my house? Cheers
  7. @michaels we are on for tomorrow. What time?
  8. I'm available tomorrow (Sunday), could do Tuesday about 8pm PDT, or Friday is pretty open.
  9. Knowing is half the battle. I guess when the crowd is on your side it's hard to lose.
  10. @michaels ready whenever you are.
  11. I should be home about 5pm. So after that is ok.
  12. Cool, lets aim for the evening about 7pm?
  13. I'm on vacation now, will be back home Wednesday so could play Thursday onward.
  14. @savion47 we are up. I'll be out of town next Tuesday onward, so if we can play this weekend that would be best. I can accommodate whatever time works.
  15. That's awesome! Glad you got something useful out of that game. It was actually a fun game, especially that scrum in the second half. Cheers
  16. Tomorrow about 10 would be good for me. If not that then we could do Monday morning.
  17. @SigurdBC i'm pretty open schedule, would be easy to play this weekend.
  18. I'm interested in the marines and rules. Can split a box with someone or just get in touch to work out if you have extras.
  19. I work in the game industry and I can say that 90% of decisions related to size and materials are based on: 1. What did we do before? 2. Is there a standard size for production? 3. Premium shelf space (box size) 4.. If we do something different then how much more will it cost. Ish is right that these table numbers are based on multiples of the killteam cardboard board, which is also a standard size paper for UK. I also think that players will keep playing in whatever they already have because players often use the same logic as above.
  20. There are some notification settings that you can adjust. For the game I can play this evening after 7. Shoot me a text when you are ready and I'll hop online then. 347-834-6864.
  21. @Spielmannsfluch we are up first. My orcs get another chance to keep your Dinos extinct. 😆 Let me know when you want to play.
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