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Posts posted by Ish

  1. 1 minute ago, blackvigil said:

    The Imperial Knights faction focus was pretty low on info. It told me that fielding my Wraith Knight will cost me 3CP in addition to it's questionable points cost.

    The presumed it will remain a Lord of War... It probably will (and probably should) but we don’t know that it will.

  2. There are two ways in which you can field Lords of War units such as Imperial Knights – either as a Super-heavy Detachment of 3-5 Knights, or singly as part of a Super-heavy Auxiliary Detachment (usually as an allied Detachment). Even though it may at first seem expensive (as Titanic units, it will cost 6 Command points to include a Super-heavy Detachment of Imperial Knights), it’s possible to get those CPs refunded, like the ‘core’ Patrol, Battalion and Brigade Detachments.



    This article doesn’t go into detail on how you “get those CP refunded,” instead teasing us that they’ll reveal it in a future update. On the other hand, we already know that the detachment with your Warlord in it gets its CP cost refunded, so a Imperial/Renegade Knight Faction army shouldn’t had any problems.

    This does look like it will make it cost you to play Mortarian / Magnus / Roboute... Which I am more than okay with. It’s a little annoying how “crutch” those characters became. Primarchs should be special, they shouldn’t pop up in every damn game.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Mulgrok said:

    I suspect a typical formation of: long range fire support holding the nearest objective to the deployment zone, mid range fire with some close combat to fight for the middle, and deepstrike/fast attack for hitting the far side.

    All part of this balanced breakfast army list.

    • Like 1
  4. From Goonhammer, who said it better than I could: 

    As you can see, this is a mission designed around the smaller board – the objectives are tight together on the 44″x30″ playspace. Objective holding is designed for a limited number of units – once you claim something, you hold it until your opponent takes it off you even if none of your units are on it, a bit like capping a resource point in Dawn of War. The actual scoring is similar to the Four Pillars mission we saw for the Strikeforce level for “standard” 2000pt 40k, with points for controlling one, two, or more objectives, but the “Sweep and Clear” rule frees you up to have your units actually do things rather than needing them all to stand around capping points, with your limited options even more limited by the need to score points. It opens up great potential for play and counter-play – do you leave an objective open, at risk of your opponent stealing it off you? Or do you camp the points and give up an opportunity to kill or charge something, hoping you can instead play a board control game? This kind of tactical play was quite often absent at small points values before. Like the other mission we saw there’s also a mission-specific secondary objective, Surgical Assault – 5pts for controlling your opponent’s objective marker. The fun thing here is to remember that with Sweep and Clear, you can continue to “control” this marker even if you’re not actually holding it with any units right now – so it’s very possible to do exactly what the name suggests, burst in with a unit and take the objective, and then move on from it while still racking up the points.

    I can only hope all the missions in the book are half as well designed as the two we’ve seen.

    • Like 1
  5. GW has been teasing us with promises of multiple missions for each game size (500/1000/2000) and although I was excited by the idea, I was very skeptical. Even though this Incisive Attack is the only mission they’ve shown, I am now happily upgrading myself from “very skeptical” to “eagerly anticipating.”

    If they have truly coupled robust support for smaller game sizes with a balanced narrative campaign system, by Jove, it just might be the perfect casual league format. 

    • Like 3
  6. Yeah, the problem with “flip it and move on” is that the other player can just flip it back... and Custodes really don’t have much shooting and don’t move terribly fast.

    I’m totally genuinely excited to play this mission though. It looks like it’s going to be the perfect combination of strategic mental puzzle as I try to come up with a list, tactical mental puzzle as I try to respond to my opponent’s actions during the game, and good old fashioned dice chuckin’ as the Random Number Gods decide to @&#% with us both.

    • Haha 2
  7. With progressive scoring and four objectives, it’s gonna be hard to cover that with only two units and a hero. Although the mission description mentions that you can choose secondary objectives, so, potentially there’s something in there that would help even the odds...

    But, whatever, it looks like great fun! 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Inquisitor66 said:

    Looks like you can do your custodes combat patrol!

    Heck, the article actually teases that it’s possible to run KNIGHTS in Combat Patrol, so fitting the Glorious Banana Boys into it shouldn’t be too hard. Winning with them might be.

    Under their current point values and power levels, I can fit a Shield-Captain on foot and two three-man units of Custodian Guard into the Combat Patrol format (23 PL / 416 Points). Although these guys are going to be tough as nails, it will be extremely difficult to compete in the previewed Incisive Attack mission:


    But that’s kind of the nature of the beast when you opt to play an army were your basic grunt has stats to rival most other faction’s Special Characters.


  9. Combat Patrol preview is up too. Missions and force organization charts specifically tailored to smaller format games of 500 Points.

    (Not coincidentally, I’m sure, each “half” of the Indomitus box fills out a Combat Patrol... and so do most of the Start Collecting boxes.)

    • Like 1
  10. Given that the international maritime trade is still reeling from Coronavirus (a third of the world’s total merchant fleet is Chinese flagged, more than half of all maritime trade passes through a Chinese port in any given year, and the vast majority of merchant seamen are Indonesian, Phillipino, Vietnamese, or Chinese) it is probably in GW’s best interest not too commit to a specific date too far in advance. 

    Yes, GW does the bulk of their manufacturing in the UK these days (plus a small amount in the US) rather than in China... But GW still has to move their products via commercial shipping. Even shipping companies that only ply the Atlantic and never touch an Asian port are feeling knock on effects of SARS-COVID-2.

    The light of the Astronomicon grows dim, brothers. We must hold the line a little longer.

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    • Thanks 1
  11. I think that T’au Sept Tau will continue to rely on turtling up in a corner and trying to win by shooting their opponent off the table, since their Chapter Tactic Sept Tenet, Sept Stratagem, and Special Characters all lean into a (mostly) static gunline. The other T’au Septs will probably return to a more mobile form of game play, using Devilfish and Orcas to move quickly to grab midfield objectives (and then shoot their opponent off the table. I mean, they’re still Tau.)

    I think the question is going to be what, if any, changes happen for the Riptide and it’s support drones. 

  12. On 6/17/2020 at 9:45 AM, Ish said:

    Improvements to Overwatch via Orders, Chapter Traits, Stratagems, and Relics will pop up in the codices of Tau, Imperial Guard, and Spess Mahreens approximately three weeks after 9th Edition goes live.


    28 minutes ago, blackvigil said:

    Interesting new Tau info from the 40k Daily show with Stu Black. For the Greater Good lets Tau shoot Overwatch for free across the army.

    I iz da Prophet uv da Waaagh! Again! 

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Inquisitor66 said:

    I anticipate that terror troops type rolls will give -1 to combat attrition as opposed to leadership now.

    Hopefully both!

    Primaris Reivers and the entire Night Lords Legion need the boost.

    • Like 2
  14. I like the rule, it should stop Morale from being an all-or-nothing binary. Currently, you pretty much always ignore it or it wipes out your squad. This new system should increase that middle of the “bell curve,” where you’re probably never going to get completely wiped out but there’s always going to be a risk of a few extra losses.

    Combined with the changes to “Look Out, Sir!” making it harder to bubble wrap characters behind multiple small units and the new Blast rules being tough on hordes, we’ll probably see a return to 10-man squads... except from really beefy units that are meant to be aggressive elites and not bubble wrap (e.g., Aggressors, Crisis Suits) will still be useful in 3-man squads and really cheap chaffe where you don’t mind removing shovelfuls of them from the table after each blast (e.g., Boyz, ‘Gaunts, Conscripts) since you’re probably deploying them by the bucketful.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, CountElmdor said:

    have you built Sisters of Silence yet? talk about fiddly!  

    At present, I don’t own any Sisters of Silence and don’t plan to buy any soon. I’m taking a “wait and see” stance on them for now, until we know more about how important it will be to have psychic defenses in the new edition...

    ...and I’m kinda tempted to use Stormcast Sequitor models, with head- and weapon-swaps, instead of the Sisters of Silence models. 


    • Like 4
  16. 6 minutes ago, necrontyr said:

    Strategic Reserves units can’t normally be set up within 9″ of any enemy models, but if you set them up within 1″ of your own battlefield edge, they can be set up within this distance – and even within the 1″ Engagement Range of enemy models!

    They solved this problem, finally... Although it also seems like a complete “null deployment” is also a no go.

    • Like 1
  17. I’ll be there to hang out and annoy others. I’ll bring my copy of the Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age rulebook for anyone who wants to give it a gander. 

    A recently backed up drain in my basement claimed the life of my Battlefoam case, but the minis inside all survived. That case has been with me for nigh on twenty years... Rest now, noble Bucephalas. 

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