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Posts posted by Ish

  1. Wardens are an Elites slot, so although they have pretty much the same shooting profile and a slightly better mêlée punch, they don’t fill that mandatory role... and we all know that no matter the edition, every army is always going to need basic grunts.

    I actually greatly prefer the look of the Wardens to the standard Custodes. Two of the five bodies in the standard box are in a running pose. Nothing wrong with the sculpts on a technical level, but I would just rather have all of them in a firm “holding this ground” stance... I was considering using Warden models for basic Custodians, but figured that would annoy my opponents. I’ll have to see if I can repose the running models when they get here.

    Yes, I said “when they get here.” I pulled the trigger and ordered a couple boxes an hour ago.


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  2. The army I've had sitting in my copy of BattleScripe as a "maybe" comes to exactly 2,000 Points. It's hardly the most original Custodes list, but it seems good enough: 

    • HQ: Captain-General Valoris, Shield-Captain on Jetbike
    • Troops: Custodian Guard Squad (1x sword and shield, 4x spears); Custodian Guard Squad (1x sword and shield, 4x spears); Sagittarum Custodian Squad (x5)
    • Elite: Vexllus Praetor (axe and vexillia magnifica)
    • Fast: Vertus Praetor Squad (1x salvo launcher, 3x hurricane bolters); Vertus Praetor Squad (1x salvo launcher, 3x hurricane bolters)
    • (There's also Misercordia added to just about everyone who can use one.)

    Doing some rough math, that would cost me about $350 dollars... What I'm considering now is putting in an order for just three boxes of Custodians, a set of FW's Sagittarum arms, one box of Jetbikes, and the Captain-General Valoris blister pack. I don't know exactly what the future points adjustments will be, but I think its safe to assume that the Troops choices above are going to remain the vital core of nearly any Custodes army.


  3. 19 minutes ago, blackvigil said:

    I'm digging the new Custodes and Sisters of Silence stuff, even though I don't play them. 

    About the only downside is that the new Superior Fire Patterns Stratagem is useless to Sagittarum Custodian Squads -- the closest thing the Custodes actually have to a "stand-off" unit -- as they're armed with Assault weapons. But it is a huge boon to the "vanilla" Custodian Guard Squads.

    I've been strongly considering an army of Adeptus Custodes ever since they got released at the tail end of 7th Edition. I've always had a soft-spot for ultra-low model count armies of nigh-indestructible badasses. Sadly, the mighty Deathwing Terminators don't quite seem to cut it these days. But the golden banana custards might just be the ticket.

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  4. I mean, I usually don’t mind when people use elements of the National Socialist aesthetic in gaming... I mean, let’s face it, they were unimaginably evil but they certainly had style.

    Games Workshop themselves has invoked elements of the Third Reich in their game’s imagery, everything from the sculpts for miniatures (like the original Ork Stormboyz or the Armageddon Steel Legion) to some of the artwork in the books (like the many pictures of massed Astartes gatherings that are homages to Triumph of the Will and other propaganda films).

    And GW is hardly alone in using National Socialist imagery as a visual shorthand for “the baddies.” It’s obvious to anyone and everyone that Lucasfilm ripped off the National Socialists lock, stock, and Hugo Boss designed barrel when creating the look of the Galatic Empire in Star Wars. I’m sure you can all come up with dozens of other examples...

    But that kind of thing is usually done with either a more subtly or it’s done in a way that removes it from the historical context and/or makes it a clear satire.

    But there’s a world of difference between something like Kromlech selling Ork dressed like a Waffen-SS officer and just straight up using the NSDAP flag as a chapter banner.

    (Also, people playing actual WWII games or alternate history “Weird War II” games are totally allowed to use Nazi iconography on their minis without judgement.)

    • Like 2
  5. 48 minutes ago, WestRider said:

    She-Ra and the Princesses of Power s5: They stuck the landing. 'Nuff said.

    I’m a season and a half behind, but I absolutely loved everything I’ve seen up to that point. Both of my daughters are irked that I haven’t caught up and won’t let them spoil it for me...

    (I really wish the creative team behind the new She-Ra would be given a shot at revamping He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.)

    • Like 1
  6. This does open up the design space for modifying the number of shots a Blast weapon gets. Say, by creating a special rule like “High Explosive Anti-Personnel Shell” that says the weapon has a minimal of four attacks instead of three or “Low Quality Ammunition” that removes the three attack minimum but is still a Blast weapon for all other purposes or “High Explosive Anti-Tank Shell” that always does a minimum of three attacks on single targets of Vehicle or Monstrous type.

    With adjustments to points costs of course.

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  7. Odyssey of the Dragonlords is a campaign and campaign setting for "the fifth-edition of the world's greatest role-playing game," which is apparently what the lawyer's require them to say instead of just saying Dungeons & Dragons, that has been generating a lot of positive buzz among nerd-circles. Since my oldest daughter is both fascinated by Greek mythology and loves to play D&D, I was thinking I'd try to set up a campaign for her. My plan was to run an online game using Roll20, at least for the foreseeable future, perhaps transitioning to a face-to-face game eventually.

    The Odyssey of the Dragonlords Players Guide is available as a free PDF or as a purchasable soft-cover book if you want to learn a lot more about the setting. But, in a nutshell, it's "D&D meets Classical Mythology" with the player characters acting less like "murder hobos" and more like mythic heroes.

    The game is set on the lost continent of Thylea, which was originally ruled over by a set of four powerful and cruel deities, known as the Titans, who peopled their land with monstrous races out of Classical Mythology: nymphs, satyrs, minotaurs, centaurs, medusae, sirens and cyclopses. Then came the "mortal races," i.e., the standard PHB races, all descended from long-lost settlers and refugees who stumbled upon Thylea or were cast up here by storms and found themselves stranded in a harsh realm where foreign deities and magic didn't work. For ages the mortal races and the monstrous races were enslaved by the Titans.

    Five centuries ago, the Dragonlords - an order of mighty heroes who rode upon the backs of bronze dragons - invaded Thylea and sought to champion the mortal races, defeating the armies of the titans, but being mostly slain in battle with the godly rulers of the land. But their sacrifice allowed the Five Gods to arrive on Thylea, who fought the Titans to a stand-still and forced them to accept terms of peace. But that peace cannot last forever, and the bindings on the Titans are growing weak... and it's going to be up to the player characters to figure out how to stop the threat and save the world.

    I'm looking to recruit 3 to 5 players for a weekly or every-other-weekly game of D&D5e played via Roll20. I've never actually used Roll20, but the system is supposed to be fairly "idiot proof" and user-friendly. So don't feel like you need to have any great mastery of the Roll20 system, we can learn it together. I've been playing RPGs for decades, but am totally open to having newer players join the game. 

  8. This is a definite improvement over the 8th Edition Blast rules (which were, themselves, a refreshing change from thirty years of mucking about with templates). But part of me does wish they’d figure out an elegant way to let Blasts effect more than one unit.

    There was always a certain amount of joy in watching your artillery template scatter juuust right to clip two adjacent units.

    Oh well, I encourage all you Rogue Traders to buy up backstock from your local Departmento Munitiorium mortar shell producing forge-worlds today. They’re gonna be a hot commodity in a few weeks.

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  9. Very well, you may spend the next several hours praying to your heathen gods and preparing for the inevitable...

    Prepare to have your linemen thoroughly inconvenienced! All of your blitzers will have extremely sore feet from running all those touchdowns!  Each and everyone of your skilled positional players will spend days washing my blood out of their uniforms!


    • Haha 1
  10. Not to mention that they squeeze every Craftworld, every Ork Clan, every Imperial Guard Regiment, every Tau Sept, every Hive-Fleet, and (until very recently) every single Traitor Legion, Renegade Chapter, and Heretic Warband into one codex per faction.

    I see little to no reason that Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Black Templars, Imperial Fists, White Scars, Space Wolfs, and all the others cannot be handled with a half page of rules text. 

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  11. Personally, I’ve always kind of wished they’d dump the individual codices for the 24,601 different Chapters of Space Marine and move all of them into a single unified book with the “build-a-bear” approach.

    Maybe one or two unique characters and/or units for each of the Big Name Official GW Chapters. 


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  12. Oh, this all reminds me! There's a new game due out soon from the author of Gaslands, called A Billion SunsThe game was originally supposed to release in August, no word yet on whether or not it's been delayed due to 2020 being, well, 2020.

    Hey,  here's a crazy idea Ish: Why don't you look $#!+ up before your post! -Me

    Shaddup. Mom never loved you anyway. -Me to Me

    So it turns out that the game has been delayed until 2021. But they have extended the playtest period.


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  13. 29 minutes ago, Andrewgeddon said:

    Probably the only chapter that would need a tactic from the ground up would be Iron Hands, and it makes sense (to me at least) that they would get the "Dreadnoughts as HS slots" trait instead of the Master of the Forge giving it, along with maybe something else I would need to think of.

    Bionics (a.k.a. Feel No Pain 6+) as an item of wargear that Sergeants and other characters could select?

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