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Posts posted by Ish

  1. Most of the Eldar Aspect Warriors are in their teenage years... The current Necron Warriors and Necron Destroyers kits date back to 2003... And I think the generic rank and file Ork Boyz are both from 1999!

    Necrons are apparently due a big wave, the Tau and Eldar both got some updates, and the Orks had a nice wave last year... But it’s about more than just models. They need some narrative love.

    I mean, I can’t remember GW ever having a big massive campaign event where the Eldar were in a lead role. Orks had the two Third Armageddon War events, Tau had the Damocles Gulf event, and the Tyranids had something whose name I forget. Those events were also all a decade or more in the past. Mostly it’s Chaos, Chaos, Chaos... 

    I don’t want to sound like I’m “hating on” Space Marines. I like ‘em, I do. Yes, even the Primaris Marines.

    I also love steak. We all love steak. But if you were fed steak for dinner every night for thirty-three years, eventually you’d really want to have some friggin’ chicken, right?

    • Like 4
  2. I really do wish the long rumored (and likely pure fandom wishlisting) idea of a “Year of the Xenos” would become a reality.

    I mean, I get it, Space Marines v. Chaos Space Marines are GW’s bread and butter. But I don’t think spending a mere 12 months to really focus on the Eldar, Orks, Tau, and Tyranids for a quarter each and weaving some sort of narrative around it would really hurt sales of the power armored armies... 

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  3. Danielle Panabaker, probably best known for her recurring role as Caitlyn Snow/Killer Frost on The Flash, has had a lot of single episode bit parts earlier in her career. But looking through her filmography, I noticed something really weird.

    Way back in 2003, she was in a single episode of Malcolm in the Middle playing “Kathy McCulskey,” a cute girl Malcom invites to his brother’s party.

    Ten years later, in a 2013 episode of Mad Men she makes a single episode appearance as a flight attendant named “Daisy McCluskey.”

    Now, okay, so it’s not exactly the same name, but neither McCulskey or McCluskey is exactly a common name and the one-letter-place difference seems pretty minor. But.. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN!?


    This requires further research...

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  4. That reminds me of a phrase I coined when I used to have a blog reviewing comics:

    Deus Ex Rectum /ˈdeɪ.əs ɛks ˈɹɛktəm/ (Noun) Any resolution to a story that does not pay due regard to the story's internal logic and that is so unlikely that it challenges suspension of disbelief, and presumably was pulled straight out of the creator's ass.

    • Like 2
  5. I’ve been working on a table for Frostgrave (and any other game that can be played on a 37” ruined faux-medieval cityscape) and am at the stage where I need to print a butt-load of True Tiles.

    They’re going to form the “frames” that I will plug “terrain modules” into: ruined buildings, cemeteries, statues, et cetera.

    Thing is, I’m going to 68 of the blighters... and it takes my printer about four hours to pump out two of them (I’ve only got ABS on hand). Even at low resolution, it’s just a slow process.

    Any of you fine gentlemen have an idle 3D printer? I’d be great to be able to “crowd source” some of these tiles. I will happily provide you the STL file (it’s a freebie, so don’t worry about that) and compensate you for your time and filament. 

  6. My standard practice with 6 mm troops in the days of Epic 40,000 was to paint the figs more or less complete, paint the base brown or green, glue the figs to the base, then flock the base with the figs glued on. These days, with easier access to much finer flock (and the invention of grass tufts), I think this will be even easier.

    Right now, I'm leaning to assembling armies out of Copplestone Castings' Evil Army for orcs and goblins, Pendraken's Dwarves, and High Elves. Not sure where I'm going to get my humans from... Copplestone's got some very nice "Not-Rohan" and "Not-Gondor" human figures, but there's also a lot of historical ranges out there too. Decisions, decisions.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Brother Glacius said:

    Sad to see the green rods go though.

    There's people on Faeit 212, et. al., that are cheering the decision to drop the green rods. I don't understand this at all.

    The green rods were one of the aesthetics that most strongly defined the Necron look. They were also damn near unique in the entire hobby... You'd think one of the various Star Wars miniatures games that have existed over the decades would have used translucent rods for Jedi and Sith characters, but nope. Just Citadel Miniatures and their space-mummies. 

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  8. As I've been saying for years, every time GW introduces a new product -- be it as major as a new edition or as minor as a redesigned paint brush cup -- the reactions are eerily predictable: 

    • 33% of the fan base will absolutely hate the new thing and declare the game RUINED FOREVER!!!
    • 33% of the fan base will absolutely love the new thing and declare the game PERFECTED ALAST!!!
    • 34% of the fan base will say MEH. Realizing its an equal mix of good and bad like always, and carry on playing like always... and desperately wish the above two groups would shut up.
    • Like 7
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  9. They probably aren't Fast Attack; with the introduction of the Primaris Marines in the first 8th Edition Codex: Space Marines they rejiggered the fluff to have Battleline Squads, Close Support Squads, and Fire Support Squads, instead of the traditional Tactical, Assault, and Devastator Squads... Which I will admit makes more logical sense, but it does fly in the face of thirty-plus years of tradition.

    But based on the reactions I'm seeing in the comment sections of BoLs, Faeit 212, Facebook, et cetera there's no shortage of people being incredibly salty over the most minor things in the artwork. So I just decided to add my own.

    • Like 2
  10. I predict that the new edition will fix a lot of the imbalances of the current, the first half dozen new codices will be nicely balanced, and although the Internet hive-mind will figure out a couple quirks and niche exploits, things will be great... for two years.

    Then GW will start releasing codices that break many of the core assumptions written into the core rules and become far to powerful; GW will release several supplements that are poorly tested and rushed; the Internet hive-mind will figure out unintended combinations that totally skew the game... and three years after that we’ll get 10th Edition.

    • Like 9
  11. I’ve been considering collecting a couple of armies in 10 or 15 mm scale for Oathmark. I really love the game and want to try to teach it to others... and having a pair of armies that I can use for demos would be nice. I’m leaning towards doing it in a smaller scale because (a) lower cost, (b) quicker to paint, and (c) I think it will look cool.

    Oathmark is written to use 25 x 25 mm bases for infantry models. Do you think four of those models would fit on a single 25 x 25 mm base?


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  12. Been spending most of the week playing with my new printer and doing household projects, but I did manage to try my hand at the Speed Painting Challenge... In fact, I’m still waiting for the last two layers of paint to dry as I type this.

    I found a statute of The Rhino on Thingiverse, played around with the scale to get something that seemed right for Marvel Crisis Protocol and four and a half hours later... Ta-da! 



    Here’s a shot of the Rhino’s rump. You get a better sense of just how massive he is from this angle.

    I think he needs a bit more highlighting on his face, plus some grass tufts and dry-brushing on his base... But he’s good enough for a speed painting figure.

    There aren’t any official rules for the Rhino in MCP (at least, not yet) but I figure he could be a decent proxy for Crossbones (although I’ve mounted him on the medium sized base).


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  13. From the looks of things, it looks like each player is only responsible for a one or two line companies and a few attached support units... and the set up of the multiple televisions and the big screen at the front of the room are probably being used to communicate things like Turn Number, Time Remaining, Bathroom Breaks, and so forth...

    Honestly, the fact that Adam at the head of the table might not know that Doug twelve feet down has broken ranks and is running would add a lovely bit of Fog of War.

    There’s probably also a dozen or more assistant referees, a half-dozen referees, and a panel of three or four uber-referees who are all slowly going insane trying to keep some semblance of order. But I’d image all the players know that this sort of event is played for love of the game and not to win. So I’d expect a lot of gentlemanly good sportsmanship and a general willingness to let your opponent fudge a few inches here or there on movement, a lot of compromise on “oops i meant to move these guys first,” and things like that.

    Edit to Add: Found a good write-up of the event here.

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