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Posts posted by Ish

  1. Was it the Fourth Edition or the Fifth Edition Codex: Space Marines that had the “build your own” Chapter Tactics system?

    I really miss that element in the current books. Yes, it had a few combinations that were a bit much, but it led to so much creativity amongst a lot of my local gaming group from people who often never put much thought into personalizing their armies...

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  2. 3 hours ago, Andrewgeddon said:

    -Entire force in reserve until turn 2
    That per the rules, not per Blood Angels, yeah? But BA can capitalize on it more with DoA. Probably would have to revisit this.

    Speaking as a 5th Edition era Dark Angels player, let me chime in on behalf of my former “roommates” from our Codex: Angels of Death days: “Null deployment” was a key part of both Blood Angels and Dark Angels (Deathwing) strategy under the codices of this era of the game.

    Blood Angels Assault Squads and Death Company Squads lacked the durability to withstand two turns of enemy shooting while closing into mêlée and lacked the range necessary to effectively shoot back (being armed only with pistols for the most part and often lacking ranged weapons at all).

    Deathwing Terminator Squads had durability, but hadn’t the speed to get into range quickly. Yes, storm bolters had 24” range, but you’d only have 3-4 in a squad... and with only five men in a squad they lacked the ability to take much attrition.

    A lot of players thought that using Descent of Angels / Deathwing Assault combined with “null deployment” was unfair... Until they realized it meant they had two turns of uncontested freedom to maneuver, get into defensive positions, secure Objectives, and set up kill zones.

    (Air-dropping Land Raiders is a bit silly though.)

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  3. 52 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    Are the latest rules what everyone uses?

    In all honestly, I haven’t the foggiest idea... I haven’t played BFG in 15+ years. When the first edition of Firestorm: Armada was released, it caught on like wildfire in my local group (with several players bringing their BFG fleets out of mothballs and using them as proxies) and I stopped paying attention to the (lack of) development for BFG. But I haven’t even played Firestorm Armada in over a decade...

    I’ve got a real weakness for spaceship combat games. Even clunkers like Starfleet Battles or overly-complex trigonometry maths exams like  Saganami Island Tactical Simulator... 

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  4. Yeah, I took a quick poke at eBay tonight while making dinner. A single plastic imperial or Chaos cruiser – the kind you got a half-dozen of in the starter box – is selling for $18-20.

    I also had a quick look-see on Thingiverse, but only found one or two ships, which didn’t look like great sculpts. Mind you, I just searched for “Battlefleet Gothic,” so I’m sure I could have found more if I got more creative with my keywords to find the pirate fleets with their lawyer-bot dodging names. (Battlefleet Art Deco?)

    What version of the rules were you thinking? The last “official” version of the rules is Battlefleet Gothic 2010, which complies all of official updates made by GW and the “semi-official” work of community members via the old Specialist Games Program before GW axed it. All the main rules, the all official fleets, plus new fleets for the Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition, and Rogue Traders, and the Tau.


  5. 10 minutes ago, ZeroStride said:

    It's just...this isn't some grand scheme for money. You know what TOs across the world are going to do with their existing 6x4 mats? It's going to be 3 or 4 crazy sumbitches cutting/taping mats at midnight, before the tournament, trying to sort out how to make it all fit onto tables. They'll wake up and be at the event before it opens. They'll somehow sort it out

    Or they could just leave the tables at the standard 6’ x 4’ that they already are and that we’ve all been using for 33+ gorram years.

    Why does no one seem to grok the idea of a suggested minimum size!?


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  6. It’s been my opinion since looong before ITC became a thing that any tournament for any game that makes use of “comp systems” of any type is doing a great disservice to the hobby.

    Play the game as written in the official books. No house rules.


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  7. The Ordo clubhouse has (approximately) 24,601 game mats already in it’s collection. Most of the local game stores have about that many on their “community terrain” shelves. Everyone who’s built a table in their basement/garage/shed has built it to a 6’ x 4’ size.

    Games Workshop could say “officially from now on all games of 40k must be played on a 7’ x 5’ table or else!” or whatever. They’d be ignored.

    I see this move as more of a suggestion to totally new players. The now middle-aged dad who played 40k back in junior high and wants to do something with his 13 year old; the high school senior who decided to give the tabletop hobby a try because he liked Dawn of War; and all the other sorts of people that don’t have a custom built table of their own... It’s basically GW saying “Don’t worry, you can totally play a 1,000 Point game on your dining room table. But if you want to play 2,000 Points, you’re going to need something a bit bigger...”

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  8. 11 minutes ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

    FLG and NoVa do playtesting for GW, and are jumping into the reduced size. What does that say?


    4 minutes ago, andy said:

    It says, to me, that FLG sells playmats.


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  9. 1 minute ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

    I'm hearing FLG et al are retooling their stuff for the printed size, rather than maintaining the 4x6.  Boise Cup already working on it, too.

    That seems like a big mistake... 

  10. There is a maxim an old history professor of mine taught, he said he’d first learned in medical school: “When you hear hoof beats, look for horses and not zebras.” Apparently young doctors have a habit of looking at a set of symptoms and diagnosing strange and exotic conditions. Some weird tropical disease might be so novel that it sticks in the mind, even though the symptoms also match something commonplace.

    I find this to be a pretty useful rule of thumb in most areas of life. One should never attribute to conspiracy that which is adequately explained by much more mundane matters.

    Does GW want to make a buck? Of course they do. They’re a for-profit company and not a charity.

    But let’s look at the last several years of GW’s history, namely, that they’ve included cardboard or heavy paper maps in WarCry, Warhammer Underworlds, Kill Team, Necromunda, various “quick start” sets for WH40k and AoS, and probably other products I’m forgetting...

    Then let’s look at GW’s long term history, specifically that no previous edition of WH40k (or WHFB/AoS or LotR) has ever specifically stated a required table size. In fact, this is the first time I can recall a core rulebook ever having a suggested table size... and a minimum, not a maximum one, at that.

    Lastly, let’s look at GW’s product line. They don’t sell anything like “map packs” made up of the aforementioned paper stock maps for WH40k... But they do sell multiple variations of the “Realm of Battle” board... for several hundred dollars each. These boards are all made up of 24” x 24 “ tiles and come in sets designed to make 6’ x 4’ arrangements.

    Too many people are looking for zebras.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Romans832 said:

    LOVE ents!

    I hates them. Hates them!

    I don’t play AoS often, but decided I’d give it a go a few years back and settled on Ironjawz as my army of choice. All the fun of getting to play Orcs, but with a low model count army... A few months after I started building that army, Ellie asked me to buy her some Sylvaneth and teach her the game.

    Sylvaneth are basically the “hard counter” to Ironjawz. Ironjawz are a mêlée-only*, low model count, elite army that relies very heavily on crossing the table from deployment zone into close-combat as fast as possible... Sylvaneth are all about rapid re-deployment shenanigans, baiting enemies into tarpits, and have multiple ways heal themselves and debuff enemies. Ironjawz also rely on high Toughness and have pretty lousy Armor, most Sylvaneth units have high Strength and armor-piercing attacks (the AP is low, but good enough to bypass the crap armor of my Orcs).

    We haven’t gotten to play in quite some time (there’s been whole new edition and both of our army books have been rewritten) but that kid kicked her old man’s butt every single time we played.

    * (Apart from the wizard having a few ranged spells, the only ranged attack in the entire army is the breath weapon of the Mawkrusha (big honkin’ dragon/frog/cabbage)... Which is so short-ranged it might as well be a mêlée attack. By the time you’re close enough to use it,  you’re well inside it’s minimum possible charge range.)

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  12. Which of course means this is all about production logistics, and not some giant conspiracy to screw over third-party battle mat manufacturers... Not that any of the chattering ninnies on Facebook, Faeit 212, or BoLs beliver me when I say it. 

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