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Posts posted by Ish

  1. 26 minutes ago, andy said:

    I've been looking for an excuse to replace my 4x6 with a 4x8. Onslaught on a 4x8, baby!

    Bust out your Third Edition big black book and all your trench line terrain, then play Meat Grinder.

  2. Probably because whatever pre-printed map board(s) they are going to include in the boxed sets for Ninth Edition will be based on those dimensions. The map sizes for WarCry and Underworlds were both determined by the size of the maps.

    A sheet of A2 sized paper is 16.5 x 23.4 in, stick four of those side by side in a two by two grid and you’ve got 33” x 46.8”...

    The paper sizes used in the UK and Europe are all designed to mathematical standards where you can double the size of one of the dimensions and get the next size up. So if you “fold” an A1 sheet in half you get an A2 sheet, if you “unfold” a A5 sheet you get an A4 sheet, and so forth.


    Since GW does all their printing in the UK these days, they’ll have printers designed to work with this style of paper sizing. Print a bunch of maps in A2 size, let the machines fold them into A4 size, and then they’ll fit nicely in the box.

    Its how they did the maps for WarCry, Underworlds, Necromunda, etc.

    • Like 6
  3. 15 minutes ago, PumpkinHead said:

    I see lots of rage on the internet about the table size changing. Is there general consensus that the tables are going to 4x5, or are people flipping out for no reason because of not complete information? 

    Considering that every game store, every game club, and every gamer with a homemade table in their basement and/or garage has a 6’ x 4’ table it doesn’t really matter what GW writes in the rulebook: the standard will continue to be 6’ x 4’*.

    GW has never, as far as I can recall, ever given a specific requirement for table size for any of their mainline games... Heck, until the recent releases of WarCry and Underworlds, I can’t remember them ever specifically giving a table size requirement for their spinoff games (board games being the obvious exception, because, you know, board games.)

    I’ve always thought the game would be better on a 6’ x 6’ table or a 4’ x 8’ table (with the default playing across the longer axis). But that’s just too impractical for game stores, church hall tournaments, and people with short arms.

    * (Well, that or 6.56’ x 4.10’ for all those Europeans that just bought a sheet of 2 meter by 1.25 meter particleboard at their local DIY.)

    • Like 1
  4. It’s the “Great Tree,” one of the special tiles unlocked via stretch goal. It’s probably the most difficult to print tile in the entire set, which is why I wanted to use it as my test piece. See below for the preview pic.

    I’ve got a lot of work to do on my other projects, but eventually I plan to crank out a ton of these tiles. The company that’s selling them has been fantastic during the Kickstarter – communicating regularly, updating almost daily, being totally open about some of the delays and hiccups they had... There’s still time to get in on the project as a late backer if anyone is interested.


    • Like 3
  5. 28 minutes ago, WestRider said:

    Also, when do we get actual Primaris Assault Marines, with Jump Packs as well as the chainswords?

    About two years from now when they release the second Codex: Space Marines for this edition.

    • Like 1
  6. A while back, I bought into the Hexton Hills Kickstarter. The first round of files was released just this week and I ran a quick test print today:


    A nasty bit of stringing, but nothing that a few snips and a bit of filing can’t fix. I specifically did this one first, figuring it would be most difficult to print due to the extreme overhang of the tree canopy. Printed it without any support, hence the spaghetti, but otherwise it was a treat.


    • Like 4
  7. The theory is that that Patrol Detachment of Imperial Guard are adding some tactical options that your primary force lacks (in the case of Crimson Fists and mechanized Guard: getting a lot of cheap Troops into scoring positions). 

    • Like 1
  8. Coupled with the previewed changes to make vehicles more well-rounded and... yeah “Footdar” seems like its going away for another edition, I’m also predicting a resurgence of Razorbacks and Devilfish.


  9. Obviously it’s a complicated issue, with a lot of “moving parts,” and I don’t expect that GW will ever get things perfectly perfect.

    But as a general principle, I prefer the idea of adjusting points upward rather than downward.

    If “Human Red-Shirt with Phaser (10 Points)” is being grossly outclassed by “Klingon Warrior with Disruptor (10 Points)” then I’d rather see the Klingon bumped up to 12 Points instead of the Human reduced to 10 Points.

    Lower model count games not only play faster and are easier to transport (benefits for us old neckbeards) they also have a lower barrier to entry and a less daunting painting hurdle (big benefits to the younglings).

    • Like 1

  10. "Finally, as part of developing the new edition, points values were reviewed and have been adjusted UP across every faction. This may sound odd at first, but it yields several benefits. Firstly, games will play faster with, generally speaking, smaller armies on either side"

    Hallelujah. The most recent preview has hinted at something I’ve been wishing for... I doubt we’ll see a return to 300+ Points Tactical Squads (a la Second Edition) but it’s a smart move.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Bosco said:

    The div 2 AI team is halflings?!?

    I'm gonna harvest the crap outta those poor digital bastards!

    You know that by saying this in public, you've guaranteed that Nuffle is going to arrange for the hobbits to win a 6-0 victory, inflict permanent armor debuff injuries on all of your blockers, and kill your best blitzer. 

    • Haha 2
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